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  1. 严嵩、徐阶比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Yan Song and Xu Jie

  2. 论专制皇权制度下的明代阁辅严嵩

    On Yan Song , minister of the Ming Dynasty under the autocratic monarch system

  3. 要对严嵩进行恰当的重新评价,必须坚持一条科学的研究思路;同时要注意区分严嵩在历史发展过程中的主要作用与次要作用。

    To properly revaluate Yan Song , we should stick to a scientific research method and pay attention to distinguishing the main role and minor role Yan Song played in the historic development .

  4. 严嵩在明代政治舞台上活跃了半个多世纪,曾是炙手可热、威权显赫的人物,对当时的政治、经济、军事、文化都有过相当程度的影响。

    As a powerful figure , Yan Song held power in the political stage of the Ming Dynasty for over half century and had great influence on politics , economy , military affairs and culture .