
  1. 呼吸疾病专家钟南山预计,雾霾的元凶PM2.5将取代吸烟成为肺癌发病的最大风险因素。

    And Zhong Nanshan , a respiratory expert , expects that PM2.5 , a major cause of smog , will replace smoking as the top risk factor for lung cancer .

  2. 钟南山成为共和国勋章建议人选。

    Zhong Nanshan was recommended for the Medal of the Republic nomination .

  3. 中国顶级呼吸专家钟南山被授予共和国勋章。

    China 's top respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan was awarded the Medal of the Republic .

  4. 钟南山重申,在与疫情的斗争中,及早发现和及早隔离至关重要。

    The expert reiterates the importance of early detection and early isolation in the fight against the outbreak .

  5. 呼吸系统科学家钟南山领导了此次会诊,并高度评价了医护人员的辛勤工作。

    Respiratory scientist Zhong Nanshan led the consultation and speaks highly of the medical workers ' hard work .

  6. 该公布引述著名医生钟南山的经历,但他谴责了昨天传说的虚假。

    The publication quoted renowned Dr Zhong Nanshan for the story but he denounced the story as false yesterday .

  7. 此前钟南山的团队曾预测,疫情将在2月中下旬达到高峰。

    Zhong Nanshan 's team previously predicted the peak of the epidemic to arrive in mid to late February .

  8. 越是艰险越向前&钟南山院士的英雄事迹及对我们的启示

    Go forward over hardships and difficulties & The heroic deeds of Academician Zhong Nanshan and the enlightenments towards us

  9. 中国顶级呼吸科专家钟南山,基于中国疫苗的有效性,给出了他的分析。

    While China 's top respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan give his analysis , based on China 's vaccine efficiency .

  10. 钟南山也坚持运动打篮球,每天都跑步。但是人家大年三十上午还在搞研究。

    Although Zhong Nanshan plays basketball and runs everyday , he has studied until the morning on new year eve .

  11. 呼吸内科专家兼中国工程院院士钟南山对石远凯的担忧表示认同。

    Zhong Nanshan , a respiratory expert and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering , echoed Shi ` s concern .

  12. 中国著名呼吸系统专家钟南山预测,中国将在4月底前控制住疫情。

    Renowned Chinese respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan is predicting that China will contain the ongoing epidemic by the end of April .

  13. 呼吸系统专家钟南山预计,疫情可能在未来七到十天达到峰值。

    Respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan is suggesting that the ongoing outbreak may reach its peak in a week to 10 days .

  14. 中国著名呼吸道疾病权威专家钟南山和美国顶级传染病专家安东尼·福奇呼吁全球团结合作,共同抗击疫情。

    Leading Chinese respiratory disease expert Zhong Nanshan and top U.S. infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci have called for global solidarity and cooperation to fight against COVID-19 .

  15. 钟南山表示若要改善全国的空气质量,中国应降低煤的消耗量,使用更好的优质燃料,为企业找到低污染的生产方式。

    Zhong said that to improve air conditions nationwide , China should cut down on the consumption of coal , use better quality fuel and find less-polluting methods for companies .

  16. 该报引用钟南山的话说:“重症(肺炎)病人死了不检测,当普通肺炎就不管不问”。

    The newspaper quoted Zhong as saying : " Some areas have not been testing deaths from severe [ pneumonia ] and treating them as cases of ordinary pneumonia without a question " .

  17. 广州亚运会亚残运会总指挥部成员、广州市副市长曹鉴燎同志在台上迎接火炬,并与钟南山院士共同点燃火种盆!

    Cao Jianliao , member of the Guangzhou Asian Para Games General Headquarters and Deputy Mayor of Guangzhou , took over the torch on the platform , and lit up the cauldron together with Zhong .