
  • 网络Southampton;southampton university;The University of Southampton
  1. 我是在南安普顿大学(UniversityofSouthampton)遇到乔恩的,当时我学的是考古。

    I met Jon at Southampton University , where I was studying archaeology .

  2. 南安普顿大学一支研究团队发现,那些30岁之前开始吃素的人中,10岁时iq平均高了五分。

    Southampton University team found those who were vegetarian by30 had recorded five IQ points more on average at the age of10 .

  3. 总部位于英国NHS信托基金会南安普顿大学医院的完全生育诊所从明年新年开始将提供这一技术,它比标准试管婴儿技术的价格(3800镑,约36608元)要贵几百镑。

    It will be available at the Complete Fertility clinic , based at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust , from the New Year and will cost a few hundred pounds more than the 3800 pounds cost of standard IVF .

  4. 随着1986年第一个掺铒光纤放大器(EDFA)在英国南安普顿大学的研制成功,光纤通信才在真正意义上逐步走向全光传输和全光通信阶段。

    The Optical communication is striding forward to all-optical transmission , thanks to Er3 + - doped fiber amplifier ( EDFA ) that was first successfully developed in University of Southampton , UK , in 1986 . In this dissertation , the principle of digital EDFA driver is studied theoretically .

  5. 英国南安普顿大学的神经内分泌学教授德布拉·斯基恩(DebraSkene)指出,带LED背光的电视机是蓝光的另一个来源,但它们的观看距离一般比手机之类的小屏幕远得多,对人体的影响应该比较小。

    Televisions with LED backlighting are another source of blue light , though because they are typically viewed from much farther away than small screens like phones , they may have less of an effect , said Debra Skene , a professor of neuroendocrinology at the University of Surrey in England .

  6. 这辆自行车被称为南安普顿大学的人力飞机(塞桑普顿大学号)。

    It was called the Southampton University Man Powered Aircraft ( sumpac ) .

  7. 她于1998年从南安普顿大学获得了计算机科学博士学位。

    She obtained her PhD degree in computer science from the University of Southampton in 1998 .

  8. 南安普顿大学的研究人员对8000多名志愿者进行了长达20年的跟踪调查。

    The researchers , from the University of Southampton , tracked the fortunes of more than 8,000 volunteers for 20 years .

  9. 南安普顿大学的伊万·黑格博士表示,这片沙滩的重现有两个原因。

    Dr Ivan Haigh from the University of Southampton said there were two explanations as to why the beach has reformed .

  10. 选择南安普顿大学也是因为哥哥曾经在这所学校的渔业专业学习过,他表示自己也很想尝试。

    He chose University of Southampton for the reason that his brother was major in fishing and he would like to have a try .

  11. 南安普顿大学是著名的罗素集团创始成员。去年2000多名中国学生入学就读。

    The University of Southampton is one of the founding members of the prestigious Russell Group.Last year , more than 2000 Chinese students were enrolled .

  12. 南安普顿大学的研究发现,妈妈的屁股比较大第性,患上乳腺癌的机率要高出三倍。

    A study led by the University of Southampton found breast cancer rates were more than three times higher among women whose mothers had wide hips .

  13. 许多罗素大学集团(英国精英大学联盟)的成员也在缩减计划中,其中利物浦大学、利兹大学、曼彻斯特大学、纽卡斯尔大学和南安普顿大学受到的冲击尤其大。

    Many members of the elite Russell Group are among those facing reductions , with Liverpool , Leeds , Manchester , Newcastle and Southampton being particularly hit .

  14. 英国南安普顿大学作为一所综合性大学,长期以来在学术研究水平上一直稳居英国前十五,并且在连年的教学评估中获得高分。

    The University of Southampton is already one of the top15 research universities in the UK and has achieved consistently high scores for its teaching and learning activities .

  15. 罗杰曾在皇家南汉普郡医院工作。他希望募集10万英镑从而帮助南安普顿大学购买价值75万英镑的分光计设备,从而推动癌症研究的新发展。

    Roger , who worked at the Royal South Hants Hospital , hopes to raise 100,000 towards a new 750,000 spectrometer to help further cancer research at the university .

  16. 1961年11月9日,扬妮克・里德在南安普顿大学上空骑着一辆形状非常像飞机的自行车——世界上第一辆会飞的自行车诞生了。

    The world 's first flying bicycle flew on November 9 , 1961 , when Derek Pigott of the University of Southampton flew in a bicycle with an airplane-like body .

  17. 来自英国,拥有南安普顿大学英语荣誉学位,长期居住中国,有丰富英语培训和职场社交英语经验。

    From the UK , have an honours degree in English from Southampton University , lived in Nanjing for3 years . A qualified teacher of English as a foreigh language .

  18. 它将让优秀的学生在中国体验英国南安普顿大学温切斯特艺术学院世界级一流的教学。

    It brings the experience of a world-class education from the University of Southampton 's Winchester School of Art to talented Chinese students , offering a unique educational experience in China .

  19. 南安普顿大学临床遗传学家安妮克·卢卡森教授表示,根据她的经验,非专业人士很可能会错误地将阴性结果解读为“没有风险”。

    Prof Anneke Lucassen , a clinical geneticist at the University of Southampton , said that , in her experience , non-specialists would be likely to wrongly interpret negative results as an " all-clear . "

  20. 这次让他扎进冰冷海水的动力是为南安普顿大学的癌症开创研究筹集资金,以推动血液测试的研究从而在癌症的最早期阶段将其发现。

    His inspiration this time to plunge into the icy water is to fund pioneering research at the University of Southampton that could lead to the development of a blood test to detect cancer at the earliest possible stage .

  21. 南安普顿索伦特大学于2009年中期颁发了第一个喜剧专业的学士学位。

    The first degree in Comedy was awarded in mid 2009 by Southampton Solent Univeristy .

  22. 他在世界各地的音乐会都畅销不衰,最近更获得南安普顿索伦特大学授予的音乐学荣誉博士学位,以表彰他对音乐行业做出的贡献。

    He sells out concert venues worldwide and was recently awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Music from Southampton Solent University for his contribution to the industry .