
  • 网络The Jianghan Plain
  1. 江汉平原农田生态系统B素循环及平衡分析

    Balance of Boron in Farmland Ecosystem in Calcareous Alluvial Soil of Jianghan Plain in Hubei Province

  2. 江汉平原渍害损失研究中DEM的应用

    The DEM application to the estimation of waterlogging loss in Jianghan Plain

  3. 江汉平原上空Q(TEC)变化特征的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of Q_ ( TEC ) Variation over Jianghan Plain

  4. 文章以江汉平原湿地监测为例,就3S技术在湿地监测中的应用做了说明。

    It is explained that 3S technology application in wetland monitoring take Jianghan plain wetland monitor for example .

  5. 于是,论文以此减灾措施为研究对象,建立了二元logistics模型,分析影响江汉平原农户减灾措施需求的主要因素。

    This chapter uses this measure as the study object , and builds a binary logistics regression model to analyze and find the main factors which affect farmers ' choice of mitigation measures in Jianghan Plain .

  6. 运用倒置W9点取样法对江汉平原麦棉套作农田杂草调查,结果表明该地区麦田杂草有14科23种,其中禾本科杂草占27%,阔叶杂草占69%,莎草科占4%。

    Field weed survey was conducted using an inverted W-pattern with 9 sampling points in Jianghan Plain . Of the 23 weed species recorded in wheat feilds , 27 % accounted for monocots and 69 % for dicots .

  7. 构建江汉平原农产品加工业产业链的设想

    An Imagination of Building the Industry Chains of Agro-Industry in Jianghan-Plain

  8. 江汉平原渍害田生态特征的研究

    Study on the ecological characteristics of waterlogging field in Jianghan Plain

  9. 江汉平原杨树人工林土壤养分状况评价

    Evaluation on Soil Nutrient Status of Poplar Plantation in Jianghan Plain

  10. 江汉平原湿地生态脆弱性评估与生态恢复

    Evaluation on vulnerability of wetland and ecological rehabilitation of Jianghan Plain

  11. 江汉平原水资源保护及战略对策研究

    Research on Water Resource Protection and Strategic Countermeasure in JiangHan Plain

  12. 外部性与江汉平原农村饮水安全治理

    Externality and treatment of rural drinking water safety in Jianghan Plain

  13. 江汉平原涝渍地土壤中苄嘧磺隆的残留动态初探

    Residue Dynamics Analysis of Bensulfuron-methyl in Waterlogged-land Soil of Jianghan Plain

  14. 江汉平原是我国的典型湿地分布区。

    Jianghan Plain is a typical wetland distribution area in China .

  15. 江汉平原的芦苇土壤资源和开发利用

    Resources of reed soil in the Jianghan Plain and their exploitation

  16. 江汉平原湿地资源生物的可持续利用

    Sustainable Utilization of Biological Resources on the Wetland of Jianghan Plain

  17. 江汉平原北缘的下更新统

    The lower Pleistocene series on the northern edge of Jianghan Plain

  18. 江汉平原疫区居民血防知识与行为调查分析

    Knowledge and Behavior Investigation of Prevent Schistosomiasis of Jianghan Plain 's People

  19. 江汉平原林业用地土壤质量模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy Multifactorial Evaluation of soil quality of woods site in Jianghan Plain

  20. 江汉平原土地利用/土地覆盖动态变化监测

    Monitoring Land Use / Cover Dynamic Change in Jianghan Plain

  21. 江汉平原农作物种植结构调整模型及建议

    Optimization Model and Suggestions for Crop Planting Adjustment in the Jianghan Plain

  22. 江汉平原土地资源数据库的建立与功能

    Establishment and function of the database for land resource in Jianghan Plain

  23. 江汉平原第四纪地层划分与古气候分期

    The stratigraphic division and palaeoclimate-divided stage of Quaternary period in Jianghan Plain

  24. 江汉平原水稻实用数值估产模型

    Practical numeric model of rice yield estimation in Jianghan Plain

  25. 江汉平原线性构造与重力异常图象

    Images of gravity anomaly and linear structures in Jianghan Basin

  26. 近500年江汉平原湖区土地开发的历史反思

    Historical thought on land exploitation in recent 500 years in Jianghan plain

  27. 武汉地处江汉平原,有独特的气候特征,夏季高温、昼夜温差较小;冬季寒冷潮湿。

    Wuhan is located in the Jianghan Plain which has unique climate .

  28. 江汉平原棉区棉花生产中存在的问题与对策

    Present problems and countermeasures of cotton production in Jianghan plain cotton area

  29. 江汉平原湿地农业技术体系探讨

    On the technological systems for wetland farming in Jianghan Plain

  30. 江汉平原潮土植棉施钾增产效果

    Effects of K Fertilizer on cotton in alluvial soil of Jiang-Han plain