
  • 网络Marsh;David Marsh;Othniel Charles Marsh
  1. 马什的一群朋友劝他们说这是个馊主意。

    A posse of Marsh 's friends persuaded them that this was a bad idea .

  2. 该项目的执行董事朱莉娅马什(JuliaMarsh)表示,来自欧洲大陆国家比如德国的兴趣尤其强烈。

    Interest is particularly strong from continental European countries such as Germany , says Julia Marsh , executive director of the programme .

  3. 由两名20出头的朋友共同组建、总部设在马里兰州怀特马什(WhiteMarsh)的ReedStreetProductions公司因为举办这种比赛大赚了一把。

    Reed Street Productions , a company based in White Marsh , Md. , and formed by two friends in their 20s , is making a killing on the races .

  4. 该机构的联络部主任罗杰马什称,七月份,他们在纽约共收到了14份UFO目击报告。

    According to Roger Marsh , director of communications for MUFON , the organization collected 14 UFO reports from New York in July .

  5. 对亚特兰大男装设计师及零售商锡德&12539;马什伯恩(SidMashburn)来说,这个长度和魔力数字接近了。

    For Atlanta-based menswear designer and retailer Sid Mashburn , the magic number is close to it .

  6. 与杜克一样,伦敦商学院于去年推出了MiM项目。项目执行理事朱莉娅马什(JuliaMarsh)表示,他们对该产品有着非常明确的认识。

    Like Duke , LBS launched its MiM in 2009 , and there is a very clear understanding of the product , says Julia Marsh , executive director of the programme .

  7. 上大学时,我有一个美国男朋友,叫马什•马歇尔(MarshMarshall)&没人会忘记他的名字,事实上,那就是他最初吸引我的部分原因。

    At university I had an American boyfriend called Marsh Marshall – no one ever forgot his name , and indeed it was part of what attracted me to him in the first place .

  8. Chubbies和马什伯恩之间或许只差2英寸左右,但这种差别意义重大。

    It may be only 2 or so inches , but the difference between the Chubbies and Mashburns is meaningful .

  9. 卡伦?马什说她为什么想要退休?

    What reasons did Kare Marsh give for wanting to retire ?

  10. 你认为卡伦?马什会退休吗?

    Is Kare marsh going to retire , do you think ?

  11. 记者:马什小姐,您真的准备退休吗?

    REPORTER : Are you really going to retire , miss Marsh ?

  12. 在今晚的这场剧中,马什小姐将会登场。

    Miss Marsh will appear in tonight 's play .

  13. 那一定是女演员卡。马什。

    It must be Karen Marsh , the actress .

  14. 正在跟埃丽卡马什开自己的私人晚会。

    His own personal pity party over Erica marsh .

  15. 詹妮弗?马什:他破坏了我的车。

    Jennifer Marsh : He hacked into my car .

  16. 那一定是女演员卡伦,马什。

    It must be Katen Marsh , the actress .

  17. 马什小姐:不,我不准备拍了。

    MISS MARSH : No , I 'm not .

  18. 《万物理论》的导演马什没有获得导演奖提名。

    Mr. Marsh was not nominated as director of The Theory of Everything .

  19. 记者:您刚拍完一部新电影吗,马什小姐?

    Reporter : have you just made a new film , Miss Marsh ?

  20. 卡伦.马什:爆炸性新闻!由本报记者艾伦.琼斯报导。

    Karen Marsh : Sensational News ! By our reporter , Alan Jones .

  21. 这儿又有一篇关于卡伦.马什的报道。

    Here 's another report about Karen Marsh .

  22. 马什小姐:有可能退。我还拿不定主意。

    Miss marsh : I may . I can 't make up my mind .

  23. 马什小姐:是的,我刚拍完。

    MISS MARSH : Yes , I have .

  24. 您的未婚夫,马什小姐?

    Your future husband , Miss Marsh ?

  25. 相比之下,锡德&12539;马什伯恩的款式就像是从啤酒过渡到伏特加汤力。

    By contrast , Sid Mashburn 's styles have graduated from beer to vodka tonics .

  26. 不过阿里马什是一位可尊敬的贵族。

    But he is a worthy nobleman .

  27. 然而,即使马什把这些错误描述为灾难,他并未因此裹足不前。

    Yet even with mistakes cast as catastrophes , Mr Marsh has not been paralysed .

  28. 因此,在马什一案中,机构必须证明它的决议不是武断而多变的。

    Thus , under Marsh , the agency must demonstrate that its decision was not arbitrary or capricious .

  29. 我可以一直讲下去。弗朗西斯和马什的书中赞美的电影中的好几种鸡尾酒都是这样。

    The same can be said for quite a few of the filmic cocktails celebrated in the Francis and Marsh book .

  30. 马什正在为设在加州帕萨迪纳的喷气推进实验室开发的一种直接应用甲醇的燃料电池申请专利。

    Marsh is licensing the patent for a direct-methanol fuel cell developed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena , Calfifornia .