
  • 网络Edo Bakufu;Tokugawa shogunate;Edo Shogunate;shogunate
  1. 20年后,江户幕府暴虐的封建专制面临着愈来愈大的压力。

    Two decades later the despoticfeudalism of the Tokugawa shogunate was under greater strain .

  2. 自江户幕府末期锁国体制被打破以后,日本一些有识之士开始关注海外世界,屡有出游海外并以文字记录域外体验者。

    Since the end of the tokugawa shogunate edo , the " seclusion system " was broken , some insight Japanese began to pay close attention to the Overseas world , and often had someone who traveled overseas and wrote down the records about the foreign experience .

  3. 日本朱子学从原来的一种文化修养转而作为一种伦理道德和思想文化在江户幕府时期急速兴起有其深刻的社会背景。

    Zhu Xi 's philosophy promptly boomed during the Edo shogunate period in Japan from original a kind of improvement manner changing into ethical moral culture , which had profound social background .

  4. 江户幕府初期,日本实行自由的海外贸易政策,鼓励华商赴日贸易,但不久就开始向锁国体制下的贸易统制政策转变。

    In the early Edo Period of Japan , the government carried out free trade policy to encourage the Chinese merchants to trade with Japanese , but this kind of policy transformed into Closed-door Policy soon .