
  1. 关于第一次社会大分工问题的几点思考&纪念恩格斯《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》一书出版120周年和该书中文版发行50周年

    Reflections on the first great social division of labor

  2. 游牧部落从其余的野蛮人群中分离出来&这是第一次社会大分工。

    Pastoral tribes separated themselves from the mass of the rest of the barbarians : the first great social division of labor .

  3. 50年来我国史学界对第一次社会大分工问题研究综述

    A Summary of the Study on the First Great Social Division of Labor in the History Field of our Country for Recent Fifty years

  4. 长期以来,我国史学界没有间断对第一次社会大分工问题的研究。

    For a long time the history field of our country has been paying attention to the question of the first great social division of labor .

  5. 从第一次社会大分工中,也就产生了第一次社会大分裂,分裂为两个阶级:主人和奴隶、剥削者和被剥削者。

    From the first great social division of labor arose the first great cleavage of society into two classes : masters and slaves , exploiters and exploited .