
  1. 美国能源情报署(USEnergyInformationAdministration)的数据显示,坎佩切湾是墨西哥重要的石油产地。

    According to the US Energy Information Administration , the Bay of Campeche is an important source of oil production for Mexico .

  2. 大火发生在当日清晨,起火的AbkatunPermanente平台位于墨西哥坎佩切湾附近。该公司在一则Twitter消息中确认,4人在大火中丧生。

    A fire broke out at dawn at its Abkatun Permanente platform off the coast at Campeche Bay in Mexico , and Pemex confirmed in a tweet that four people had been killed .

  3. 同时,一些环境保护主义者还在墨西哥坎佩切湾找到了海豚和海龟的尸体,而这个地方正是Pemex公司利用地震脉冲探测石油的地区。

    She also says activists have come across dead dolphins and turtles in the gulf coast state of Campeche , where Pemex uses seismic pulses to explore for oil .

  4. 坎佩切的古玛雅时代城市卡拉克穆尔

    Ancient Maya City of Calakmul , Campeche