
  • 网络SPR;strategic petroleum reserve
  1. 中国石油战略储备制度的法律问题研究

    Study on Legal Problems of Strategic Petroleum Reserve of China

  2. 如今,欧美等国家大力发展石油战略储备,石油已经成为国家实力和军事力量的重要衡量因素,石油储存变得尤为重要。

    Today , Europe and the United States and other countries start to vigorously develop the strategic petroleum reserve , petroleum has become an important measure of national strength and military power factors , petroleum storage becomes particularly important .

  3. 建立预警系统,实施石油战略储备;

    Constructing early warning system to carry out strategic reservation of petroleum ;

  4. 石油战略储备运输和海洋环保

    Petroleum stratagem repertory & transportation and their influence on sea environment protection

  5. 尽快建立石油战略储备体系;

    The oil strategic reserve system should be established as quickly as possible .

  6. 试论我国石油战略储备模式

    A Tentative Model for Oil Strategic Reserve in China

  7. 石油战略储备和库存与石油价格具有明显的相关性;

    Petroleum strategic reserves and the stock and price of petroleum have obvious dependence ;

  8. 对于国家石油战略储备的建议

    Some Suggestions for Strategic Oil Reserve in China

  9. 建立国家石油战略储备,提高应对突发事件的能力。

    Establishing national petroleum strategic reserve , to rise the ability to tackle outburst incident .

  10. 建立国家石油战略储备,维护国家能源安全。

    The national oil strategic reserve system will be established to safeguard national energy security .

  11. 石油战略储备与能源利用效率对石油消费的动态影响

    Strategic Reserve , Efficiency of Technology and the Diversification of Energy Consumption The Right of Reserve

  12. 大型非锚固油罐是我国石油战略储备库的关键设备。

    The large self-anchored storage tanks are the key equipment of Strategic Oil Storage Base in china .

  13. 第二,通过尽快建立完善的石油战略储备,防范石油危机。

    Secondly , build up strategy oil reserve as soon as possible , keeping away potential oil crisis .

  14. 石油战略储备直接影响国民经济,与国家政治和军事也密切相关。

    Petroleum strategic storage directly influences the national economy and has close relations with national politics and military affairs .

  15. 建立石油战略储备是确保能源安全、维护国民经济健康发展的重要手段。

    It is an important means to ensure energy security and maintain the healthy development by establishing strategic oil reservation .

  16. 1975年,美国启动石油战略储备,强化了石油是一种稀缺品的印象。

    In 1975 , the US started its petroleum strategic reserve , contributing to the perception that oil was scarce .

  17. 基于美日英法石油战略储备的中国石油安全储备的分析与对策研究

    Analysis and Countermeasure Study on Petroleum Security in China Based on Petroleum Strategic in America , Japan , England and France

  18. 我国需要建设大批立式原油储罐以保障国家正常石油战略储备。

    A large number of vertical crude oil storage tanks need to be built so that national normal strategic oil reserve could be assured .

  19. 目前中国尚未建成石油战略储备,而中国积极实施的走出去战略又面临困境。

    China has not set up petroleum strategic reserves , and the " Go-Out " policy which China has carried on meets the predicament .

  20. 国家石油战略储备基地将对保障石油安全供给,维护国家能源安全和经济安全发挥重要作用。

    The State Strategic Oil Reserve Base will play a significant role in safeguarding the oil supply and energy and economic security of the country .

  21. 研制大型储油罐多目标控制高效自动焊接设备,是为了适应我国能源战略发展的需要,在今后几年,将陆续建造15万方大型储油罐的石油战略储备库。

    The development of the high-effective automatic welding equipment with multi-objective control function for welding large-scale oil tank is to adapt the energy developmental strategy of our country .

  22. 为此,有必要加快建立国家石油战略储备和企业商业储备,形成中国的石油储备体系。

    Therefore , it is necessary for China to set up the national and industrial commercial oil storage in faster step in order to form the oil storage system .

  23. 建设地下盐穴储库对于我国建设“西气东输”长距离输气管道系统的安全配套工程、开辟石油战略储备的新领域都具有实际参考价值。

    Valuable information about the safety auxiliary facilities in the long distance pipeline transportation system of The West-East Gas Transmission Pipeline Project and new stockpile for petroleum strategic reserve is provided .

  24. 我国的当务之急是尽快建立石油战略储备体系,而且应根据我国的生产和消费状况确定合理的储备规模和储备方式。

    The urgent affairs for China is to set up a petroleum strategic storage system with a reasonable scale and storing style determined according to the producing and consuming situation of China .

  25. 油价上涨要求中国大幅提高能源利用率,采用多元化能源战略,尽快建立国家石油战略储备,加强能源领域国际合作。

    ; the rising oil price requires China to improve then energy sources efficiency , adopt various energy source strategies , establish national oil strategic reserve nd reinforce international cooperation in energy field .

  26. 储罐是国家进行石油战略储备的重要设施,尤其是大型储罐,随着经济的持续快速发展在国家石油战略储备基地得到广泛地应用。

    Storage tanks are important in facilitating the petroleum storage strategy in the country , especially the Large-Scale storage tank . It is widely used in the base of the petroleum storage strategy along with the economic development .

  27. 美国拥有超过7亿桶石油的战略石油储备(StrategicPetroleumReserve)。

    The United States has a Strategic Petroleum Reserve that contains more than seven hundred million barrels of oil .

  28. 当前,关于石油安全与战略储备问题已引起了人们的普遍关注。

    Currently , China 's oil security and strategic oil reserves have caused general concern .

  29. 加快建立我国石油资源的战略储备系统、保障进口石油的供应、提高适应国际石油市场变化的能力,就显得十分迫切和重要。

    Speeding up our SPR system ensure the import crude oil supply , improving the international oil market flexibility capacity is very important .

  30. 设立专门战略石油储备税以及战略储备石油免税等。

    Set up the specialized tax of strategy storage and carry out tax-free for the strategy storage of petroleum ;