
wù xū biàn fǎ
  • the Reform Movement of 1898 ;the Hundred Days Reform
  1. 戊戌变法与中国近代社会的构建

    The Reform Movement of 1898 And the Modernization of Chinese Society

  2. 戊戌变法中维新派的激进与保守&浅析戊戌变法失败的原因

    An Analysis of Causes for Failure in the Reform Movement of 1898

  3. 戊戌变法与近代科学技术的传播

    The Reform Movement Of 1898 And Spread Of Modern Science and Technology

  4. 戊戌变法是一次资产阶级性质的革命运动。

    The Reform Movement of 1898 is a revolutionary movement of bourgeois nature .

  5. 西方传教士与戊戌变法

    Western missionaries and the Reform Movement of 1848

  6. 戊戌变法失败以后,康有为流亡海外,在游历、考察许多西方国家后,他提出了物质救国的方策。

    After the failure of the Reform Movement of 1898 , Kang Youwei exiled himself overseas .

  7. 戊戌变法运动是中国近代史上有着深刻影响的一场社会变革运动。其间,有洋务新秀之称,并握有地方实权的湖广总督张之洞,对变法的成败曾起过举足轻重的作用。

    The Reform Movement of 1898 was a social reform with significant influence in modern Chinese history .

  8. 对封建宗法性特征的挑战,始于戊戌变法后一代代先进的中国知识分子。

    Challenges against patriarchal-feudalism came from progressive intellectuals in the wake of the Reform Movement of 1898 .

  9. 新文化的起源&纪念戊戌变法一百周年

    The Origin of New Culture

  10. 戊戌变法后,游历欧美的经历,使康有为思想发生了变化。

    After the Reform Movement of1898 , the experience of travelling in Europe and America changed the thought of Kang Youwei .

  11. 关于明治维新和戊戌变法的成败比较

    A Comparison between the Success of the Meiji Reformation of Japan and the Failure of the Reform Movement of 1898 in China

  12. 太平天国运动,戊戌变法,义和团运动,不甘屈服的中国人民一次次抗争,但又一次次失败。

    The unyielding Chinese people had struggled to fight in Taiping Rebellion , Hundred Days'Reform , Boxer Uprising , but in vain .

  13. 戊戌变法失败后政治环境恶化,梁启超将文学革命推进到一个新阶段。

    The political environment aggravated after the failure of the Reform Movement of 1898 , and Liang Qichao promoted literary innovation into a new period .

  14. 戊戌变法作为中国现代化的一次尝试,虽然未取得预期的成效,但它革旧俗、变科举、废八股、兴办新式学堂,发动了近代中国的第一个思想启蒙运动。

    As an attempt to modernizing China , the Hundred Days Reform in1898 failed , but its reforming drove the first enlightenment movement in modem China .

  15. 本文论述了戊戌变法前后湖南维新运动中精英集团的分裂以及由此衍生的社会冲突状况。

    This paper describes the breakup of elites group and social conflict derived from this breakup during the Constitutional Reform and Modernization of 1848 in Hunan Province .

  16. 他对佛学的研究主要集中在从戊戌变法到辛亥革命和从欧洲回来到逝世这两段时间内。

    His study of Buddhism focused on the period from the Reform Movement to the Revolution of 1911 and the period he came back from Europe to his death .

  17. 从社会文化角度看明治维新与戊戌变法成败之原因

    The Reason for the Success of the Meiji Reformation of Japan ( 1868 ) And the Failure of the Reform Movement of 1898 From the Angle of Social Culture

  18. 然后通过对戊戌变法这一托古改制的典型案例的多方面介绍,从而来分析在托古改制思维模式下的改革中托古改制被采用的动因与价值。

    Then through explain the Hundred Days Reform which is the typical of the reform according to ancient tradition , that to analyzes the motives and values of it in the reformation .

  19. 克罗齐说,一切历史都是当代史。在戊戌变法百年后的今天,让我们听一听当代学者是怎样审视戊戌变法的。

    Croce said that all the history was the contemporary history . Today , it is100 years after the Reform Movement of1898 . Let 's read what the author writes about that movement .

  20. 以近代戊戌变法和辛亥革命这两次极具代表性的重大历史事件为例,揭示维新派的政治激进主义、新兴资产阶级制度西方化等政治变革所存在的局限。

    Taking two representative events & Modern Reform Movement of 1898 and 1911 Revolution as the examples , the paper expounds the limitations existing in the political radicalism of reforming clique and the westernized system of emerging bourgeoisie .

  21. 摘要戊戌变法时期,改革科举、倡导西学、成立译书局、创办科学学会以及引进科学理论等,对中国近代社会与教育发展产生了深远的影响。

    It has deeply affected the development of Chinese modern education and society through reforming imperial examinations , advocating western study , establishing translation press , setting up science academy , and introducing science theories during Wuxu political reform .

  22. 不过,一些城市从戊戌变法时已试办地方自治,其中以上海、天津两个地域的章程最为完备,且最具成效,遂成为全国各地模仿的对象。

    But , some of cities had already tried local autonomy from the time of " Wuxu . bianfa ", those regulations of Shanghai and Tianjin were most complete and effective , and they gradually became the model of whole country .

  23. 戊戌变法失败后,通过对前一阶段的反思,梁启超系统的提出了新民学说,其民权思想也以改造国民,塑造现代人为主要内容。

    After the failure of this reform movement rethinking the last stage , Liang Qichao put forward the " innovating people " doctrine , and his people-centered doctrine also changed to the main idea as to transform people and mould modern man .

  24. 在中国近代史上,康有为无疑是个十分重要的人物,仅作为戊戌变法的领导者、资产阶级维新运动的领袖来说,就足以令他彪炳史册。

    No doubt , Kang Youwei is a very important person in Chinese modern and contemporary history . His sole achievement as the leader of the Reform Movement of 1898 and the leader of Bourgeoisie Movement of Reform can keep his position in history .

  25. 戊戌变法失败后,梁启超亡命日本,倡导新民学说和文界革命,反省传统,介绍西方资产阶级学说,是五四新文化运动的思想先驱,对五四知识分子产生了极大的影响。

    After the failure of Reform Movement of 1898 , Liang Qichao , who fled to Japan , exercised great influence on the May 4th intellectuals by advocating the " New Citizen " Doctrine and " Literary Revolution ", introducing the Western ideas , and reflecting on the tradition .