
  • 网络perennials;Perennial flower
  1. 高寒地区因其气候的特殊性,目前在园林绿化中应用的多年生花卉种类偏少,缺少即抗寒又抗旱的多年生花卉资源。

    The particularity of the alpine region because of its climate , types of perennial flowers in landscaping applications less than normal , the lack of cold but also drought perennial flower resources .

  2. 嘉兴市园林中多年生花卉的应用研究

    Research on Utilization of Perennial Herbaceous Flowers in the Garden of Jiaxing City

  3. 百合是百合属(Lilium)植物的统称,为多年生球根花卉,在世界范围内广泛的被用在切花、盆栽、绿化、食用、药用等。

    Lily is referred to the genus Lilium , is a perennial bulbous flowers in the world within a wide range of use in cut flowers , potted plants , greening , edible plants , use in medicinal and others .

  4. 大丽花(Dahliapinnata)为菊科大丽花属多年生球根花卉,常作花境、花坛或盆栽观赏,是世界著名的园林绿化材料。

    Dahlia pinnata , as an perennial flowering bulbs , belongs to the Compositae family Dahlia genus . It is a world-wide famous landscape greening material and is applied in flower borders , flowerbeds and pot flowers .

  5. 伏牛山几种多年生野生花卉资源及其园林应用

    Investigation and landscaping application of perennial wild flowers in Funiu mountains

  6. 开发利用多年生野生花卉资源&介绍几种有引种驯化价值的野生花卉

    Exploitation and Utilization of Perennial Wild Flower Resources

  7. 多年生球根花卉是设计平面花坛的优良材料,色彩艳丽。

    Perennial flower bulbs , colourful and regular , are good materials of designing plane flower beds .

  8. 调查结果表明,木本花卉和多年生草本花卉根部线虫群体结构比较复杂,虫口密度较高。

    There were more complicated population structures and higher population level in the rhizosphere of wood-plants and perennial herbaceous plants .

  9. 三色堇原产欧洲,它是多年生草本花卉,是市场反映极佳且有很好发展前景的花卉。

    The pansy , a perennial herbaceous flower , which comes from Europe , has very bright prospect and is best reflected in the market .

  10. 百合为多年生球根花卉,是世界上重要的鲜切花之一,具有较高的观赏价值和经济价值。

    Lily which belongs to perennial flower bulbs is one of the most important fresh cut flowers around the world . There is extremely high economic value and ornamental value for the species .

  11. 菊花(Chrysanthemummorifolium)是菊科菊属多年生宿根类花卉,世界四大切花之一,具有观赏、食用及药用等多种价值。

    Chrysanthemum ( Chrysanthemum morifolium ) is a perennial root flower in Chrysanthemum ( Composite ), one of the four cut flowers in the world , with many kinds of values like ornamental , medical and edible values .

  12. 唐菖蒲(Gladiolushybridus)是鸢尾科唐菖蒲属多年生单子叶球根花卉,是世界著名的四大切花之一。

    Gladiolus ( Gladiolus hybridus ) is one of perennial and monocotyledonous bulbous flowers , which belongs to the gladiolus of iridaceous and is one of the four world-famous cut flowers .

  13. 香石竹是多年生的草本花卉,作为世界四大切花品种之一,具有很高的观赏价值。

    Carnation is a perennial herb flower which has a high ornamental value and now is one of four major varieties of cut flowers in the world .

  14. 东方百合是百合科百合属多年生球根类花卉,花大美丽,色彩丰富,香味浓郁,具有较高的观赏价值和经济价值,是世界四大切花之一。

    Oriental lily is a perennial Liliaceae , lily bulbs like flowers , big beautiful , rich colors , rich flavor , has a high ornamental value and economic value , is one of the four in the world .

  15. 宿根花卉是一种多年生的草本花卉,具有观赏期长、观赏性高、种类丰富、环境适应性强、管理粗放等优点。

    Perennial flower is a kind of herbaceous flower , which include many species and varieties with long growth period for its beauties , strong ornamental function in population levels , easy to management and no strict restriction on site condition .