
  1. 淘宝网上的卖家大多是小商家,而天猫商城则有耐克(Nike)和Gap等大品牌入驻。

    Sellers on Taobao are mostly small merchants , while Tmall hosts major brands such as Nike and Gap .

  2. 包括澳大利亚邮政(AustraliaPost)、新加坡邮政(SingaporePost)、巴西邮政(BrazilianPost)和法国邮政(FrenchLaPoste)在内,其他多家境外邮政运营商也已经和天猫达成了协议。

    Other overseas operators have also struck deals with Tmall , including Australia Post , Singapore Post , the Brazilian Post and the French La Poste .

  3. 其中的淘宝类似eBay,它为小商户提供了一个交易市场。而天猫则为包括GapInc.在内的品牌零售商提供网上店面。

    Taobao is an eBay-like marketplace for small merchants , while Tmall hosts online storefronts for retailers including brands such as Gap Inc. ( GPS ) .

  4. 到目前为止,阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroupHolding)一直在中国电子商务市场占据支配地位,旗下的淘宝(Taobao)和天猫(Tmall)网站吸引着数以亿计的网购者。

    Alibaba Group Holding has so far dominated China 's e-commerce market , and its Taobao and Tmall marketplaces continue to attract hundreds of millions of online shoppers .

  5. 阿里巴巴旗下最有名的是电子商务零售网站淘宝(Taobao)和天猫(Tmall),不过其b2b网站也十分成功。

    Alibaba is better known for its retail ecommerce websites Taobao and Tmall , but the business-to-business sites are also successful .

  6. 在迎合高端市场的天猫网站上,各品牌直接面向消费者销售。微软(Microsoft)、乐高(Lego)和彪马(Puma)等大公司均在天猫上设有官方店铺。

    Tmall , its upscale website where brands sell directly to consumers , hosts portals for big companies like Microsoft , Lego and Puma .

  7. 调查涉及6个电子商务网站,其中有两个在阿里巴巴集团旗下:天猫(Tmall)和淘宝。

    It investigated six ecommerce sites , including two owned by Alibaba : Tmall and Taobao .

  8. 麦肯锡(McKinsey)数据显示,阿里巴巴集团旗下的企业对消费者(B2C)平台天猫(TMall),按交易价值计算占中国在线B2C销售的一半。

    TMall , its business-to-consumer platform , accounts for half of online business-to-consumer sales in China by transaction value , according to McKinsey .

  9. 迪士尼的京特??霍克(GüntherHake)称,迪士尼在天猫上的广告和销售都令人满意。

    G ü nther Hake of Disney says his firm has had good experiences advertising and selling on Tmall .

  10. 阿里巴巴旗下淘宝网(Taobao)和天猫商城(Tmall)的卖家一直使用这类应用向网络购物者发送促销信息。

    Sellers on Alibaba 's Taobao and Tmall sites have been using such apps to send promotional messages to online shoppers .

  11. HUI毛利集团由11家公司组成,共同出口包括葡萄酒、麦卢卡蜂蜜、水果条、软饮料等产品,这些毛利品牌产品将在天猫全球购平台进行销售。

    The Maori Collective comprises 11 companies exporting things like wine , manuka honey , fruit bars and a soft drink , and all using China 's Tmall Global e-commerce platform .

  12. 美国电子商务公司在中国难以立足,部分原因是阿里巴巴旗下的天猫和类似eBay(eBayInc.)的淘宝网(Taobao.com)已经抢占了市场。

    U.S. e-commerce companies have struggled to gain a foothold in China , in part because of Alibaba 's headstart with Tmall and its eBay-like site Taobao .

  13. 2012年,淘宝和天猫平台综合在一起的交易额突破人民币1万亿元(约合1630亿美元),超过了亚马逊和eBay的交易总额。

    In 2012 , the combined transaction volume of Taobao and Tmall topped one trillion yuan ( $ 163 billion ), more than Amazon and eBay combined .

  14. 五年前进入中国市场后,他们在阿里巴巴B2C市场天猫旗舰店和百货商场设立了几个柜台。

    After entering the country 's marketplace over five years ago by setting up several counters in department stores and shops on Alibaba 's B2C marketplace Tmall .

  15. 达能还与阿里巴巴(Alibaba)旗下的线上零售平台天猫(Tmall)结成了合作伙伴关系,通过互联网在中国销售其产于荷兰的配方奶粉。

    Danone has also been selling its Dutch-made formula online in China through a partnership with Tmall , an online retailer owned by Alibaba .

  16. 天猫(TMall)等网上商城的应用让网购更加便捷。天猫隶属于中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba),后者还拥有在线支付服务——支付宝。

    This is facilitated by apps like TMall , part of China 's e-commerce giant Alibaba , which also owns online payment services Alipay .

