
  • 网络Campbell;Naomi Campbell;Sol Campbell;Colin Campbell;KEMPER
  1. 排在榜单前十位的还有超模摩斯(位居第六)、莉莉艾伦、皮格西罗特、娜奥米坎贝尔以及《Lungs》专辑歌手弗洛伦斯韦尔奇。

    Supermodel Moss was sixth , with Lily Allen , Pixie Lott , Naomi Campbell and Lungs singer Florence Welch completing the top10 .

  2. 现在60岁的卡萨布兰卡所创立的Elite塑造了包括辛迪-克劳馥和呶米-坎贝尔在内的许多世界超级名模,他被指控对一未成年少女进行性侵犯。

    Casablanca , 60 , whose Elite agency has represented supermodels such as Cindy Crawford ( news ) and Naomi Campbell , is accused of sexual abuse of a minor .

  3. 坎贝尔先生说此类节目本质上就是有害的。

    Mr Campbell said such programmes were by their very nature harmful

  4. 他似乎并未注意到妩媚动人的坎贝尔小姐。

    He didn 't seem to notice the delectable Miss Campbell .

  5. 坎贝尔是越来越多需要得到资助的滑雪运动员之一。

    Campbell is one of an ever-growing number of skiers in need of sponsorship

  6. 坎贝尔公司的总裁退休后,麦戈文被选定为继任者。

    When the chairman of Campbell 's retired , McGovern was named as his successor

  7. 坎贝尔当众训斥了他们。

    Campbell dressed them down in public .

  8. 坎贝尔女士法语说得还算可以。

    Ms Campbell speaks passable French .

  9. 坎贝尔羹汤公司表示,它将努力开发日本的大米市场。

    The Campbell Soup Company says it will try to tap into Japan 's rice market .

  10. “坎贝尔医生,”他显然很惊讶地说道,“您怎么在这儿?”

    ' Dr Campbell , ' he said , clearly surprised . ' What are you doing here ? '

  11. 正如坎贝尔所解释的,这里存在的危险在于,我们可能被这种模式识别(PatternRecognition)过程误导。

    The danger here , as Mr Campbell explains , is that we can be misled by this process of pattern recognition .

  12. 南区区议会及其应用的详细描述可在西医坎贝尔先生,J。

    The detail descriptions of SDC and its applications are available in W.

  13. 坎贝尔方法研究及在GPRS信道配置中的应用

    Campbell Theory Study and Application in GPRS Channel Configuration

  14. 基于坎贝尔算法的TD-SCDMA容量预测分析

    Forecasting and Analysis of TD-SCDMA Capacity Based on Campbell Algorithm

  15. 除了波顿与温图尔外,大都会艺术博物馆的馆长托马斯•坎贝尔(ThomasPCampbell)同样是位英国佬。

    As well as Bolton and Wintour , the Met 's director Thomas P Campbell is also a Brit .

  16. 2006年,哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)经济学家约翰o坎贝尔估算,由于在按揭融资方面决策欠妥,住房业主每年都要损失500亿美元以上。

    And a 2006 study from Harvard economist John Campbell estimated that poor decisions concerning mortgage financing costs homeowners more than $ 50 billion annually .

  17. 前不久,戴尔获得了温德姆-坎贝尔文学奖(Windham-CampbellLiteraturePrize),奖金是15万美元。

    Mr. Dyer was recently awarded a Windham-Campbell Literature Prize , which comes with $ 150,000 .

  18. 1992年,凯利•坎贝尔在美国北卡罗莱纳州的罗利创建了软件开发公司InterfaceTechnologiesInc。他的梦想是要用设计得美轮美奂的技术去改变世界。

    In1992 when Kelly Campbell started Interface Technologies Inc. , a software development company in Raleigh , North Carolina , his dream was to change the world with beautifully designed technology .

