
Nán Běi duì huà
  • North-South Dialogue
  1. 国际经济合作会议(南北对话)

    International Economic Cooperation Conference ( the North-South Dialogue )

  2. 我们强烈要求南北对话。

    We raise an outcry for north-south dialogue .

  3. 南北对话10月份将在日内瓦国际会议上继续进行。

    The North-South dialogue will be resumed in October at an international conference in geneva .

  4. 虽然朝鲜方面已经表示希望重返会谈,但是韩国方面就是坚持要先南北对话后六方会谈。

    However , the ROK still insists that the Inter-Korea Dialog precedes the Six-Party Talks .

  5. 解决这个问题当然要靠南北对话,我们主张南北对话。

    The solution , of course , lies in North-South dialogue , and we support dialogue .

  6. 发言人称,中国支持南北对话,并将积极参与南南合作

    The spokesman said that China supports North-South dialogue and is wiling to take an active part in south-south cooperation

  7. 我们支持并将主办“金砖国家”领导人会晤,积极搭建南南合作和南北对话的新平台。

    We support and will host the BRICS Leaders ' Meeting in an effort to establish a new platform for South-South cooperation and North-South dialogue .

  8. 国际贸易问题是建立新的国际经济秩序的重要内容,也是南北对话的议题。

    International trade is a vital factor in the establishment of a new international economic order as well as a subject of discussion at the North-South Talks .

  9. 要加强南南合作和南北对话,推动发展中国家和发达国家平衡发展,夯实世界经济长期稳定发展基础。

    We should enhance South-South cooperation and North-South dialogue , promote balanced development of the developing and developed countries and consolidate the foundation for sustaining stable growth of the global economy .

  10. 新形势下,中国努力推动南南合作和南北对话,探索与发展中国家互利合作的新领域、新途径。

    Against the new international backdrop , China has worked hard to promote South-South cooperation and North-South dialogue , exploring new areas and new ways of mutually beneficial cooperation with other developing countries .

  11. 我们认为,单靠南北对话是不够的,必须加强第三世界国家之间的合作,即南南合作

    We reckon that it would not be enough just to depend on North-South dialogues , But it is necessary to strengthen the cooperation Between the third world countries , i.e. , South-South cooperation