
  • 网络southern medical university;SMU
  1. 方法:选择2005-01/2006-05在南方医科大学附属花都医院骨科行关节镜下LARS人工韧带重建的复杂后交叉韧带损伤患者6例,术前均知情同意并签字。

    METHODS : From January 2005 to May 2006 , six patients with PCL injury treated by reconstruction of PCL with LARS artificial ligament transplantation were selected from the Department of Orthopedics , Huadu Hospital Affiliated to Southern Medical University .

  2. 南方医科大学珠江医院肿瘤中心

    Oncology Center , Zhujiang Hospital , The Southern Medical University

  3. 方法:将南方医科大学20名健康成年男性随机分为三组:A组6人,为正常对照组;B组7人,为单纯睡眠剥夺组;

    Methods : Twenty healthy young men from the South Medical University were divided randomly into three groups , normal group ( A ) including six , sleep deprivation group ( B ) and treated group ( C ) including seven each other .

  4. 南方医科大学八年制临床医学专业培养模式的研究

    Study on Medical Education Model of 8-year Program in Southern Medical University

  5. 南方医科大学本科生信息检索课教改的实践

    Practice of Teaching Reform of Undergraduates Information Retrieval Course in Southern Medical University

  6. 南方医科大学南方医院针灸科,广州中医药大学针灸推拿学院。

    College of Acupuncture and Massage , Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  7. 方法:于2005-03选择南方医科大学本科大学生40人作为受试者,均右利手,视力正常或矫正视力正常。

    METHODS : Forty healthy college students at March 2005 were selected from Southern Medical University .

  8. 单位:南方医科大学南方医院创伤骨科和解剖学教研室。

    SETTING : Department of Traumatic Orthopedics and Anatomy , Nanfang Hospital Affiliated to Southern Medical University .

  9. 标本来源于南方医科大学南方医院心血管内科,明确诊断为慢性心衰的患者。

    The samples were obtained from Nanfang Hospital Cardiology Department definitive diagnosis for patients with chronic heart failure .

  10. 南方医科大学人类研究伦理学委员会对本次研究的伦理性进行了批准。

    Ethical approval to undertake this study was examined from Human Research Ethics Committee , Southern Medical University .

  11. 现为南方医科大学珠江医院神经医学研究所主治医师。

    Now , he is an attending surgeon at the Institute of Neuromedicine , Zhujiang Hospital , Southern Medical University .

  12. 单位:南方医科大学(原第一军医大学)附属珠江医院神经外科。材料:实验于2003-04/05在南方医科大学热带医学与卫生系实验室完成。

    SETTING : Surgery Department of Neurology in Zhujiang Hospital affiliated to Southern Medical University ( First Military Medical University ) .

  13. 以南方医科大学生物医学工程学院为例,重点讨论了在生物医学工程学院培养医院信息化人才的必要性和可行性。

    At last , it is discussed that it is necessary and feasible to training students for hospital informatics in biomedical engineering institute .

  14. 全价颗粒饲料,含铁量为370mg/kg,购自南方医科大学动物实验中心。

    Full-rate diet pellets ( iron content was 370 mg / kg ) were purchased from the Animal Experimental Center of Southern Medical University .

  15. 广东省卫生厅委托南方医科大学和香港理工大学联合承办首批专科护士研究生课程班的教育项目。

    Southern Medical University combined with Hong Kong Polytechnic University undertook first education project of specialized nurse graduate course class which entrusted by National Health Ministry .

  16. (医生)主治的作为照管某一病人的主治医师现为南方医科大学珠江医院神经医学研究所主治医师。

    Being the principal physician supervising a patient 's care . Now , he is an attending surgeon at the Institute of Neuromedicine , Zhujiang Hospital , Southern Medical University .

  17. 据《羊城晚报》报道,南方医科大学开始逐步淘汰男女混合宿舍政策,尽管在接受调查的学生中有八成以上反对。

    Southern Medical University ( SMU ) has begun phasing out its mixed-gender dorm policy despite opposition from more than 80 percent of surveyed students , Yangcheng Evening News reports .

  18. 位于广州市的南方医科大学,是广东省唯一一所允许男女生住进同一楼层的大学。

    The university in Guangzhou was the only in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong to adopt the policy allowing male and female students to live on the same floors .

