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zhōng jiū
  • after all;eventually;in the end;at length
终究 [zhōng jiū]
  • [after all] 终归,最后还是

  • 敌人终究是纸老虎

终究[zhōng jiū]
  1. 你终究会变得不在意吵闹声的。

    You eventually become oblivious to the noise .

  2. 你可能终究面临CRF进展到需要食欲刺激剂的时候。

    You may eventually reach a point in the CRF progression when an appetite stimulant is necessary .

  3. 我坚信一切终究都会好起来。

    I am confident that everything will come out right in time

  4. 那么,你终究还是成功地来到了美国。

    So you did make it to America , after all .

  5. 注册人数终究还是没有出现如此大幅度的下降。

    There wasn 't such a big decline in enrollments after all

  6. 金矿并非无底的宝藏,金子终究会被采光。

    A gold mine is not a bottomless pit , the gold runs out

  7. 尽管后来他成了事业有成的生意人,以前的犯罪前科终究让他尝到了苦果。

    Although he subsequently became a successful businessman , his criminal past caught up with him .

  8. 我可以欺骗自己你这样做是为了我,但那终究是谎言。

    I could kid myself that you did this for me , but it would be a lie .

  9. 她对电影业可能有些怀疑失望,但终究没有恩将仇报之意。

    She may be cynical about the film industry , but ultimately she has no intention of biting the hand that feeds her .

  10. 他们终究还是决定从陆路走。

    They decided to go by the overland route after all .

  11. 她终究会了解他的感情。

    In the end she will understand his feelings .

  12. 私吞集体财产终究会得到法律的制裁!

    He who appropriates collective goods will be punished by the law !

  13. 一个人的力量终究有限。

    After all , the strength of a single individual is limited .

  14. 你终究会喜欢它的。

    You 'll get to like it in time .

  15. 这终究不过是一场梦。

    It was only a dream , after all .

  16. 他如实相告,表示要改过自新,又怕年纪已大,终究一事无成。

    He told Lu Yun the truth and expressed his wish to correct his faults and make a fresh start , but he was afraid that he was too old to accomplish anything .

  17. 小布什(georgew.bush)总统终究还是提高了钢材关税,这对贸易的影响远高于轮胎关税。

    President George W. Bush , after all , raised steel tariffs , which affected a lot more trade than the tyre measure .

  18. 首先,尽管UFO和ET一直都是高度机密,但是这个火终究再也包不住了!

    First , even though UFO and ET are top secret all the time , the truth will come out soon .

  19. 套用甘地(Gandhi)的话,他说,贯穿整个历史,暴君们终究会倒台。

    Paraphrasing Gandhi , he said that throughout history , tyrants have fallen in the end .

  20. 当这个节目被取消、她的商店也受经济衰退所拖累之时,她认为自己终究还是对健康问题感兴趣,现在她正在哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)撰写健康教育的硕士论文。

    When the show was canceled and her store fell victim to the economic downturn , Ms. Cohen decided she was passionate about health issues after all and is now completing her master 's thesis in health education at Columbia University .

  21. 我真诚希望Lift之上的RubyAPI能够以一种比ScalaAPI更好的方式将Lift暴露出来,未来某一天,Ruby方式终究会对Lift的ScalaAPI产生积极的影响。

    I sincerely hope that the Ruby APIs on top of Lift expose Lift in a new and better way than the Scala APIs * that one day , the Ruby way will positively influence Lift 's Scala APIs .

  22. 2004年80岁的马龙·白兰度(MarlonBrando)去世时,不少讣告作者认为,他终究不是一个夺冠热门。

    When Marlon Brando died in 2004 at 80 , more than a few obituary writers decided he hadn 't been a contender , after all .

  23. afterall:终究我想你今天的工作还没结束,call:打电话下班了打电话给我,remember:记得Rufus还记得我吗?

    Bryn : I guess you 're not done for the day after all , But when you are , call me . - Bex : Hi , Rufus . remember me ? -

  24. 然而提升硬件终究不是有效的方式。2006年,由Candes博士和美国斯坦福大学的Donoho院士等人提出一种新理论-压缩传感理论。该理论给从事通信研究的研究员一种新的思路。

    However , upgrading hardware is not a valid way after all . In2006 , a new theory , compressed sensing theory , which is proposed by Dr. Candes and Donoho Academy of Sciences in Stanford University , gives a new idea to the researchers engaged in communication research .

  25. 它终究不过是一只乌龟嘛,是吧?

    After all , it 's just a turtle , right ?

  26. 不过,像这样皆大欢喜的结局,终究是少之又少。

    Such happy endings , however , are all too rare .

  27. 终究,学生学习是教育的原因。

    After all , student learning is the reason for education .

  28. 我猜你终究是要提交辩护状的。

    I guess you get to submit that brief after all .

  29. 但是,这种平衡之举终究不是正确的解决办法。

    But this balancing act is ultimately not the right solution .

  30. 但他终究也只是一个凡人。

    But finally , he is still a man of mould .