  17. 经过近四年的发展,天猫拥有数以万计的商家,占据着我国B2C市场绝对主导的地位。

    After nearly four years ' development , Taobao Mall has tens of thousands of businessmen and takes up the dominant position in B2C market in our country .

  18. 中国也有像eBay一样的拍卖网站,比如淘宝(Taobao)、天猫(Tmall)和拍拍(Paipai),这些网站上有好几亿件商品。

    Ebay-like ( eBay ) auction sites called Taobao , tmall , and paipai host hundreds of millions of listings .

  19. 天猫上同样出售真品普拉达(Prada)手袋,其价格当然也高得惊人,比如一只售价2900美元的桃红色皮包。

    On Tmall , authentic Prada handbags are available for authentically sky-high prices , including a peach-colored leather satchel for $ 2,900 .

  20. 通过其子公司天猫(TMall),阿里巴巴让消费者信任在网上销售品牌商品的小商家,甚至是无人知晓的商家。

    Through its subsidiary , TMall , it made consumers trust small and even unknown sellers of branded goods online .

  21. 多数大品牌的店都开在类似于亚马逊(Amazon)的天猫上,让这些品牌更好地控制其销售和供应链。

    Most big brands set up on Tmall , which resembles an Amazon market place , a platform where big brands can set up stores and have more control over their sales and supply chains .

  22. 英国品牌博柏利(Burberry)已与亚马逊(Amazon)和中国的天猫(Tmall)达成协议,协议条款包括将未经授权的博柏利产品分销商从这两个平台上移除。

    British label Burberry has struck deals with Amazon and China 's Tmall , the terms of which include the removal of unauthorised distributors of Burberry goods .

  23. 从服装集团Zara到奢侈品牌博柏利(Burberry),许多企业已在天猫(Tmall)上开店。天猫是阿里巴巴旗下类似eBay、旨在吸引品牌卖家的平台。

    Companies ranging from clothing group Zara to luxury brand Burberry have opened stores on Tmall , Alibaba 's eBay-like platform aimed at attracting brand-name sellers .

  24. 它的在线商城天猫(Tmall)为耐克(Nike)和联合利华(Unilever)等品牌提供了一个网络店面,而淘宝则主要用于C2C交易。

    Its Tmall online stores provide a shop front for brands like Nike ( NKE ) and Unilever ( UL ), while Taobao is focused on consumer-to-consumer trade .

  25. 但阿里巴巴集团发言人FlorenceShih说,决定阻止微信相关应用的唯一原因是确保淘宝和天猫购物者的交易安全。

    But Alibaba spokeswoman Florence Shih said that the sole reason behind the decision to block the apps is to ensure secure transactions for shoppers on Taobao and Tmall .

  26. 用户可以使用自己的余额宝存款在阿里巴巴的电子商务平台淘宝(Taobao)和天猫(Tmall)购物,也可以用来进行信用卡还款,缴纳公用服务费。

    Customers can use their Yu'E Bao credit to make purchases on Alibaba 's Taobao and Tmall ecommerce platforms , as well as for paying credit card and utility bills .

  27. 宝洁(Procter&Gamble)是首家进驻天猫的财富500强公司。据宝洁副总裁JasmineXu称,自2008年进驻天猫以来,该公司在该平台上的销售额增长了100倍。

    Tmall 's first store from a fortune 500 company was Procter & Gamble , launched in 2008 , which has grown 100 times since then , according to P & G vice-president Jasmine Xu .

  28. 在《中国投资参考》的调查中,36%的受访者表示,阿里巴巴的B2C平台天猫是他们使用最多的两个电商网站之一,比前一季度低了0.7%。

    In China Confidential 's survey , 36.3 per cent of respondents said Alibaba 's business-to-consumer site Tmall was one of the two ecommerce sites they most regularly used , down 0.7 percentage points quarter on quarter .

  29. 作为合作伙伴,ChannelAdvisor将帮助商家处理天猫上中国消费者的订单。目前天猫已经拥有超过70000个全球品牌,比如耐克(Nike)以及最近进驻的苹果(Apple)。

    ChannelAdvisor , for its part , will help retailers process orders from Chinese consumers on Tmall.com , which has more than 70000 global brands like Nike and , more recently , Apple .

  30. 尽管阿里巴巴仍是当仁不让的市场领先者,其旗下两家消费电商网站——淘宝网(Taobao)和天猫(Tmall)——的人气在今年第一季度都有所下降,京东的人气则大幅上升。

    Although Alibaba remains the clear market leader , both of its consumer ecommerce sites - Taobao and Tmall - declined in popularity in the latest quarter , while JD.com was up sharply .