  19. 英国行业技能发展机构(SkillsSectorDevelopmentAgency)研究主管迈克•坎贝尔(MikeCampbell)表示,这相当于到2020年,每两个英国成年人中就有一人的素质达到更高水平。

    Mike Campbell , head of research at the Sector Skills Development Agency ( SSDA ), says that this is the equivalent of every second adult in the UK gaining a higher level qualification before 2020 .

  20. 今年8月,美国东亚和太平洋事务助理国务卿科特坎贝尔(kurtcampbell)更清楚的阐述了这一主张。

    Kurt Campbell , US Assistant Secretary for East Asia and the Pacific , put the proposition more explicitly in August .

  21. 要知道,底特律的坎贝尔•爱华德公司(CampbellEwald)为雪佛兰操持广告业务已有91年之久,这一变动震撼了整个广告界。

    Because Detroit-based Campbell Ewald had supervised the account for 91 years , the moved rocked the advertising world .

  22. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)亚洲并购业务主管理查德坎贝尔-布里登(RichardCampbell-Breeden)表示,可能会有更多在美上市中资公司进行私有化。

    Richard Campbell-Breeden , head of M & A in Asia at Goldman Sachs , said there was potential for more US-listed Chinese companies to go private .

  23. 坎贝尔的前经纪人卡萝尔-怀特(CaroleWhite)和女演员米亚·法罗(MiaFarrow)表示,在南非前总统曼德拉举办的晚宴之后,查尔斯-泰勒(CharlesTaylor)赠送给坎贝尔未经打磨的钻石。

    Campbell 's former agent Carole White and actress Mia Farrow have said Campbell was given an uncut diamond by Charles Taylor after a dinner party hosted by Nelson Mandela .

  24. 坎贝尔夫妇从未使用过Airbnb。虽然他们缺乏经验,而且这家网站也受到过批评,但他们并未因此止步不前。

    The Campbells had never used Airbnb , but weren 't dissuaded by their lack of experience or the criticism .

  25. 但是话说回来,原名HancoATM系统的ATM提供商YourCashEurope的首席执行官珍妮•坎贝尔(JennyCampbell)表示,女性领导者受到的密切关注可能使女性不敢争夺领导地位。

    Still , the intense scrutiny faced by female bosses may deter women from competing for leadership positions , says Jenny Campbell , chief executive of YourCash Europe , the ATM provider formerly called Hanco ATM systems .

  26. 对于一个美国东亚事务助理国务卿科特坎贝尔(kurtcampbell)称之为“黑箱”的国家来说,回答上述问题并不容易。

    This is not easy to answer of a country that Kurt Campbell , US Assistant Secretary of state for East Asian affairs , has called a " black box " .

  27. 来自伦敦坎贝尔蒙纳学院的汤姆·科尔向VideoJug用户展示怎样让你的植物焕发出蓬勃生机。

    Tom Cole from Capel Manor College in London is going to show VideoJug how to get your plants bursting into life .

  28. 早在60年代,布洛德夫人就见过安迪·沃霍尔(AndyWarhol)的坎贝尔汤罐头组图,不过没有买下。当时沃霍尔拥有一个自己的小画廊;

    Andy Warhol , whose Campbell 's Soup Can pictures Ms. Broad first saw ( but didn 't buy ) as early as the 1960s , has a small gallery of his own ;

  29. 自1927年产生的斯特朗职业兴趣测验理论至今,有关职业兴趣的研究蓬勃兴起,其代表人物及其理论包括斯特朗、坎贝尔的SCII,库德的KOIS,霍兰德的VPI等。

    Holland 's VPI and so on from the birth of E. K. Strong 's the-ory of vocational interest test in 1927 up to now .

  30. 不管怎样,大都会艺术博物馆很快意识到,它最初预测的数字将被超越,所以6月底,博物馆馆长兼首席执行官托马斯·P·坎贝尔(ThomasP.Campbell)决定把展览延长三周。

    In any case , the museum quickly learned that its original expectations were going to be surpassed , and in late June , Thomas P. Campbell , the director and chief executive of the Met , decided to extend the show another three weeks .