- 名Guangzhou Uprising of Dec. 11, 1927

First Report on Termite Prevention and Control of Garden Trees in Guangzhou Insurrectional Martyr Cemetery Park
We firstly give the summary of the studies on Xiangnan Uprising , carry out the comparative study of other insurrections , and have our opinions .
When the national revolution failed , under the leadership of the party , they joined in the August 1st Nanchang Insurrection , and Guangzhou Insurrection later .
An investigation on the termite damage of garden trees was carried out in Guangzhou Insurrectional Martyr cemetery Park . The result showed that the damage rate was 23 % , of which 46.5 % was damaged by Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki .
Then , having learned a bitter lesson from the failure of the revolution , the Party organized the Nanchang Uprising , the Autumn Harvest Uprising and the Canton Uprising , and entered on a new period , the founding of the Red Army .