
jiāng nán
  • Jiangnan;regions south of the Yangtze River;south of the Changjiang River;south of the lower reaches of the Changjiang River
江南 [jiāng nán]
  • (1) [south of the lower reaches of the Changjiang River]∶长江下游以南的地区,就是江苏、安徽两省的南部和浙江省的北部

  • 江南草长,杂花生树。--南朝梁. 丘迟《与陈伯之书》

  • 江南好风景。--唐. 杜甫《江南逢李龟年》

  • 能不忆江南。--唐. 白居易《忆江南》

  • 春风又绿江南岸。--宋. 王安石《泊船瓜洲》

  • (2) [south of the Changjiang River]∶泛指长江以南

  • 江南出楠梓。--《史记.货殖列传》

江南[jiāng nán]
  1. 这在文化方面表现尤为突出,江西文化成为了当时先进江南文化的一个重要部分。

    At that time , Jiangxi 's culture was an important part of the advanced culture in the regions south of the Yangtze River .

  2. 以中国传统的“天人合一”自然观为指导的江南古典园林,在浓缩自然、模山范水的过程中,实际上也营造了符合一定生态规律并且能满足当时特定环境容量要求的人工生态环境。

    Historic gardens in regions south of the Yangtze River , built up based on Chinese traditional viewpoint on nature , conform to certain ecological rules and establish artificial ecological environments .

  3. 此处风光赛过江南。

    The scenery here surpasses that of the lower reaches of the Changjiang River .

  4. 江南一带雨量充足。

    The area south of the Yangtze River enjoys plentiful rainfall .

  5. 人人尽说江南好。(韦庄《菩萨蛮》)

    Everyone is full of praise for the beauty of the south .

  6. 这里山清水秀,宛然江南风景。

    The scenery here is very charming , just like the countryside south of the Chang Jiang river .

  7. 2012年,一位名叫Psy的韩国音乐家发布了一首名为《GangnamStyle》(江南风格)的歌曲。

    In 2012 , a South Korean musician named Psy released a song called " Gangnam Style " .

  8. “江南风格”对世界流行文化产生了巨大的影响。

    " Gangnam Style " had a huge influence on world popular culture .

  9. “江南风格”越来越不流行,但"韩流"文化依然风靡全球。

    " Gangnam Style " became less and less popular , the " Korean Wave " of culture remains popular all over the world .

  10. 江南锦绣金陵风雅情呀

    It is the beauty of the South , the elegance of Nanking .

  11. 《江南style》一经发布便获得了热烈反响。

    The Gangnam Style has received warm responses once it released .

  12. 长沙湘江南大桥V形腿设计与分析

    Shape Shadow Design and Analysis of V-Type Support of South Bridge over Xiangjiang River

  13. 赣皖乌头A.江南皖浙赣区段混杂岩带及其区域构造意义

    Melange in anhui-zhejiang-jiangxi boundary area , jiangnan and its tectonic significance

  14. 江南星蕨挥发油的提取与化学成分的GC-MS分析

    Extraction of essential oil from microsorium fortunei and its analysis by GC-MS

  15. 有位采访者对奥巴马是否也喜欢《江南style》非常好奇,这也是奥巴马总统被问到的最难回答的一个问题。

    The hardest-hitting question President Obama has been asked yet was put forth by an interviewer curious as to whether or not the president had caught Gangnam fever yet .

  16. 最先发出这一消息的Billboard,在之前还发出过报道,说《江南Style》是Youtube上被喜欢次数做多的视频。

    According to Billboard , who first reported to the news , the South Korean rapper previously broke YouTube 's record for the most liked video as well .

  17. 于otis苏州子公司苏州江南快速电梯有限公司技术部工作。

    Had worked in technique department of Suzhou Jiangnan express elevator co. , ltd , a member of otis .

  18. 它是江南&雪峰基底拆离推覆体由SE向NW方向水平挤压作用下中上扬子古生界盆地沉积盖层产生递进(衰减)变形的结果。

    When the Jiangnan-Xuefeng basement decoupling nappe horizontally extruded from SE to NW , the sedimentary cover of Middle-Upper Palaeozoic basin progressively ( decreasingly ) deformed and resulted in kink structure .

  19. 东乡铜矿位于萍乡&广丰EW向深大断裂与赣东北深断裂的切交接部位,又恰好处于江南地体与华夏地体的衔接地带。

    Dongxiang copper deposit located in the transition zone between Pingxiang-Guangfeng deep faults and northeast Jiangxi deep faults , and in the transition zone between Cathaysia and Jiangnan terrains .

  20. 对我国江南丘陵林区森林土壤微量元素(B、Mo、Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn)的含量、分布及影响因子进行了研究。

    This paper deals with the content level , the distribution regularity and the affecting factors of microelements ( B , Mo , Cu , Zn , Fe , Mn ) in soils of hilly forest area in the south of Yangzi River .

  21. 本文主要是利用水汽图像和HLAFS数值模式计算方法从定性到定量地研究1998年6月12日~14日江南北部的一次大暴雨过程。

    In this paper rain gush process over the north section of the south of Changjiang River during 12-14 of June , 1998 was studied qualitatively and quantitatively by moisture image and HLAFS numerical model .

  22. 游人只合江南老。

    Travelers should only stay till they are in age advanced .

  23. 江南东段构造格架

    The structural framework of the eastern section of the Jiangnan orogen

  24. 江南水网地区软土环境长输管道风险评价

    Pipeline Risk Assessment in Jiangnan River Network Region with Soft Clay

  25. 明清江南园林建筑装修探析

    Research on Fitment of Garden Building in Ming and Qing Dynasties

  26. 江南古典园林旅游功能缺失研究

    Study on the Lack of Tourism Function of Chinese Classic Garden

  27. 近代江南双层地权研究

    On the Dual Land Property - right System in Modern Jiangnan

  28. 传统的现代&江南园林空间遐思

    The Modern Tradition & Pondering on the Gardens of South China

  29. 长沙湘江南大桥桥型方案论证

    Scheme Demonstration of Bridge Type of South Bridge over Xiangjiang River

  30. 江南地域居住环境中的水生态处理

    Water eco-treatment in residential environments of the Jiangnan region , China