
  • 网络LEEDS;The University of Leeds;Leeds University;University Leeds
  1. 她是利兹大学某个学科的教授。

    She 's a professor of something or other at Leeds .

  2. 她目前在利兹大学修读一门商科课程。

    She is currently doing a business studies course at Leeds .

  3. 英国利兹大学的娜塔莎•梅拉特说:“责任是其中最大的问题。”

    " The liability issue is the biggest one of them all , " says Natasha Merat at the University of Leeds , UK .

  4. 由英国利兹大学带领的一支欧洲研究团队现已把这次剧烈的移动与地球外核液态铁流动过程中发生的具体变化联系起来。地球外核是产生和维持地球磁场的“发电机”。

    A European team , led from Leeds University , has now tied this dramatic movement to specific changes in the flow of molten iron in the Earth 's outer core – the dynamo that creates and sustains its magnetic field .

  5. 本文作者是利兹大学(Leedsuniversity)荣誉高级研究员,研究方向是社会学与当代韩国

    The writer is honorary senior research fellow in sociology and modern Korea at Leeds University

  6. 本文作者是利兹大学(LeedsUniversity)中国史讲师,同时也是SinoNK.com主编

    The writer is a lecturer in Chinese history at Leeds university and editor of SinoNK.com

  7. 利兹大学商学院(LeedsUniversityBusinessSchool)校友在毕业3年后的平均薪资为欧洲最低,为8.9万美元,但在性价比方面,该学院仍排名第17位。

    While alumni from Leeds University Business School have the smallest average salary in Europe three years after graduation at $ 89000 , the school is still ranked 17 for value for money .

  8. 利兹大学政治通讯专家StephenColeman表示,这是一个政治转折点。

    Political communications expert Stephen Coleman of the University of Leeds says it is a political turning point .

  9. 可以说,欧洲正在欢迎中国的投资,研究过这一课题的英国利兹大学商学院(LeedsUniversityBusinessSchool)教授杰里米·克莱格(JeremyClegg)说。

    I think it 's fair to say Europe is welcoming Chinese investment , said Jeremy Clegg , a professor at Leeds University Business School in Britain who has studied the subject .

  10. 英国利兹大学国际治理教授GrahamDutfield对该计划表示了谨慎的欢迎。

    Graham Dutfield , professor of International Governance at the UK-based University of Leeds , gave the scheme a cautious welcome .

  11. 英国利兹大学的国际治理教授GrahamDutfield提出,需要预先为这类情况制定规划。

    Graham Dutfield , professor of international governance at the University of Leeds , United Kingdom , suggests that there is a need to plan for such situations in advance .

  12. 这项研究是由英国利兹大学的DaboGuan和KlausHubacek做出的。他们估计了中国区域间的贸易及其对相对干旱的北方地区水利用和水污染的影响。

    Dabo Guan and Klaus Hubacek of the University of Leeds , United Kingdom , assessed inter-regional trade within China and its effects on water use and pollution in the relatively arid north .

  13. 他全凭学业上努力进入了利兹大学。

    He had got into Leeds University by pure academic effort .

  14. 网德里安在利兹大学攻读哲学学位。

    Adrian 's doing a degree in philosophy at Leeds university .

  15. 艾玛,我被利兹大学录取了。

    Emma , I 've got accepted to the University of Leeds .

  16. 利兹大学纺织学院古老的楼宇。

    The old buildings of University of Leeds-School of Design .

  17. 他被邀去利兹大学面试。

    He was invited for interview at leeds .

  18. 问题14:是什么让这位男士有资格获得利兹大学的奖学金?

    Question 14 What might qualify the man for a scholarship at the Leeds university ?

  19. 我不知道利兹大学什么时候会给我录取信。

    I am not sure when Leeds University will give me my letter of offer .

  20. 英国利兹大学是少有的几个不对毕业生收取任何费用的学校。

    The University of Leeds is one of the few institutions remaining which does not charge for graduation .

  21. 英国利兹大学的医疗学校报告称,这的确加快了小腿溃疡患者的康复。

    It actufriend speeds recovery from leg ulcers , said the report by the University of Leeds'School of Healthcare .

  22. 因为我是先去甘肃省当志愿者,然后我去利兹大学学了不到一个学期,那个专业也是汉语。

    I went to Gansu as a volunteer , and then I entered the university where I majored in Chinese .

  23. 本网站报告了蓝天色谱法的研究情况,由利兹大学大气调查组航空宇宙公司创建。

    This site reports research on blue sky chromatography , by the University of Leeds Atmospheric Investigation Team , Aerospace Division .

  24. 英国利兹大学曾经进行过一项研究,计算女性到底露多少才能吸引最多的追求者。

    A study from the University of Leeds calculated the exact proportion of flesh a woman should expose to attract male admirers .

  25. 他离开中国前往英国的利兹大学学习词典编撰,他曾在图书馆里看了不少书。

    He left China to study the compiling of dictionaries in Leeds , England , and read widely in the library while he was there .

  26. 英国补充替代医学研究的主要机构(二)&利兹大学、威斯敏斯特大学和约克大学

    Major institutions conducting researches on complementary and alternative medicine in the United Kingdom : University of Leeds , University of Westminster and University of York

  27. 利兹大学教授克莱格说,中国所有者表现出来的克制,反映出他们对跨国生意是相对陌生的。

    Mr. Clegg , the University of Leeds professor , said the restraint displayed by Chinese owners reflected their own relative newness to international business .

  28. 利兹大学的医学心理学教授安德鲁·希尔表示,职业女性很清楚社会对肥胖人群存有偏见。

    Professional women are aware of a bias against those who are overweight , according to Andrew Hill , professor of medical psychology at Leeds University .

  29. 许多罗素大学集团(英国精英大学联盟)的成员也在缩减计划中,其中利物浦大学、利兹大学、曼彻斯特大学、纽卡斯尔大学和南安普顿大学受到的冲击尤其大。

    Many members of the elite Russell Group are among those facing reductions , with Liverpool , Leeds , Manchester , Newcastle and Southampton being particularly hit .

  30. 我像申请利兹大学的广告与市场专业的原因,是因为利兹大学的这个专业注重广告与市场的传播。

    I apply for the Leeds university likely the advertisement and the market specialized reason , is because Leeds university 's this specialized attention advertisement and market dissemination .