
nán shuǐ běi diào
  • south-to-north water diversion;south water to north
南水北调[nán shuǐ běi diào]
  1. 南水北调引乾济石输水隧洞的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of a Water Tunnel in South Water to North Project

  2. 南水北调工程中的公平与效率问题

    Problem about Equity and Efficiency in the South Water to North Project

  3. 南水北调工程是实现我国水资源优化配置、促进经济社会可持续发展、保障和改善民生的重大战略性基础设施。

    The South-to-North Water Diversion Project is important strategic infrastructure .

  4. 截至今年3月,南水北调工程已累计向北方地区调水400多亿立方米。

    As of March , the South-to-North Water Diversion Project had transferred over 40 billion cubic meters of water to the northern areas .

  5. 南水北调东线水资源调度多Agent模型与协作分析

    Multi-Agent Model and Its Cooperation Analysis of South-North Water Transferring System

  6. 初探GIS在南水北调中线工程的应用&以河北省数字南水北调工程为例

    GIS Application in the Middle Line of Water Transfer & Hebei Digital Water Transfer

  7. 基于GIS的南水北调西线工程达曲库区边坡稳定性研究

    Slope Stability in Daqu Reservoir Area of the West Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project Based on GIS

  8. 基于LDAP的用户管理及其在南水北调中线干线工程建设管理信息系统中的应用

    The Research on the LDAP-Based User Management and Its Application to Construction Management Information Systems

  9. 南水北调东线渠道衬砌混凝土厚度GPR快速无损检测

    No Destructive Testing by GPR Method on Thickness of Concrete Channel Lining in the East Route of The South-to-North Water Transfer Project

  10. 本文依据协调发展的思想,运用microsoftexcel计算了安阳市的水资源承载力,论证了南水北调的较佳配水方案;

    According to the idea of harmonious development , this paper uses Microsoft Excel to calculate water resources carrying capacity in Anyang city , and demonstrates the better choice of the South-to-North Water Diversion distribution schedule .

  11. 南水北调中线工程PCCP管道第二标段D级施工控制网的建立

    The D order construction control network for the second mark for PCCP of the Middle Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project

  12. 结合南水北调西线工程调水区桑日麻断裂的探测,就应用可控源音频大地电磁测深(CSAMT)进行断层深部特征的探测问题进行了分析和研究。

    The feasibility problem of application of CSAMT to prospecting active fault in the West Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project is studied .

  13. 南水北调中线工程PCCP及暗涵输水系统空气阀型式研究

    Study on type of air valve for PCCP pipeline and buried culvert of water conveyance system for Mid-route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project

  14. 基于Copula函数的南水北调中线降水丰枯遭遇分析

    Synchronous Asynchronous Encounter Probability of Rich Poor Precipitation between Water Source Area and Water Receiving Area Based on Copula Theory in Middle Route of South to North Water Transfer Project

  15. 本文采用Android平台相关技术,实现了包含泵站优化运行实时调度、南水北调沿线测站实时水情查询、泵站优化辅助决策知识查询三大功能的系统。

    The dissertation represent that Android technology results in three function systems of real-time scheduling of pumping station optimizing operation , current hydrologic data inquiry of South-to - North Water Diversion , auxiliary decision-making knowledge of pumping station optimizing .

  16. C50级高性能混凝土研究及在南水北调中线生产桥中的应用

    Research and Application on High Performance Concrete ( Grade C50 ) in the Beijing-Shijiazhuang Section Project of the Middle Route of South-to-North Water Diversion

  17. 西气东输管道工程在河南境内三次穿越拟建中的南水北调中线工程,穿越长度均约200m。

    There are thrice pipeline crossings through the midline of South to North Water Diversion Project within Henan province for West to East Gas Pipeline Project . The length of each crossing is about 200m .

  18. 介绍了南水北调中线工程前期工作成果信息系统在Intranet环境下开发的主要技术方案、系统开发和管理技术、网络建设、系统开发环境和工具等内容,探讨了实现类似系统开发的若干关键技术。

    The main technology scheme based on the Intranet environment of the information system of prophase achievement for the middle route South to North water transfer project is introduced . The system development and management method , network building , development environment and tools etc. are described .

  19. 通过研究可将减阻降糙处理工程造价控制在15元/m2以下,以南水北调干线中线每年新增15亿m3流量,运营按20年计,至少可带来300亿元收益。

    The research will reduce engineering cost by 15 Yuan / m2 , to increase the amount of transporting water of the Middle Route Project of the South-North Water Diversion to 1,500 million liter annually , which can bring 30,000 million Yuan income at least .

  20. 南水北调东线工程实施后,京杭运河的正常水位比设计最高通航水位还高0.5m,对船闸的运行管理和船只通航带来一定影响。

    For the influence of South-to-North Water Diversion Project to Yangzhou ship locks , the design maximum water level is higher than the normal water level of the Grand Canal , the high water head affects its ' operation , management and navigation .

  21. 本文主要介绍了CS-SP1型超塑化剂在南水北调保定漕河段工程中以高减水率、高性能、低收缩为主要技术指标的水工大体积薄壁混凝土中的应用。

    The application of superplasticizer CS-SP1 in the hydraulic structure of mass concrete in this project is introduced in this article . The major technical indicators are high water reducing rate , high performance and low shrinkage .

  22. 南水北调与南水北调中线近期工程

    South to north water transferring project and its recent engineering program

  23. 南水北调东线工程优化调度研究

    Study on Optimum Operation of the East-Route South-to-North Water Transfer Project

  24. 治理污染、保护环境是南水北调东线工程成功的关键

    Control Pollution and Protect Environment in the South-to-North Water Transfer Project

  25. 值此南水北调工程正式开工,回顾了我国大型泵的发展历史;

    Reviews the development history of large pump in our country .

  26. 南水北调工程建设及环境问题;

    Water diversion project from south to north and environment problems ;

  27. 应用所提模型,对南水北调中线进行农业灌溉用水量的年预报研究,取得了满意结果,由此表明所提模型与方法是合理可行的。

    The result of calculation shows that the model is reasonable .

  28. 南水北调工程信息管理系统数据交换平台的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Data Transfer Platform for South-to-North Water Transfers

  29. 超前地质预报在南水北调中线工程中的应用

    The application of advanced geological forecast in south-to-north water transfer project

  30. 数字南水北调的虚拟技术应用&以中线工程河北段主干线为例

    Virtual Reality Technology Application in the Digital South-to-North Water Transfer Project