
  • the first Kuomingtang-Communist Party cooperation
  1. 摘要第一次国共合作的形成是基于国共两党都代表了当时先进文化的前进方向。

    The establishment of the first Kuomingtang-Communist party cooperation is based on the fact that both of the Kuomingtang and the Communist Party represented the orientation of advanced culture .

  2. 莫斯科中山大学与第一次国共合作

    The Moscow Sun Yat-sen University and the First Cooperation of Kuomintang and CPC

  3. 从政党政治角度看第一次国共合作破裂的必然性

    On the Inevitability of Collapse of the First KMT-CCP Cooperation From the Angle of Politics of Party

  4. 党内合作方式与第一次国共合作的破裂

    The mode of " inner-party cooperation " and the rupture of the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and Communist Party

  5. 第一次国共合作期间广州近代教育的发展&以《广州民国日报》教育类广告为中心的考察

    The Development of Modern Education in Guangzhou During the First KMT-CPC Cooperation : Research from Educational advertisement of Guangzhou Republic Daily

  6. 第一次国共合作实现后,广东成为东方殖民地半殖民地国家人民向往的革命摇篮。

    After the country realized the first cooperation , Guangdong became the revolutionary cradle that eastern colony and semi-colony national people yearned for .

  7. 第一次国共合作的实现是孙中山与苏俄战略利益互补的需要。

    The realization of the negotiation between the Communist Party and Kuomintang was based on the complementary of Sun zhongshan and Soviet Union 's interests .

  8. 再论第一次国共合作&从新经济政策实施的角度

    Second Discussion on the First Cooperation Between the KMT and CCP & From the view of practicing the New Economy Policy in the Soviet Union

  9. 第一次国共合作的历史背景是半殖民地半封建社会的中国面临着帝国主义与地方军阀勾结下的残酷剥削和压榨。

    The first KMT-CPC cooperation occurred under the historical background that semi-colonial and semi-feudal society of China was facing the cruel exploitation and press from the imperialism and the local warlords .

  10. 对第一次国共合作统一战线的研究,可以为党在改革开放和社会主义现代化建设新时期的统战工作提供宝贵的经验启示。

    With the study on the first KMT-CPC Cooperation United Front , the CPC can gain valuable united front work experience in the new era of reforming and opening up and modernization .

  11. 而第一次国共合作是杨匏安政治生涯闪光的年代,可以说,研究第一次国共合作这一重大历史事件,杨匏安是一个不可或缺的历史人物。

    The first Kuomintang-communist cooperation period is a political career flash of Yang pao-an . So we can say , when studied this major historical event , Yang pao-an is an indispensable historical figures .

  12. 第一次国共合作时期发生的国民政府迁移问题及其解决,是国民革命由盛及衰的重要转折。

    The problem and solution of moving the capital of the National Government , which happened in the first period of cooperation between Kuomintang and CPC , was an important turning point in the national revolution .

  13. 是靠北伐战争,靠第一次国共合作,靠那时候人民还没有摸清他的底细,还拥护他。

    By the Northern Expedition , by the first period of co-operation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party , by the support given him by the people , who had not yet seen through him .