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xī han
  • 同"希罕";rare
稀罕 [xī hǎn]
  • [rare] 稀奇,少有

  • 你那玉也是件稀罕物儿,岂能人人皆有。--《红楼梦》

稀罕[xī han]
  1. 你就留着你那份臭工作吧——我才不稀罕呢!

    You can bloody well keep your job ─ I don 't want it !

  2. 我烦透了老板的牢骚,便跟他说那活儿他自己干吧,我才不稀罕。

    I got sick of my boss 's moaning and told him he could stick the job .

  3. “它极为稀罕,”吉布森严肃地宣布。

    ' Its rarity value is high , ' Gibson announced gravely .

  4. 她喜欢收集稀罕少见的地毯。

    She is fond of collecting rare carpets .

  5. 其他的稀罕事包括对普雷斯利的采访。

    Other rarities include an interview with Presley .

  6. 乔治认为这辆车非常稀罕,所以他只会拿它展示很少的几次。

    George decided it was such a rare car that he would only use it for a few shows

  7. 这么大的人参可是个稀罕儿。

    Such a big ginseng root is certainly a rarity .

  8. 你看不上,我还稀罕呢。

    You may not care , but I do .

  9. 骆驼在南方是稀罕的东西。

    Camels are a rare sight in the south .

  10. 用爱这个词来形容我的感受太苍白了,我耐你,我中意你,我贼稀罕你啊!

    Love is too weak a word for the way I feel . I lurv you . I loave you . I luff you .

  11. 很少有分析师像梅奥这样,从不主动巴结他理应亲近的银行高管(明星分析师出席CEO主办的奢华酒会和私人晚宴,并非什么稀罕事)。

    Mayo , 48 , convincingly shows himself to be pretty punk rock among sell side analysts .

  12. true:真实的gentlemen:(gentleman的复数形式)绅士rare:稀罕的breed:品种现在真正的绅士太少了,所有,你是真的回来了?

    True gentlemen are a rare breed . - Blair : So it is true that you 're back . -

  13. 芦荟含有十种维生素,包括一种稀罕的、植物中提炼出来的B12维生素源头,叫做氰钴胺素。

    Aloe contains ten vitamins , including an uncommon , plant derived source of B12 , also know as cobalamin .

  14. 这意味着mba文凭已有些贬值:数年前,这纸证书仍很稀罕,颇受好评;而现如今,你会对许多机构的质量标准感到困惑。

    That means an MBA qualification has become somewhat debased : years ago it was rare and highly regarded ; now you wonder about quality thresholds at many institutions .

  15. 人们购买这对耳环或Vertu手机,看中的并不是它们的功能,仅仅是因为它们是稀罕物。

    People aren 't paying for the earrings or the phone 's function , but their quality as rare objects .

  16. 对于INFJ来说,为了彻底的理解一个观点或者形势,他们要考虑所有的事情,这让他们感到紧张不安,这种情况是不稀罕的。

    It 's not unusual for an INFJ to feel overwhelmed with all of the things that he or she needs to consider in order to fully understand an idea or situation .

  17. 为什么在英国人身上激情是这么稀罕的品质?

    Why is passion such a rare quality in the english ?

  18. 我很稀罕,他居然会这么傻。

    I 'm surprised that he should have been so foolish .

  19. 个人投资者上个$100万美元也不是个稀罕事。

    Individual investments of up to $ 1m are not uncommon .

  20. 果汁盒现在可能只被当做一个漂亮的东西,没什么稀罕。

    Boxes of juice may seem a pretty everyday item now .

  21. 他一眼就看出这是一个稀罕的品种。

    He immediately recognized that it was a rare breed .

  22. 我好稀罕,我之前没看到过。

    I 'm surprised that I didn 't see all that before .

  23. 离婚,这个曾经在中国很稀罕的现象如今却非常常见。

    Once rare , divorce is now common in China .

  24. 有人也许没听说这稀罕物儿吧?

    Maybe some people have not heard of this rarity ?

  25. 一群小鬼头谁稀罕?

    They 're all brats . Who needs ' em ?

  26. 非常不平常或者稀罕,但并非唯一。

    Highly unusual or rare but not the single instance .

  27. 您亲自出马还真稀罕。

    It 's rare for you to come in person .

  28. 我真稀罕他这样的人竟然会乐成。

    I wonder such a man as he should succeed .

  29. 我给你们带来一件稀罕而宝贵的礼物。

    I have brought you a rare and noble gift .

  30. 他16岁了,这不是什么稀罕事。

    He 's sixteen . It 's not unheard of .