
  • 网络petrochemical industry
  1. 关于运用WTO《反倾销协议》保护我国石化产业的建议

    Suggestions on Protecting Our Petrochemical Industry by Applying WTO 's Anti Dumping Agreement

  2. 运用WTO《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》保护我国石化产业利益

    Protecting China 's Petrochemical Industry Interests by Applying WTO 's Intellectual Property Agreement Concerning Trade

  3. 加入WTO后,在给我国石油、石化产业带来挑战的同时,也带来了机遇。

    With China 's joining WTO the petroleum industries in our country encounter with the challenge but the opportunity .

  4. 从直接角度看,石化产业对江苏GDP增长率贡献巨大。

    Form the direct angle , the petrochemical industry makes a great contribution on GDP growth .

  5. 石化产业应转变观念,加快技术进步,构筑现代企业机制,抢占制高点,迎接WTO的挑战。

    We should change our opinions , accelerate technological advances , construct modern enterprise systems and control a commanding point in order to face the challenge of joining WTO .

  6. 随着中国成功加入WTO,我国的石油石化产业日益置身于经济全球化、市场一体化、竞争动态化和技术发展日新月异的新环境中。

    With China success join into WTO , the petroleum and petrochemical industry in our nation has been increasingly launched out on a new environment with continuous changes and improvements on economy globalization , market integration , dynamic competition and technological progress .

  7. 闽台石化产业合作研究

    Research on the Cooperation Between Fujian and Taiwan in Petrochemical Industry

  8. 中国石油石化产业国际竞争力分析

    Analysis on the International Competitiveness of Chinese Oil and Petrochemical Industry

  9. 基于投入产出的福建石化产业协同效应

    On Fujian Petrochemical Industry Synergy Level Based on Input / Output

  10. 第二节对石化产业发展趋势进行了分析。

    Section two focuses on the petrochemical industry development trend .

  11. 华北油田石化产业发展战略研究

    Development Strategic Research of Petrochemical Industry for HuaBei Oil Field

  12. 中国石油石化产业发展战略之我见

    Personal Opinions on Development Strategy for China 's Petroleum & Petrochemical Industry

  13. 对大庆地区石化产业的竞争力分析,主要分析了乙烯和炼油行业。

    Ethylene industry and refining industry have analyzed in Daqing .

  14. 我国石化产业现状及资源供求分析

    Supply and Demand for Resources of Petrochemical Industry in China

  15. 中东石油石化产业发展战略

    Prospective development of petroleum and petrochemical industry in Middle East

  16. 中国-东盟自贸区对中国石化产业的影响

    The Influence of China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone upon China 's Petrochemical Industry

  17. 世界石化产业结构的第三次重大调整及其启示

    The Third Large Stucture Adjustment of the World Petrochemical Industry and Its Inspiration

  18. 石化产业发展循环经济产业模式与对策研究

    Study on industrial mode and measures to develop circular economy for petrochemical industry

  19. 中国石油石化产业处于寡头垄断下的有限竞争状态。

    PetroChina and Sinopec are involved in an oligopolistic state of limited competition .

  20. 中国石化产业园区与循环经济互动发展研究

    The Interactive Development between Industrial Park and Circular Economy of Petrochemical Industry in China

  21. 中国石化产业营销网络研究

    Study on Industrial Marketing Network of SINOPEC

  22. 石化产业是我国的支柱产业。

    Petrochemical industry is Chinese pillar industry .

  23. 分析了我国石油石化产业的空间聚集现状。表明:石油开采与加工业有一定的相关性,但并非起决定作用;

    This paper analyzed the dimensional accumulation status of petroleum and petrochemical industries in China .

  24. 石油石化产业在我国国民经济的发展中发挥着极其重要的作用。

    Petroleum & petrochemical industry plays a very important role in China 's national economic development .

  25. 区域性的石化产业群在生产需求和消费需求快速增长的情况下,逐渐得到发展和壮大。

    Regional petrochemical industries with the growing demand of production and consumption gradually developed and expanded .

  26. 面向未来,加快科学有效发展&中国石油石化产业发展展望

    Facing Future , Accelerating Scientific and Effective Development Development Prospect of China 's Petroleum Petrochemical Industry

  27. 南京都市圈石化产业发展对策研究

    A Study of the Strategy for the Development of the Petrochemical Industry in Nanjing Centered City Circle

  28. 与发达国家比,我国石化产业聚集的规模总体来说还不算高。

    Comparing with developed countries , the accumulation scale of petrochemical industries is generally not high enough .

  29. 最后提出了提高我国石油石化产业国际竞争力的措施。

    At last the paper recommends some measures for Chinese oil and petrochemical industry to increase its competitiveness .

  30. 随着世界石化产业的调整,中国的石化工业也发生着巨大的变化。

    Along with the restructuring of the world petrochemical industries , China petrochemical industry is also changed greatly .