
  1. 阿里巴巴集团原先的竞争对手是ebay等国外公司,此举将使该集团与一个由国内外公司组成的新联盟展开竞争。

    That will put the group , which has competed with foreign rivals such as eBay , in competition with a whole new League of foreign and domestic companies .

  2. 这与ebay和雅虎等公司在本世纪初的5年内面对的市场完全相反。

    This is a complete reversal of the market that companies such as eBay and Yahoo faced in the first half of this decade .

  3. 上周四,阿里巴巴创始人、董事长马云(jackma)宣布,在中国国内市场上击败了ebay的电子商务公司淘宝网(taobao)将被一分为三。

    On Thursday , Jack Ma , founder and chairman , announced a restructuring under which Taobao , the e-commerce company which defeated eBay in the Chinese domestic market , will be split into three units .