
Nán Kāi Dà Xué
  • Nankai University
  1. 利用作者身份识别系统找出南开大学廖代正教授的作者ID号。

    Using Author Search , find out what is the Author ID of Professor Liao Dai Zheng from Nankai University .

  2. 南开大学位于天津市,占地14S万平方米,建筑面积104万平方米图书馆藏书314万册。

    listed among universities being attached great importance to developing in the 21 st century . Nankai University now occupies an area of 1 480 000 square meters with a floor space up to 1 040 000 square meters . The total collection of the university library reaches over 3140 000 volumes .

  3. 下个星期的辩论赛是南开大学对北京大学。

    The debate next week is Nankai University versus Peking University .

  4. 南开大学光电子薄膜器件与技术研究所;

    Tianjin Key Laboratory of Photo-Electronic Thin Film Device and Technology ;

  5. 南开大学实验动物解剖学编写组。

    Editing Group for Experimental Animal Anatomy of Nankai University .

  6. 南开大学高分子化学研究所;

    Ministry of Education ; Institute of Polymer Chemistry ; Nankai University ;

  7. 南开大学公司治理研究中心课题组。

    Programme Group , Research Center of Firm Managemen , Nankai University .

  8. 张伯苓是南开大学的创建者。

    Zhang Boling was the creator of Nankai University .

  9. 国家自然科学基金促进了南开大学的科技发展和人才培养

    NSFC promotes the scientific and Technological Development and personnel training at Nankai University

  10. 知道你22岁,毕业于南开大学。

    I know you are twenty-two years old and graduated from Nankai University .

  11. 采用多元化的教学手段,提高物理人才的综合素质&南开大学物理学基础科学人才培养基地建设经验介绍

    To improve the general quantity of physics talent by using multiple teaching means

  12. 南开大学哲学系的思维研究

    Thinking Studies at the Philosophy Department of Nankai University

  13. 哦,我毕业于南开大学,我的专业是英语。

    Well , I graduated from Nankai University . My major was English .

  14. 谈早年南开大学图书馆的读者服务工作

    The Reader 's Service Work in the Library of Nankai University in Early Ages

  15. 以学科建设为中心发展图书情报档案教育&纪念南开大学图书馆学系建系20周年

    Developing Education of Library , Information and Archives on the Focus of Discipline Construction

  16. 南开大学新学年为9月入学。

    The new academic year begins in september .

  17. 改革发展创新&南开大学信息资源管理系

    Reform , Development and Innovation & Department of Information Resources Management , Nankai University

  18. 历史变迁1919年南开大学成立。

    Glorious hlistory 1919 Nankai University was founded .

  19. 日前,南开大学开始给已婚学生提供宿舍,这开启了该大学的新篇章。

    Nankai University has opened a whole new chapter when it comes to accommodating married students .

  20. 知中国,服务中国:张伯苓的南开大学办学之路

    " Knowing China and Serving China ": Zhang Boling and the Unique Characteristic of Nankai University

  21. 南开大学哲学系是全国哲学人才培养基地之一。

    The Philosophy Department of Nankai University is one of the important bases for fostering philosophical talents .

  22. 南开大学我知道。

    I know Nankai University .

  23. 这是南开大学啊?

    Is this Nankai University ?

  24. 我毕业于天津南开大学化学系并获理学士学位。

    I am a graduate of Tianjin Nankai University majoring in Chemistry with a BS . degree .

  25. 病情影响到克里斯应聘在中国天津南开大学的教学。

    The disease situations have influenced Chirs 's teaching work in Nankai University in Tianjin of China .

  26. 大学图书馆数字资源营销策略研究&以南开大学图书馆为例

    A Study on the Digital Resource Marketing in University Libraries & With Special Reference to Nankai University Library

  27. 李祥林在南开大学学习经济学,而就在他通过硕士学位考试后,加拿大发出了邀请。

    Li studied economics , and had just passed his master 's examinations when the Canadians came calling .

  28. 南开大学;兰州大学;青岛科技大学化学与分子工程学院。

    Institute of Elemental-Organic Chemistry , Nankai University ; National Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry , Lanzhou University .

  29. 南开大学校长龚克认为,追求眼前的利益永远不会产生真正的创新。

    Gong Ke , Executive President of Nankai University , said seeking instant benefits can never produce true innovations .

  30. 详细介绍了南开大学虚拟数字校园系统的开发过程。

    The process of the development of Nankai university virtual digital campus system was given in detail in this paper .