
  • 网络peiping;Peking;beijing
北平 [běi píng]
  • [Beiping] 北京旧称

  1. 北平研究院植物学研究所的二十年

    Twenty Years of the Institute of Botany of National Academy of Peiping

  2. 北平的十六所市立中学和二百三十四所小学也相继响应。

    Sixteen municipal high schools and234 primary schools in Peiping followed suit .

  3. 同时发现,北平顶猴外周血单个核细胞对HIV-1易感,不限制HIV-1在细胞内的复制;

    At the same time , Beijing top monkey peripheral blood mononuclear cells susceptible to HIV-1 does not restrict HIV-1 replication in cells ;

  4. 民国时期的北平中医药发展史研究(1912-1949)

    Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Republic of China ( 1912-1949 )

  5. 南京国民政府时期北平的交通管理

    Traffic Management of Transportations in Beijing by Former Kuomintang Government

  6. 我之爱北平也近乎这个。

    The same is true of my love for Peiping .

  7. 日本鬼子闯入北平城是在一九三七年。

    It was in1937 when Japanese soldiers broke into the city Beiping .

  8. 我的心好像早已深深埋在北平的城脚下了。

    My heart seems to root deeply at the foot of beeping city .

  9. 梅兰芳的媒体形象&从北平期刊的视角(1928-1937)

    Mei Lan-fang s Media Image-From the Perspective of Peking Series ( 1928-1937 );

  10. 20世纪30年代北平现代主义诗人文化心态分析

    Analysis of the cultural mentality of the modernist poets in Peiping in 1930s

  11. 北平的科学化运动是各分会中开展最好的一个。

    The Popularization of Science Movement of Beijing did best in all Branchs .

  12. 本文主要考察北平左翼文化运动的发生。

    This paper mainly investigates the occurrence of left-wing cultural movement in Peiping .

  13. 北平热带桐柏山地土壤特性及其合理利用

    Characteristics of soils in Tongbai mountain in North subtropics and their rational utilization

  14. 十六岁时,他到了北平。

    When sixteen , he came to Peiping .

  15. 我想去北平一次,买些药品器材。

    I shall make an attempt to get into Peiping to buy Medical supplies .

  16. 北平师范大学文学院国文学系毕业。

    He graduated from the Chinese department of Literature Istitute of Beijing Normal University .

  17. 〔8〕中国妇女第一次全国代表大会,是一九四九年三月在北平召开的。

    The First National Women 's Congress was held in March 1949 in Peiping .

  18. 北平文化生态(1928&1937)与京派作家的归趋

    The culture ecology of Peiping ( 1928-1937 ) and aggregation of Beijing School Authors

  19. 敌人现时可能估计你们要打北平。

    At present , the enemy is probably calculating that you will attack peiping .

  20. 只要他在北平,她就会找得着!

    As long as he stayed in town , she could hunt him down .

  21. (二)谈判地点:北平。

    Place for the negotiations , Peiping ;

  22. 抗战胜利后于1946年迁回北平。

    In1946 , after the victory of the war , Peking University returned to beiping .

  23. 1928-1931年北平电车纠纷研究

    1928-1931 Year Peking Cable Car Dispute Studies

  24. 1949年4月华北大学迁入北平。

    In April 1949 , Huabei University moved to Beiping ( Beijing at that time ) .

  25. 我不能爱上海与天津,因为我心中有个北平。

    With Peiping possessing my heart , I can never become attached to either Shanghai or Tianjin .

  26. 好学的,爱古物的,人们自然喜欢北平,因为这里书多古物多。

    Those who are studious or archeological like Peiping because there are many old books and antiques .

  27. 无论是在北平、还是在上海,所到之处他都是最有影响力的公众人物。

    In Peiping or in Shanghai he is the most effective public citizen wherever he is found .

  28. 本文研究革命文艺青年于二十世纪三十年代在北平(北京)的文学生活。

    This paper aims at studying the activities of young revolutionary literati in the1930s'Peiping ( Beijing ) .

  29. 1937年七七事变之后,杨刚被迫离开了北平。

    After the " Seventh July Event " in 1937 , Yang Gang had to leave Peking .

  30. 1943年进入上海国立音专随弗兰克尔、谭小麟学习作曲,毕业后在国立北平艺专音乐系任教。

    In1943 she studied music composition with Franker and Tan Xiaolin at the Shanghai State Conservatory of Music .