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  • 网络masson;Mason;Marson
  1. 雷德菲尔德县的治安法官马森先生被请求签署沃特敦县所发的逮捕令以逮捕一个夜盗贼。

    Mr Masson , justice of the peace in Redfield county , was called on to back a warrant , which had been issued in Watertown county , for the arrest of a burglar .

  2. 马森的姓的第一个字母是j。

    The name 's mason , initial J.

  3. 鲜甜的扇贝、朴实的松露和帕马森芝士的咸香相互呼应,配合一款名为L’ExpressionMêmeduRavissementUltime的库克陈年香槟(GrandeCuvée),逐一品味。

    echoes of the sweet scallops , earthy truffles and Parmesan 's salty umami richness could all be tasted in the paired wine , a Grande Cuv é e called " L'Expression M ê me du Ravissement Ultime . "

  4. 去年冬季,米勒先生推出了令人惊艳的黑松露主题菜单,搭配精选的库克香槟(KrugChampagnes),头盘为烤扇贝配西芹黑松露意大利调味饭(risotto)浇帕马森芝士泡沫汁;

    This past winter , Mr. Mille 's stunning black-truffle-themed menu , served with a selection of Krug Champagnes , began with grilled scallops and celery-and-black-truffle " risotto " in a Parmesan foam ;

  5. 艾瑞克:嗨,马森教授,您有时间吗?

    Eric : Hi , Professor Mason , do you have a minute ?

  6. 波菜、蛋、培根、和帕马森起司。

    Spinach , egg , parmesan and bacon .

  7. 但马森不接替杰克吗?

    But doesn 't Mason supersede jack ?

  8. 马森认为,因此投资者必须忘掉经济增长,把注意力集中在估值数据上。

    Investors must therefore ignore economic growth and focus on valuation numbers , argues Marson .

  9. 当拉斯马森失去第三面旗子时,她开始干扰僵尸,以掩护克里斯滕森。

    And when Ms. Rasmussen lost her third flag , she started running interference for Ms. Christensen .

  10. 马森老师让全班都听他说话,要我们把论文交上去。

    Mr. Mason called the class to order then , asking us to turn in our papers .

  11. 马森相信,分享新兴市场增长的最佳方式,是通过国内债券市场。

    Mr Marson believes the best way to get exposure to emerging markets is through the domestic bond market .

  12. 这对夫妇甚至已经开始把马森的衣服按年龄分类,为下一个儿子的到来做准备了。

    The couple even sorted out all Mason 's clothes into age order ready for when the new baby was born 。

  13. 即使红酒的确跟某些乳酪很配,如帕马森起司,我却发现其单宁酸很碍事。

    Although red wine does go well with certain hard cheeses ( such as Parmigiano ), I find that its tannins often get in the way .

  14. 马森认为,投资者基本上“是在为也许无法实现的增长支付估值溢价”,特别是在中国、巴西和印度。

    Mr Marson believes investors are largely " paying a premium in valuation for growth that may not come , " particularly in China , Brazil and India .

  15. 马森认为异常便宜的德国、俄罗斯、土耳其和意大利名列前茅,而巴西、印度和中国垫底。

    Germany , Russia , Turkey and Italy – which Marson thinks exceptionally cheap – appear at the top of the list . Brazil , India and China lag at the bottom .

  16. 对照组4周和8周经HE染色材料表面见少量成纤维细胞沉积,马森染色呈蓝色,经抗角蛋白免疫组织化学染色为阴性。

    Fiber tissue deposition were found on the surface of polymers in control group by HE and Masson staining . Immunocytochemical staining of implants showed the negative result for cytokeratins in control group .

  17. 汉娜又怀孕了,尽管采取了这种方法,但她仍认为该方法不会奏效。这对夫妇甚至已经开始把马森的衣服按年龄分类,为下一个儿子的到来做准备了。

    Hannah fell pregnant straight away but was convinced the technique hadn 't worked and that she was expecting another boy . The couple even sorted out all Mason 's clothes into age order ready for when the new baby was born .

  18. 在三个哥哥的照料下,小麦拉一点都不缺人照顾,汉娜说,三个哥哥都对麦拉照顾有加,尤其是马森,一有谁把他妹妹抱起来,马森会让他马上放下小宝宝。

    With three big brothers to look after her , Myla is never going to be short of protectors . Hannah says they are all very protective , but especially Mason , who tells people who pick up his precious sister to put her back immediately 。