
  • 网络cold weather;frost
  1. 我想买一件能在这种严寒天气中御寒的厚大衣。

    I want to have a heavy overcoat for such cold weather .

  2. 在美国,许多老年人和残疾人,因为体弱、多病,以及北方的严寒天气,处于孤立无援的境地,其中很多人营养不良。

    Many elderly and disabled Americans are isolated by frailty , illness and at this time of year , in the northern states , extreme cold weather . Many also suffer from malnutrition .

  3. 如果碰上下雨天或是严寒天气,就选择一项室内活动。

    If the weather is wet or cold choose an indoor activity

  4. 科学家利用遗传工程保护番茄免受严寒天气的影响。

    Scientists have used genetic engineering to protect tomatoes against the effects of freezing .

  5. 1992年3月22日,全美航空公司(USAir)405次班机在严寒天气下从拉瓜迪亚机场(LaGuardiaAirport)起飞。几分钟后飞机失速并紧急着陆,导致27名乘客死亡。

    On March 22 1992 , USAir flight 405 departed from LaGuardia Airport in icy conditions and a few minutes later stalled and crash-landed , killing 27 passengers .

  6. 近来,威尔科克斯与苏格兰品牌Mackintosh合作制作了一款限量版的该品牌经典Dunoon大衣,这件衣服他在严寒天气里穿。

    Mr. Wilcox recently collaborated with Scottish brand Mackintosh to make a limited-edition version of their classic Dunoon coat , which he wears in inclement conditions .

  7. 全国大部分地区遭到严寒天气的袭击。

    Much of the country was socked by harsh weather .

  8. 这个种新品能够忍受严寒天气并且有着更长的生长季。

    The new barley tolerated frost and had a longer growing season .

  9. 严寒天气把我们几棵新栽的小植物冻死了。

    Frost has killed several of our new young plants .

  10. 11月初正值收获和严寒天气之间。

    Earlier November was between the harvest and the worst winter weather .

  11. 你就努力适应冬季的严寒天气。

    You strive to meet the cold winter weather .

  12. 在严寒天气,他们的排气管在灰色的街道上吐着缕缕白烟。

    In the sub-zero weather , their exhausts plumbed white in the grey streets .

  13. 这种严寒天气会冻伤果实的花。

    The frost will bite the fruit blossom .

  14. 英国人已经想出了一些对付严寒天气的最优雅解决之道。

    The British have come up with some of the most elegant solutions to wicked weather .

  15. 里根没有这样做,1985年由于严寒天气的高发危险风。

    Reagan did not do so in1985 due to freezing cold temperatures made dangerous by high winds .

  16. 当遭遇严寒天气的时候,脚趾是最容易受伤害的身体部位。

    Your toes are the most vulnerable part of your body when it comes to the cold .

  17. 未来几天,中西部地区至东北部地区将遭遇更多不同寻常的严寒天气。

    More unusually frigid temperatures are expected from the mid-west to the northeast over the next few days .

  18. 从西南部到东海岸,美国已经遭受了冬季严寒天气的严重的袭击。

    From the Southwest to the East Coast , winter weather has taken its toll on the United States .

  19. 但科学家没有把目前的严寒天气和气候变化联系在一起。那么这究竟是什么原因呢?

    But experts did not connect the current frigid blast to climate change . So what is going on ?

  20. 巴卡拉头盔的开放式面罩最早是为一名“严寒天气”克隆人坦克驾驶员设计的。

    The open-facemask design of Bacara 's helmet was first developed for an " inclement weather " clone tank driver .

  21. 我从未在寒冷的气候里待过,所以以为生活在严寒天气里的人们都是这样的。

    I 'd never lived in a cold climate , so I assumed this happened to everyone in frigid weather .

  22. 欧洲、北美冬季连续遭受暴风雪袭击,出现严寒天气,夏季又经受了高温热浪的袭击。

    In Europe and North America , cold and snow weather was experienced during winter , while hot weather occurred in summer .

  23. 严寒天气使欧洲部分地区交通瘫痪,各大机场正全力帮助成千上万滞留的旅客。

    European airports are struggling to help thousands of passengers stranded after severe wintry weather paralysed parts of Europe 's transport network .

  24. 这些数据表明,美国大部分地区经历了数周的严寒天气后,经济开始复苏。

    The numbers suggest that the economy is beginning to recover after weeks of harsh winter weather in much of the country .

  25. 而美国其他地区仍然处于冰雪和严寒天气当中,而洛杉矶附近一直因为干旱而炎热干燥。

    While other parts of the country were shivering under snow , ice and bitter cold , areas near Los Angeles have been parched by drought .

  26. 蒙古位于半干旱地区,其气候易受严寒天气和极其干旱夏季天气的影响,正因为如此,牧民们总是要想方设法地维持稳定收入。

    Maintaining a regular income is a constant battle as the climate in this semi-arid country is prone to severe , freezing winters and extremely dry summers .

  27. 当天有数百名影迷冒着严寒天气在这里露营过夜,他们在刮风下雨的晚上出现在这里,只为一睹演员们的风采。

    Hundreds had camped overnight in chilly conditions , and they were present on a wet and windy night in the capital to catch sight of the cast .

  28. 在芬兰北部的山上可以看到美丽的极光,可惜的是严寒天气往往使得人们无法在深夜去外面闲逛。

    In the mountains of northern Finland you can see the beautiful lights of the aurora . Unfortunately , the intense cold tends to stop people from hanging outside late at night .

  29. 斯珀尔指出,配饰或许是优雅绅士们抵御严寒天气的最有效武器:带有羊绒内衬的小牛皮手套是必备之物,还要有一条上好的围巾。

    Mr. Spurr pointed out that accessories might be the most effective weapon in an elegant gent 's weather-combatting arsenal : Cashmere-lined calfskin gloves are a must , as is a good scarf .

  30. 尽管该数据略低于预期,但它初步表明,美国劳动力市场近期的疲软是冬季严寒天气而不是结构性因素的结果。

    Although that number was slightly less that forecast , it is one of the first signs that recent weakness in the labour market was a result of wintry weather rather than anything more structural .