
  • 网络multisplitting;multiple fission
  1. 采用改良吉氏染色法观察体外培养的阴道毛滴虫分裂相。结果显示,分裂间期为66.5%,二分裂期为24.1%,多分裂期为9.4%。

    The observation showed that the percentage of Trichomonas vaginalis trophozoites at the stages of interphase , binary fission and multiple fission was66.5 % , 24.1 % and9.4 % respectively .

  2. 并行矩阵多分裂AOR算法的收敛性分析

    Convergence Analysis of the Matrix Multisplitting AOR Algorithm

  3. 给出了当齐次线性方程组的系数矩阵是奇异H矩阵时的矩阵多分裂多参数松弛算法,并讨论其收敛性。

    A general framework of matrix multi-splitting multi-parameter relaxation methods for solving system of linear equations for singular H-matrices set up in this paper . Its convergence is discussed .

  4. 在(3)优化技术的基础上,编制了稀疏线性方程组多分裂求解软件,该软件在分布式并行计算机平台,Linux系统下运行,能够通过简单的操作求解稀疏线性方程组。

    Developed a solving software for sparse linear equations based on optimization of ( 3 ) . The software which run on distributed-memory multi-computer and Linux System can solve sparse matrix by simple operations .

  5. 一类求解非线性代数方程组的并行多分裂AOR算法

    Parallel Multisplitting AOR Method for Solving a Class of System of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations

  6. 常微分方程组初值问题的离散多分裂AOR波形松弛算法及其收敛性分析

    Discrete Multisplitting AOR Waveform Relaxation Algorithm and Its Convergent Analysis for Initial Value Problem of Ordinary Differential Equations

  7. 线性互补问题并行多分裂GAOR方法的收敛性

    Convergence Analysis of the Parallel Multisplitting GAOR Method for Linear Complementarity Problem

  8. 解线性区间方程组的并行多分裂GAOR方法

    Parallel Multisplitting GAOR Method for Solving Linear Interval Equations

  9. 本文在当系数矩阵为非奇异矩阵时,提出了一种新的并行多分裂迭代算法(TOR方法),并研究了当系数矩阵为H-矩阵、M-矩阵时该算法的收敛性。

    In this paper , we give a new parallel multi-splitting iterative method ( TOR method ) when the coefficient matrix is a non-singular matrix , and study the convergences of the algorithm when the coefficient matrix is an H-matrix or M-matrix .

  10. 对于已有求解线性代数方程组的同步与异步并行矩阵多分裂不对称AOR算法,提出了新的有效变形,并在通常的条件下,建立了它们的收敛理论。

    In this paper , new variants of the existing synchronous and asynchronous matrix multisplitting unsymmetric AOR methods for the system of linear equations are obtained , and their convergence theories under the ordinary conditions are established .

  11. 给出了求解大型线性代数方程组的适用于MIMD系统的异步并行多分裂块松弛迭代算法的一般模型,并在系数矩阵为块H-矩阵的条件下建立了该算法模型的收敛性理论。

    This paper has set up a class of asynchronous parallel multisplitting block relaxation iteration algorithms for solving large scale sparse block systems of linear algebraic equations ( MIMD ) . When the coefficient matrices are block H matrices , the convergence of the algorithms are proved .

  12. 非对称线性互补问题的并行二级多分裂迭代法

    A two-stage multi-splitting parallel method for solving non-symmetrical linear complementarity problems

  13. 大型线性最小二乘问题的并行矩阵多分裂松弛算法

    Relaxed parallel multisplitting methods for large scale linear least-square problems

  14. 非线性互补问题的并行多分裂松弛迭代算法

    Relaxed Parallel Multi-splitting Iterative Algorithm for the Nonlinear Complementarity Problem

  15. 解非线性方程组的松弛型并行区间多分裂算法

    Relaxed Parallel Interval Multisplitting Algorithms for Nonlinear Systems of Equation

  16. 大型线性瞬态系统周期响应的多分裂波形松弛方法

    Multisplitting Waveform Relaxation Methods for Large Transient Periodic Systems in Circuit Simulation

  17. 块多分裂方法与预条件子空间迭代方法

    The block multisplitting method and preconditioned Krylov iterative methods

  18. 广义并行多分裂向前向后松弛算法

    Generalized Parallel Multisplitting forward and backward relaxed methods

  19. 松弛型并行多分裂方法解非线性方程组的安全界

    Safe Bounds for the Solutions of Nonlinear Problems Using a Relaxed Parallel Multisplitting Method

  20. 非线性多分裂两侧单调逼近割线法

    Two-side monotone approximate secant method for nonlinear multisplitting

  21. 奇异H-矩阵的多分裂多参数算法

    Multi-splitting and Multi-parameter Arithmetic of the Singular H-matrix

  22. 并行求解线性方程组的非定常二级多分裂迭代方法

    Non Stationary Two Stage Multisplitting Iterative Methods for the Parallel Solutions of Linear Systems

  23. 末日意识块二级多分裂预条件迭代方法

    The block two stage Multisplitting Iterative Method

  24. 对称半正定矩阵的二级多分裂

    Two-stage Multisplitting of Symmetric Positive Semidefinite Matrices

  25. 异步并行矩阵多分裂多参数松弛算法

    Asynchronous parallel matrix multi-splitting multi-parameter relaxation methods

  26. 并行多分裂混乱迭代模型

    Models of Parallel Multisplitting chaotic iterations

  27. 并行二级多分裂迭代方法

    Parallel two-stage Multisplitting Iterative Methods

  28. 松弛多分裂方法的改善

    Improvements of relaxed multisplitting methods

  29. 将波形松弛与多分裂技术结合对大型周期线性瞬态系统进行处理。

    A multisplitting technique is firstly introduced to determine periodic responses of large linear transient systems in waveform relaxation .

  30. 本文给出了求解非奇异线性方程组的矩阵多分裂并行迭代法的一些新的收敛结果。

    We present some new convergence results with regard to parallel matrix multisplitting iterations for the solution of linear systems of equations .