
  • Jiangxi Province
  1. 江西省主要地方鸡种的RAPD分析及其群体遗传关系的研究

    Study on Population Genetic Relationships among Jiangxi Native Chicken Breeds by RAPD Analysis

  2. 江西省有色金属工业规模化发展的历史机遇

    A History Chance on the Scale Development of Jiangxi Nonferrous Metals Industry

  3. 加入WTO后江西省体育可持续发展的研究

    Research on Sports Sustaining Development after Entering WTO in Jiangxi

  4. 江西省余江县水稻土的pH状况

    The pH Status of Paddy Soils in Yujiang County , Jiangxi Province

  5. 加入WTO对江西省不同区域农民收入影响的实证研究

    Influence of China Entrance to WTO on Farmer 's Income in Different Area of Jiangxi

  6. 基于GIS的江西省中低产田等级评价和改造研究

    A Study on the Grade Evaluation and Reformation of Medium and Low Yield Paddy Field in Jiangxi Province by Means of GIS

  7. 江西省HBV基因变异情况及其与慢性乙肝临床表现和抗病毒疗效关系的研究

    The Study on Relation between Genovariation of HBV in Jiangxi Province and Clinic of CHB and Effect of Antiviral

  8. 3S技术在江西省再生稻种植气候可行性研究中的应用

    Application of " 3S " Technology in Climatic Feasibility Study of Ratooning Paddy Growing in Jiangxi Province

  9. 江西省水土流失数据库平台的选择和ADO方法的应用

    The choice of the database of soil and water loss in Jiangxi Province and the application of ADO method

  10. 方法应用Maslow的需要层次理论为框架访谈了江西省某医院11位住院病人和8位临床护士。

    Methods 11 inpatients and 8 clinical nurses were interviewed within the framework of Maslow 's Theory of Need .

  11. 江西省东部5A级景区的门票价格在长假期间保持稳定。

    In the eastern Jiangxi Province , ticket prices to its top-rating 5A scenic spots remain stable during the holiday .

  12. 方法从1995年6月1日至2002年12月31日,对江西省4个地区20050名≥40岁农村女性居民进行了队列研究。应用非条件Logistic回归进行统计学分析。

    Methods A cohort study was carried out in 20 050 females aged 40 years and over in four counties from June 1,1995 through December 31, 2002.All data was analyzed with non-conditional Logistic regression .

  13. 本文利用1987年8月在江西省寻乌发生的三次5.0级以上地震的记录资料,讨论了我国东南地区πg波的传播特征。

    Using the data of the three earthquakes ( M_L > 5.0 ) which occurred in Xunwu , Jiangxi Province in August 1987 , we have discussed a travel characteristics of the π _g wave in Southeastern China .

  14. 江西省BL-1型火箭增雨作业技术方法研究

    Research On Technique Method Of Artificial Rain Operation By BL-1 Rocket

  15. 鉴于MODIS数据具有大覆盖面积、高时间分辨率、较高光谱分辨率并可以免费获取等优点,以江西省为研究区,选取MODIS数据监测水稻长势动态。

    Considering MODIS data has the advantage of big coverage 、 high time resolution 、 higher spectral resolution 、 free access , etc , we select MODIS data to monitor crop growth .

  16. 本文分析了中国加入WTO后江西省的教育人才培养现况,提出了在新世纪全方位开发、维护和引进教育资源,加速培养人才的战略构想。

    This paper analyses the status quo of fostering of education talents of Jiangxi province after China entered WTO and puts forward the strategic tentative ideas of fully developing 、 defending and introducing education resource in the new century to quicken the fostering of talents .

  17. 结论江西省各地区献血员中存在SENV感染。

    Conclusion The infection of SENV exists in the blood donators of Jiangxi province .

  18. 方法对江西省1995~2001年11个设区的市性病年报资料及人口数据用性病疫情软件及EPIinfo软件进行统计分析。

    Methods STD case - reporting data collected from 11 cities and population data of Jiangxi province from 1995 to 2001 were analyzed with the special softwares of the National STD Database Management System and Epi - Info .

  19. 利用DEA对江西省港口物流经济发展的资料与数据进行分析,得出其发展效率的评价。(5)江西省港口物流可持续发展的对策。

    Information and data of the economic development of port logistics in Jiangxi Province were analyzed by DEA , and through which get the evaluation of the efficiency of its development ( 5 ) Strategies of sustainable development of port logistics in Jiangxi province .

  20. 通过对江西省近几年来220kV线路跳闸进行统计分析,得出雷击跳闸的迅猛攀升是江西省线路跳闸率居高不下的主要原因这一结论。

    Through statistically analyzing 220 kV line tripping in recent years , Gains the conclusion that lightning trip-out rapid rising is the main reason of high line trip-out rate in Jiangxi .

  21. 以江西省1085户农户问卷调查数据为基础,利用Logit模型对农产品营销中影响农户合作意愿的因素进行了计量经济分析。

    Based on data obtained from questionnaires on 1 085 farming households in Jiangxi Province , the paper conducts econometric analysis of factors that affect farmers ' readiness to cooperate in marketing the agricultural products by making use of the Logit modal .

  22. 运用在江西省兴国县、上饶县和余江县的样本村农户调查资料,通过建立土地流转与农户水土保持相互关系模型,运用Heckman的两阶段法对模型参数进行了估计。

    Given that , the article established models for the relations between the land market and soil & water conservation , and the models ' parameters were estimated with Heckman 's two-stage approach by using the farm household questionnaires in Xingguo , Shangrao and Yujiang counties of Jiangxi province .

  23. 江西省利用外资提升自主创新能力的机制研究

    Jiangxi Province Use Foreign Capital Promotion Independent Innovation Ability Mechanism Research

  24. 江西省公路网规划对景观格局的影响分析

    Analysis Method of impact of road network plan to landscape pattern

  25. 江西省湖口&彭泽地区第四系研究新进展

    New progress in Quaternary study in HUKOU-PENGZE area , jiangxi Province

  26. 对江西省近年来试卷难度的抽样结果进行了统计分析;

    To analysis the results of spot check in recent years ;

  27. 江西省1960年以来气温和降水变化趋势分析

    Analysis On Temperature And Precipitation Change Tendency From 1960 To Date

  28. 江西省粮食产量预警系统研究

    The Study on the Early Warning System of Jiangxi Grain Yield

  29. 江西省农村扶贫监测评价体系研究

    Research on Jiangxi Province Rural Poverty Alleviation Monitoring and Evaluation System

  30. 江西省地质构造格架及地壳演化

    The geological tectonic framework and the crustal evolution in Jiangxi Province