
  1. 蘑菇街CEO陈琪将出任新公司CEO一职。

    Mogujie founder Chen Qi will become the CEO of the merged company .

  2. 蘑菇街拥有1亿3000万注册用户。

    Mogujie has 130 million registered users .

  3. 中国时尚电子商务网站蘑菇街已宣布与腾讯支持的竞争对手美丽说合并。

    China 's fashion e-commerce service Mogujie.com has announced a merger with Tencent-backed competitor Meilishuo.com .

  4. 线上年轻女性购物社区蘑菇街,自去年6月接入小程序后,转化率实现两倍以上增长。转化率是指下单量占总浏览量的比例。

    Mogujie , an online shopping community for young women , saw the site 's conversion rate -- the percentage of people placing orders from all browsers -- more than double since the introduction of their miniprogram in June .