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kǎn kě
  • rough;bumpy;rugged;full of frustrations
坎坷 [kǎn kě]
  • (1) [rough]∶道路高低不平

  • (2) [full of frustrations]∶事情不顺利或不称心,比喻不得志

  • 半世坎坷

坎坷[kǎn kě]
  1. 尽管有些公司经营不错,但是因为经济震荡对国内和国际(International)旅行造成冲击,亚洲航空业面前的道路十分成坎坷。

    And while some are faring well , the sector faces a bumpy ride as economic turbulence hits both domestic and international travel .

  2. 但马库拉创建的公司EchelonCorp.未能达到这个目标,经历了坎坷历史。

    But the company he founded , Echelon Corp. , didn 't hit that target and has had a bumpy history .

  3. 杀人凶手出身于一个坎坷不幸的家庭。

    The killer had a disturbed family background .

  4. 她历尽坎坷才达到目的。

    It had been an uphill struggle to achieve what she had wanted

  5. 他一直是她曲折坎坷的生活中的主心骨。

    He had been a rock in the shifting sands of her existence .

  6. 不管过去经历了什么坎坷,吉尔现在似乎都已经挺过来了。

    Whatever the vicissitudes of her past life , Jill now seems to have come through .

  7. 当事情变得坎坷、艰难时,我们就看到了警告的预兆与信号。

    We see the warning signs and signals when things get rough and difficult .

  8. 放纵思念痛苦的纷扰盘点寂寞淌过坎坷的声音

    Indulges the missing pain troubled , inventorying dripped lonely the rough sound .

  9. 譬如祭坛石门中的落日,寂静的光辉平铺的一刻,地上的每一个坎坷都被映照得灿烂;

    For example , when the setting sun moves to the spot inside the stone arch of the altar , its rays spread across the ground and each rough spot on the ground is resplendent in the sunshine ;

  10. TD-SCDMA一个中国标准的坎坷商业路

    TD-SCDMA : A rough journey of a China standard

  11. DM杂志在我国是一个年轻又旺盛的媒介形式,经历了最初的坎坷历程,到现在开始了快速的发展。

    DM magazine is a young vigorous form of media in China . After the bumpy course in the initial stage , it has preceded a rapid development .

  12. 弗兰德度过了一段坎坷的棒球后时代,他克服了酗酒、经历了还债和一段失败的婚姻,最终于1992年获得全国有色人种协进会(NAACP)杰基·罗宾森奖(JackieRobinsonAward)。

    Flood overcame a rough post-baseball life of alcoholism , debt and a failed marriage to receive the NAACP Jackie Robinson Award in 1992 .

  13. 面对二战以来最严重的贸易瘫痪,G20峰会努力制定解决策略,而这些防备政策将使这一过程变得更加坎坷。

    Such policies could complicate the G20 's efforts to come up with ways to deal with what is already the biggest collapse in trade since the second world war .

  14. 但这个行业面临的道路可能是坎坷的:瑞士信贷(creditsuisse)指出,今年中国零售额的增长已略有放缓;精品葡萄酒销售、干邑发货量、瑞士钟表出口和国际航空旅行也是如此。

    But the road could be bumpy : Credit Suisse notes that Chinese retail sales growth has slowed slightly this year ; so have fine wine sales , cognac shipments , Swiss watch exports and international air travel .

  15. 阿尔卡特(Alcatel)和朗讯科技(Lucent)前ATT硬件设备部门于2006年合并,两家公司当时都处境艰难,此后也走过了一段坎坷的道路。

    Alcatel and Lucent the former equipment arm of ATT merged in 2006 , as both were struggling , and they have trod a fairly rocky path since .

  16. 众所周知,自从《钢铁侠》于2013年上映以来,DC扩展宇宙就经历了一段坎坷之路。而《神奇女侠》成为其系列电影中收视率最高的电影,华纳兄弟在续集中寻求稳扎稳打也就不足为奇了。

    As most will know , the DC Extended Universe has suffered a rocky road since Man of Steel released in 2013 , and with Wonder Woman being the highest rated film in its franchise , it should be no surprise that Warner Bros. are playing it safe for the sequel .

  17. 自戴姆勒-奔驰(Daimler-Benz)1998年收购了克莱斯勒底特律三家汽车制造商中最小的一家以来,戴姆勒克莱斯勒一直发展坎坷。

    DaimlerChrysler has had a bumpy ride since Daimler-Benz took over Chrysler , the smallest of the three Detroit-based carmakers , in 1998 .

  18. 我知道,你的经验是非常坎坷,但你不能发泄在别人身上,你快将FTH星球的人放了!

    I know that your experience is very bumpy , but you can not vent on other people , you were the planet 's people put FTH !

  19. 然而自IASC成立以来,会计国际化的道路一直十分坎坷,究其原因,各国不同的国家利益是影响会计国际化进程重要而关键的因素。

    However , since IASC was founded , the road of accounting internationalization has been full of frustrations , whose reason is that the variance of national interests among countries is the important and key factor influencing the accounting internationalization .

  20. 一度被OKC抛弃,哈登如同一只孤狼,独自来到这座陌生的城市。面对着不确定的命运,在这注定坎坷的道路上,哈登会跌入谷底还是上升到他的偶像科比布莱恩特的水平?

    Once abandoned by OKC , Haeden came to this new city on his own , like a lonewolf , facing the uncertain destiny , on the road doomed to be bumpy , will Harden fall to the bottom or rise to the level of his idol Kobe Bryant .

  21. 我常常想起父亲坎坷的一生。

    The example of my dad was always in my mind .

  22. 他给了“坎坷”全部的所有,一滴泪;

    He gave to Mis'ry all he had , a tear .

  23. 天生我才必有用。困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。

    Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people .

  24. 在长久而坎坷的关系中他们生了两个孩子。

    They had two children during their long and troubled relationship .

  25. 克林顿的仕途虽然谈不上坎坷,但是,他有时看起来内心充满矛盾。

    Clinton 's not tormented , but he does seem conflicted .

  26. 不过,外资基金管理公司或许不久就会遭遇坎坷。

    Yet foreign fund managers may soon hit a rough patch .

  27. 可以预见,希腊新一届政府的开端将是坎坷的。

    The beginning of the new government has been predictably bumpy .

  28. 归国的选择也意味着他此后道路的坎坷性。

    The choice also means that the bumpy nature of the road .

  29. 这两个方面都是在苦难坎坷的现实和人生中的无奈抉择。

    These were all helpless choice in the hard reality and life .

  30. 但是他们因为种种原因成长道路充满艰难和坎坷。

    But their paths have been rugged for a variety of reasons .