  19. 目的由6家医院进行多中心研究,评价南方医科大学南方医院研制的全氟丙烷人血白蛋白微球注射剂经静脉注射后增强左心室内膜边界识别的效果和安全性。

    Objective A multiple center research involving 6 hospitals was carried out to evaluate the left ventricular ( LV ) endocardial border echo enhancement effect and safety of perfluoropropane-albumin microsphere injection .

  20. 就八年制医学教育的培养目标进行探讨,并就南方医科大学八年制培养目标提出了建设性意见。

    This paper performs some explorations of the objective of talent-cultivation in 8-year-system medical education , and gives some advices of the objective of talent-cultivation in 8-year-system of Southern Medical University .

  21. 南方医科大学建于1951年10月,其开放的男女生混宿政策甚至成为该校每年招生季的噱头,以此突出学校自由、开放和平等的原则。

    SMU , which was founded in October 1951 , highlighted a liberal residence policy in their student recruitment drive , portraying it as a symbol of freedom , openness and equality .

  22. 调查表沿用了南方医科大学附属南方医院中医系罗仁教授编制的《第二代亚健康调查表》。该调查表已进行过效度和信度调查分析,并被广泛用于亚健康调查。

    The questionnaire , which was edited by Professor Luo Ren of Department of Traditional Medicine of Southern Medical University , had been analyzed for its reliability and validity and widely used in sub-health investigation .

  23. 目的研究慢性乙型重型肝炎继发性感染的临床特点。方法回顾性分析南方医科大学南方医院感染病内科收治的68例慢性乙型重型肝炎继发性感染的临床特点。

    Objective To study the clinical behavior of secondary bacterial infection in patients with chronic fulminant hepatitis B. Methods The clinical data of 68 cases of chronic fulminant hepatitis B with secondary bacterial infection were analyzed retrospectively .

  24. 广州南方医科大学护理学院的副院长蔡文智说,实际上许多医院都在设法减少剖宫产手术,但政府干预更为有效。

    Cai Wenzhi , deputy dean of the School of Nursing at Southern Medical University in Guangzhou , said that in practice many hospitals are trying to reduce C-sections , but government intervention will be more effective .

  25. 寰椎上关节面解剖变异的测量。2.枢椎解剖学变异的研究:标本来源于南方医科大学解剖学教研室提供的成人完整干燥枢椎标本共100例,出生地域、性别及年龄不详。

    Measurement of superior articular surface of atlas.2.Anatomical variation of the axis : The 100 complete drying specimens of atlas were obtained from Department of Anatomy , Southern Medical University with the birth region , gender and age unknown .

  26. 对象:于2003-01/2005-01在南方医科大学南方医院影像中心接受影像学检查肝移植患者13例,均为男性,年龄40-58岁。

    PARTICIPANTS : A total of 13 male liver transplantation patients aged from 40-58 years , who received imaging examination at Medical Imaging Center , Nanfang Hospital , Southern Medical University from January 2003 to January 2005 , were enrolled .

  27. 方法:对1992-06/1999-06南方医科大学附属南方医院收治的135例不对称性臀肌挛缩所致骨盆倾斜及双下肢不等长患者进行体检及手术治疗。

    METHODS : From June 1992 to June 1999 , physical examination and surgical treatment were applied to 135 patients with pelvic oblique and inequality of lower extremities induced by gluteal muscles contracture in Nanfang Hospital , Southern Medical University .

  28. 位于省会广州的南方医科大学的公共卫生与热带医学学院传染病专家陈晓光周四在一封电子邮件中说,今年将很可能是发病最多的一年。

    This will likely be the year with the most cases , Chen Xiaoguang , an infectious disease expert with the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine at Southern Medical University in the provincial capital Guangzhou , said on Thursday in an email .

  29. 方法:由南方医科大学基础医学院解剖学教研室提供的完整中国成人干燥桡骨标本(或经福尔马林固定的前臂标本)被集中收集保存在一个密闭的盒子中。

    Methods : The intact dry radius specimens ( or wrist joints of cadaver samples ) of Chinese adults were collected from the skeletons preserved in the hermetic boxes by the Department of Anatomy , School of Basic Medical Sciences , Southern Medical University , China .

  30. 取10只新西兰白兔(南方医科大学动物实验中心提供),每只白兔头皮采用毛囊单位移植技术,植入20根假发移植物,10只白兔头皮共移植200根。

    Ten Zelanian rabbits ( provided by the Animal Experimental Center of Southern Medical University ) were selected to implant 20 wig grafts in each white rabbit 's scalp with hair follicle unit transplantation technology . There are 200 totally in 10 white rabbit 's scalp .