
  1. 对九·一八事变中不抵抗政策的再探讨

    Discuss the non-resistance Policy in the " September Eighteenth Incident "

  2. 二是认为蒋是不抵抗政策的发明人,而张是执行者;

    Second , others think that Jiang Jie-shi was a contriver of nonresistance policy , and Zhang just had carried out it .

  3. 1936年,日本帝国主义不断扩大对中国的侵略,蒋介石坚持不抵抗政策,继续进行内战。

    In1936 , the Japanese imperialists continuously expanded the invasion to China , but Chiang Kai-shek adhered to the nonresistance policy and continued the civil war .

  4. 三是认为张学良的不抵抗政策是包含局部抵抗的总体不抵抗,应对东北沦陷承担责任;

    Third , the others think , though the nonresistance policy which Zhang Xue-liang had carried out included partial resistance , he should be blamed for the lost of Northeast .