
  • 网络unconformity;surface of unconformity;unconformities;Uncomformity
  1. 根据塔河油田及其区域地质情况,论述了断层及构造裂隙,不整合面和古风化壳,奥陶系孔、洞、缝和连通砂体四类输导系统。

    This paper discusses the hydrocarbon conduit systems such as fault and structural fissure , unconformity and paleo-weathering crust , Ordovician vug and fracture as well as interconnected sand body in light of Tahe oilfield and its regional geological situations .

  2. 岩溶储层主要发育在距不整合面20~200m范围内。

    Karst reservoirs are mainly developed 20 to 200 m beneath the unconformity .

  3. 不整合面是侵蚀面或无沉积面。

    Unconformities are surfaces of erosion or non-deposition .

  4. 针对这些问题说明了应如何追踪不整合面和编制、空校t0图,从而形成准确的深度图。

    In view of these problems , the paper proposes how to track unconformity surface and produce accurate depth map .

  5. 指出在不整合面下0~250m的深度内,区域性发育3套洞穴型储层,洞穴型储层的发育是油气高产、稳产的关键;

    The development of three suites of cavernous reservoirs extending 0-250 meters below the unconformity interface is the key to high-yielding and oil and gas sources .

  6. 经研究发现,区域油层顶部Ⅰ砂组与上覆地层S3间存在不整合面,并进行论证,对水井采取停注、降水的措施,有效缓减的套变速度。

    An unconformity between the top of sand I and overburden layer S3 is found by means of stopping water flooding to inject-water well , decreasing water and low velocity of casing change .

  7. 本文扼要介绍了加拿大萨斯喀彻温省北部比弗洛支地区脉型(veintype)和阿萨巴斯卡盆地中与不整合面有关的(Unconformityassociated)铀资源概况;

    This paper briefly introduces uranium resources of unconformity associated uranium mineralization in Athabasca basin and vein type uranium mineralization in Beaverlodge area , Northern Saskatchewan , Canada , and systematically expounds common metallogenic characteristics of the above two types of uranium mineralization .

  8. 矿区东矿段天花寨一带的不整合面、西矿段的深部、F37和F3断裂及旁侧次级断裂在走向(倾向)上的变化部位是下一步找矿的有利地段。

    Unconformities at Tianhuazhai in the east ore domain , at depth of the west ore domain , F37 and F3 and sub-faults on either sides of them are targets for further exploration .

  9. 单井地球化学剖面说明,大气淡水作用深度主要集中在不整合面之下150m的深度范围,并对先前形成的白云岩储层进行岩溶改造。

    The geochemical section of single well shows that the depth influenced by atmogenic freshwater is about 150 meter which is under the Caledonian affiliation plane of the unconformity and at the same time , the freshwater reconstructed the dolomite reservoir which had existed before the former .

  10. 在此基础上,初步探讨了奥陶系两个关键不整合面(T70和T74)对岩溶发育的不同影响,探索碳酸盐岩岩溶型储层研究的新思路。

    Furthermore , as a new study ideas on carbonate karst reservoir , the contribution of the two key unconformity ( T4__7 and T0__7 ) to the karst development rule is briefly discussed on the basis of former researches .

  11. 区域性不整合面和沉积界面记录了隆升的阶段性;

    Regional unconformities and sedimentary boundaries record the rhythm of uplifting ;

  12. 相邻两个超长期旋回之间都以不整合面为界。

    The adjacent two super-long-period cyclic sequences are separated by unconformities .

  13. 断裂和不整合面是油气运移的主要通道,构造形成与生排烃期能够匹配。

    Fractures and unconformities are the main channels for hydrocarbon migration ;

  14. 而不整合面为低滑面。

    And the unconformable contaet face is lower sliding surface .

  15. 不整合面标志着河相至边缘海相沉积的相变。

    The unconformity marks the change from fluvial to marginal marine deposition .

  16. 不整合面在油气藏形成中的作用

    Role of surface of unconformity in formation of oil or gas reservoirs

  17. Ⅲ型,不整合面之上为砂砾岩,其下依次为泥岩、砂砾岩;

    Type ⅲ glutenite above it , mudstone and glutenite below it ;

  18. 很多矿产都产于不整合面及其附近,常见的有油气、金、铀、铅锌、铜、锑与铂族元素等,不整合面与成矿的关系值得深入研究。

    It is worth studying the relationship between discordant surface and ore formation .

  19. 不整合面和断层是油气运移的重要通道;

    The unconformity surface and faults are the important pathways for hydrocarbon migration ;

  20. 不整合面是斜坡背景下油气侧向运移的重要通道。对塔里木盆地斜坡背景下石油在不整合面的运移过程进行了模拟实验。

    Unconformity surface is an important pathway for petroleum migration on the slope .

  21. 油气运移通道主要是断裂和风化壳不整合面,区域盖层发育良好。

    The main migration paths of hydrocarbon are fractures and weathering unconformity interfaces .

  22. 塔里木盆地的地层不整合面与油气聚集

    Unconformities and oil and gas accumulation in Tarim Basin

  23. 角度不整合面遮挡油藏数值模拟建模技术研究

    The model technology research about simulation of the reservoir sheltered from the angular unconformity

  24. 断裂和不整合面是天然气运移的主要通道;

    The oil and gas migration pathways were mainly the faults and unconformity surfaces ;

  25. 江汉盆地白垩-新近系主要不整合面剥蚀量分布及其构造意义

    The Erosion Distribution of Major Unconformities and Its Tectonic Significance of Cretaceous-Neogene Jianghan Basin

  26. 成熟生油层中不整合面控制油气的聚集。

    The unconformity in the mature production zones control the accumulation of oil and gas .

  27. 这些圈闭的形成与不整合面、古地貌和沉积环境密切相关。

    Formations of these traps are closely related with unconformities , paleotopography and depositional settings .

  28. 多级不整合面古岩溶作用形成相对早期的溶蚀孔隙和潜山内幕储层;

    Multistage unconformity karsts lead to early stage corrosion pore and buried hill inner reservoir .

  29. 不整合面、溶蚀孔洞缝、岩溶地貌是其区别于其它储层的特殊标志。

    Unconformity surface , karst cave and karst landform are signs distinguishing from other reservoirs .

  30. 准噶尔盆地陆梁隆起不整合面与油气运聚关系

    Relation between unconformity surface and hydrocarbon migration and accumulation of Luliang Uplift in Junggar Basin