
ɡuǎnɡ zhōu qǐ yì
  • Guangzhou Uprising of Dec. 11, 1927
  1. 广州起义烈士陵园园林树木白蚁防治初报

    First Report on Termite Prevention and Control of Garden Trees in Guangzhou Insurrectional Martyr Cemetery Park

  2. 在对湘南起义研究进行综述的基础上,开展与其他起义的比较研究,认为:湘南起义的地位应在广州起义之上。

    We firstly give the summary of the studies on Xiangnan Uprising , carry out the comparative study of other insurrections , and have our opinions .

  3. 国民革命失败后,他们在党的领导下,踏着先烈的血迹参加了八·一南昌起义,又南下参加了广州起义。

    When the national revolution failed , under the leadership of the party , they joined in the August 1st Nanchang Insurrection , and Guangzhou Insurrection later .

  4. 对广州起义烈士陵园树木白蚁危害情况进行普查,结果表明:危害率23%,46.5%是台湾乳白蚁危害;

    An investigation on the termite damage of garden trees was carried out in Guangzhou Insurrectional Martyr cemetery Park . The result showed that the damage rate was 23 % , of which 46.5 % was damaged by Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki .

  5. 革命失败,得了惨痛的教训,于是有了南昌起义、秋收起义和广州起义,进入了创造红军的新时期。

    Then , having learned a bitter lesson from the failure of the revolution , the Party organized the Nanchang Uprising , the Autumn Harvest Uprising and the Canton Uprising , and entered on a new period , the founding of the Red Army .