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zhèn dìng
  • calm;cool;composed;unflappable;presence of mind;settle;unperturbed;aplomb;sangfroid;undismayed;phlegm;cool down
镇定 [zhèn dìng]
  • [settle; calm;composed] 遇到紧急情况不慌乱

  • 保持镇定

镇定[zhèn dìng]
  1. 他深深地吸了口气,竭尽全力保持镇定。

    He took a deep breath , desperately trying to keep calm .

  2. 保持镇定是一种自我控制活动。

    Staying calm was an exercise in self-control .

  3. 她试图保持冷静、沉着、镇定。

    She tried to remain cool , calm and collected .

  4. 我心烦意乱,难以镇定思绪。

    I was so confused that I could hardly compose my thoughts .

  5. 没事儿,你要镇定,要冷静。

    It 's OK ─ hang loose and stay cool .

  6. “我去请医生。”他镇定地说。

    ' I 'll call the doctor , ' he said calmly .

  7. 埃玛皱起了眉头,努力使自己镇定下来。

    Emma frowned , making an effort to compose herself .

  8. 比赛前,他显得镇定而自信。

    He appeared relaxed and confident before the match .

  9. 服用药性不强的镇定剂没有危险。

    It 's safe to take a mild sedative .

  10. 那男孩子镇定地关掉了煤气。

    The boy had the presence of mind to turn off the gas .

  11. 她表现出镇定自若的神态。

    She projects an air of calm self-confidence .

  12. 她镇定地面对这个坏消息。

    She took the bad news philosophically .

  13. 我确保自己听上去很镇定,但脑筋却飞快地转着。

    I made sure I sounded calm but my mind was racing

  14. 有一小会儿他看上去有些迟疑不定,之后又恢复了镇定。

    For a minute he looked uncertain , and then recovered his composure

  15. 我外表看似镇定,实则吓得不轻。

    In spite of my outward calm I was very shaken

  16. 克里斯蒂面对记者,显得镇定自若。

    Christie looked relaxed and calm as he faced the press

  17. 杰克逊镇定自若,始终克制着情绪。

    Jackson remained calm and always master of his passions

  18. 自始至终,马克表面上都显得很镇定。

    Through it all , Mark was outwardly calm .

  19. 葬礼上她没有哭,也很镇定。

    At the funeral she was dry-eyed and composed .

  20. 杀人后,他镇定地点起火销毁罪证。

    After the killing , he calmly lit a fire to destroy evidence .

  21. 她停了一会儿,让自己镇定下来。

    She paused for a moment to collect herself

  22. 盖尔镇定地注视着哈里,沉默了片刻。

    Gail was silent for a moment , regarding Harry with his steady gaze .

  23. 她镇定而且坚强,绝不会垮掉。

    She 's calm and strong , and she is just not going to crack

  24. 什么都不能扰乱她随意地和员工打招呼时流露出的那种镇定自若。

    Nothing could ruffle the perfect composure with which she casually greets members of staff .

  25. 他镇定自若,在1号场地惊心动魄的5盘3胜对决中击败了安德鲁·阿加西。

    He held his nerve to beat Andre Agassi in a five-set thriller on Court One

  26. 我姐姐凭着自己的镇定和常识帮着把这些问题都解决了。

    My sister had come in with her calm common sense and straightened them out .

  27. 她设法让自己镇定下来,并小声问:“你有烟吗?”

    Somehow she steadied herself and murmured , ' Have you got a cigarette ? '

  28. 她感到一阵恐慌,但还是强作镇定地离开了房间。

    She felt a wave of panic , but forced herself to leave the room calmly

  29. 他的直系亲属都在场,这显然起到了让他镇定的作用。

    The presence of his immediate family is obviously having a calming effect on him .

  30. 她尽力保持镇定,可还是由于紧张、犹豫不决而抖个不停。

    She has done her best to keep calm but finds herself trembling with tension and indecision