
  • 网络peking university library
  1. 北京大学图书馆国际交换管理系统的特点及工作建议

    Characteristics of the International Exchange Management System of Peking University Library

  2. 数字图书馆门户与自动化系统的融合及实现&以北京大学图书馆为案例研究

    Integration of Digital Library Portal and Library Automation System & A Case Study of Peking University Library

  3. 北京大学图书馆系统的规划与建设

    The Library System Planning and Construction in Peking University

  4. 李大钊在北京大学图书馆的实践活动述略

    Li Dazhao 's Practical Activities at Beijing University Library

  5. 北京大学图书馆信息资源共享模式探讨

    Discussion on the Sharing Modes of Information Resources in Libraries of Peking University

  6. 介绍了最近5年来,北京大学图书馆用户培训服务以及文献检索课的发展情况。

    This paper introduces the development of information literacy in Peking University Library in the recent 5 years .

  7. 目前,国家图书馆、北京大学图书馆和上海图书馆等积极探讨中文元数据标准的制定。

    At present , National library , Beijing University library and Shanghai library probe actively into the formulation of Chinese metadata standard .

  8. 在《中国分类主题词表》和北京大学图书馆提供的5千余条计算机科技领域的书目数据上所进行实验证明了文中所述的方法是可行的、有效的。

    An experiment was conducted on the Chinese Classification and Thesaurus and a corpus of 5 thousands bibliographic data of computing domain .

  9. 北京大学图书馆学情报学系浅析民办高校图书馆网站的建设&以武汉生物工程学院图书馆为例

    Analysis on the Construction of the library Website of Private Colleges & A Case Study on the Library Website of Wuhan Bioengineering Institute

  10. 本文探讨了学术性的大学图书馆网站应当实现的任务,并以香港大学图书馆和北京大学图书馆为例,比较了两者在网站设计思路上的异同。

    This paper compares the Webpage design at Hong Kong University Library and Peking University Library , and discusses the mission of Web page construction in university libraries .

  11. 介绍了北京大学图书馆编目部机构调整与管理改革情况。高校图书馆编目部图书积压的原因及对策

    This paper introduces the organization streamlining and management reform of the Cataloging Department in Peking University Library . Reasons and Countermeasures that Library Books are Put off in Catalogue Department

  12. 《山东精神医学》2001~2003年论著分析论高校图书馆电子版学位论文的保存与管理工作&以北京大学图书馆为例

    An analysis of the articles of Shandong Archives of Psychiatry from 2001 to 2003 . Archives Management of Electronic Theses and Dissertations Taking the Peking University Library as an Example

  13. 笔者根据从事国际交换工作的经验和体会,简述了北京大学图书馆国际交换工作的现状,国际交换管理系统的特点,并对工作中存在的问题提出了一些建设性意见。

    According to the experience of the international exchange tasks of Peking University Library , describes the present situation of the tasks and the characteristics of the international exchange system , and some suggestions and views are proposed .

  14. 自1925年到1949年,它分别赞助了国立北平图书馆、武昌文华图书馆专科学校、北京大学图书馆、清华大学图书馆、科学社明复图书馆等图书馆,有力地推动了我国图书馆事业的发展。

    From 1925 to 1949 , the Foundation aided respectively the library of Beijing University , the library of Qinghua University , Boone Library School and the library of Science Technology Society . These aids pushed the development of libraries in China at that time .

  15. 北京大学图书馆和北京高校图书馆期刊工作研究会对国内中文期刊作了全面、系统、精细的研究,出版了成果,并从众多期刊中筛选出核心期刊,列出了名录。

    A comprehensive , systematic and elaborate study has been carried out by Library of Beijing University and the Library Journal Symposium of Colleges and Universities of Beijing , which has not only published its achievements but also selected and listed core journals out of the many journals published nationwide .

  16. 文章基于北京大学数字图书馆项目,详尽阐述了一个典型的支持OAI-PMH互操作体系结构的完整的设计与实现;

    On the basis of the Digital Library project , this paper elaborates the design and implementation of an integral and typical interoperable architecture supporting OAI-PMH .

  17. 介绍在实施基于问题学习(PBL)的试点教学改革中北京大学医学图书馆采用的一种新的信息素质教育方法,即将图书馆的信息素质教育内容整合到PBL教学课程中的方法;

    The Health Science Library of Peking University adopts a new method for library information literacy education in the problem - based learning ( PBL ) activities , which integrates the content of information literacy education to the course of the PBL teaching .

  18. 本文从历史发展的角度讨论NDC与中图法的异同,以此揭示日本体育大学图书馆和北京体育大学图书馆在文献整理上的差异。

    From the angel of history , this paper discusses differences in the library documentation classifying between Nippon Sport Science University and Beijing Sport University through the comparison of Nippon Decimal Classification and Chinese Library Classification .

  19. 同时介绍北京大学数字图书馆门户的实施。

    Besides , it introduces Peking University digital library portal implementation .

  20. 迎接21世纪的北京联合大学图书馆

    Beijing Union University 's Library is Welcoming the 21st Century

  21. 北京工商大学图书馆建筑设计特点

    The Characteristics of the Library Architectural Design of Beijing Technology and Business University

  22. 奥林匹克信息资源专题数据库建设实践&以北京体育大学图书馆为例

    Establishment of Olympic Information Database & Practices in the Library of Beijing Sport University

  23. 学位论文电子文本的收缴与服务&以北京师范大学图书馆为例

    Collection and Service of Electronic Version of the Thesis & Taking Beijing Normal University Library as an Example

  24. 深化多媒体阅览室的多样化服务功能&北京林业大学图书馆用户调查问卷分析

    Deepen the Diversified Service Function of Multimedia Reading Room & Analysis of User 's Questionnaire of Beijing Forestry Library

  25. 通过对北京大学数字图书馆中文元数据标准框架的主要内容及应用实例的介绍,阐述了中文元数据标准制定的原则、方法和工作流程。

    By introducing the Chinese Metadata Standard Framework of Peking University Digital Library and its applications , this paper discusses the foundations , methods and workflow for designing Chinese metadata standard .

  26. 本文主要论述图书馆自动化系统在转换过程中遇到的问题和北京工商大学图书馆在自动化转换过程中取得的经验。

    This article mainly discusses the problems the library automation system is confronted with in its transformation process and the experiences of the library of Beijing Commerce University in the transformation of library automation system .

  27. 整旧如新融新于旧&记北京航空航天大学图书馆改造设计

    Repairing the Old as Good as New , Assimilating the New into the Old & The Remodeling Design for the Library of Beijing Aerospace University

  28. 北京中医药大学图书馆已形成了一个以中医药文献为主、西医文献为辅、兼容其它学科的藏书体系。

    The University Library has already become a system in which literature of Chinese medicine , Western medicine and other branches of sciences is stored .

  29. 北京理工大学图书馆通过自行开发的手机短信息系统,实现了流通借阅通知的实时提醒。

    It introduced the development of a short message system of Beijing Institute of Technology library for sending library circulation information such as the books due and available holds .

  30. 本文结合北京邮电大学数字图书馆建设实际,对数字资产采集、数据描述标准、数字资产管理系统和存储系统等问题进行了相关研究与实践,提出了图书馆数字资产管理技术方案。

    Based on the digital library practice of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications , it makes a research on digital asset collection , data describing standard , digital asset management system and storage system . The technical scheme for library digital asset management is then provided .