
  • 网络imperfect competition;Incomplete Competition;partially competitive
  1. 结果表明,当油品市场设定为不完全竞争时,面对国际油价上升的冲击,GDP下降的程度大于完全竞争的情况。

    The results show that the GDP decrease is greater under imperfect competition than under perfect competition of petroleum market .

  2. OEM是在不完全竞争和规模收益递增前提下产业内分工的产物;OEM是企业不断追求利润最大化的产物。

    OEM is the product of inner-industry work division on the premise of imperfect competition and increasing scale profits ;

  3. 市场势力(marketpower)是指在不完全竞争的市场条件下,一定时期内厂商将价格维持在边际成本之上的能力。

    Market power is an ability that in terms of imperfect market , a factory owner maintains price over marginal cost in certain time .

  4. 对国际贸易和国际直接投资理论集成或一体化而言存在以下困境:传统国际贸易与FDI理论关于不完全竞争的假定前提不同;

    In terms of the integration point of theories of international trade & FDI , there exist the following predicaments : The hypotheses in relation to traditional international trade and FDI are different ;

  5. 自DS模型以来,贸易理论上重大突破是建立了不完全竞争理论,将报酬递增与不完全竞争同时纳入贸易理论框架中。

    The great breakthrough in trade theories since the emergence of DS model is the incorporation of increasing return and incomplete competition side by side into the theoretical framework of trade .

  6. 基于不完全竞争、规模经济和H-O贸易理论,建立了一个分析框架,从同质产品行业和差异化产品行业两个角度,分别推导了行业贸易引力方程。

    This paper established an analytical frame from imperfect competition , scale economics and H-O trade theory , and derived a gravity equation from homogeneous products and differentiated products .

  7. 因此,作者通过对知识经济时代下突显的规模报酬递增型经济增长模式的分析,将不完全竞争和RD理论引入农村经济增长理论,建立了一系列内生农业技术进步的经济增长模型。

    Therefore , through analyzing the salient economic increase mode by degrees of scale reward in the knowledge-based economy ages and introducing incompletion competition and RD theory into rural economic increase , the author establishes a series of economic growth mode of endogenous agriculture technique progresses .

  8. 运用产业组织理论中的SCP分析框架,分析当前的不完全竞争农业市场,导出要实现张培刚先生所言的农业工业化就必须改变农业市场结构,建立新型农业合作经济组织。

    In this article , in the industrial organization theory-the SCP analysis frame was utilized to analyze the agricultural market , but some scholars thought the perfect competitive market derived from " the agricultural industrialization " had changed the agricultural market structure and established the new agricultural cooperation economic organization .

  9. 不完全竞争环境下新技术投资的均衡策略研究

    Study on Investment Equilibrium Strategy of New Technology under Imperfect Competition

  10. 不完全竞争、破产与企业资本结构选择

    Incomplete Competition , Bankruptcy and the Choice of Business Capital Structure

  11. 正是在这种不完全竞争贸易理论的产生和发展过程中,战略性贸易理论也就自然而然的产生了。

    The strategic trade policy emerged along with the new trade theories .

  12. 不完全竞争医疗保健市场的福利状况分析

    Analyzing the welfare of medical care market under incomplete competition

  13. 不完全竞争市场是探矿权市场的最佳选择;

    No-full competitive market is the optimum select of prospecting right markets .

  14. 不完全竞争环境下不对称企业技术创新战略投资

    Strategic investment of technology innovation with asymmetric cost under ( imperfect ) competition

  15. 不完全竞争市场环境下注册会计师行为选择研究

    A Study of CPA Behavior under Incomplete Competitive Market

  16. 第三章是不完全竞争市场条件下比较优势的静态分析。

    The third one focuses on the static comparative advantages on imperfect competition .

  17. 中国市场的不完全竞争性意味着必然存在名义粘性。

    The market non-competitiveness in China determines that there is nominal stickiness inevitably .

  18. 第四章研究不完全竞争关系下的纵向创新。

    Chapter 4 studies vertical innovation under imperfect competition .

  19. 不完全竞争行业最优外资规模研究

    A Study on the Optimum MNES ' Production Scale in Imperfect Competition Industries

  20. 不完全竞争、交易效率和证券风险

    Imperfect Competition , Trading Efficiency and Securities Risk

  21. 金融产业始终是不完全竞争产业,同时又具有高社会风险的特征。

    The finance sector is characterized by insufficient competition and a high social risk .

  22. 不完全竞争市场是名义工资粘性和名义价格粘性存在的前提。

    The imperfectly competitive market is the premise of nominal wage and price stickiness .

  23. 地方政府的赶超行为加深了要素市场不完全竞争程度。

    Economic catching-up behavior of local government has deepened imperfect competition of factor market .

  24. 不完全竞争条件下的双向决策模型

    Two-Way Modeling of Decision for Imperfect Competition

  25. 不完全竞争下区际贸易政策选择

    Interregional Trade Policy Choice under Incomplete Competition

  26. 不完全竞争与高新技术产业发展

    Imperfect Competition and Development of High-tech Industry

  27. 最后,不完全竞争市场和政府管制价格都促使价格粘性的增强。

    Last , the non-competitive market and the government administrative price further strengthen the price stickiness .

  28. 电力市场不完全竞争问题

    Study on imperfect power market

  29. 不完全竞争中的价格信息

    Price information in incomplete competition

  30. 电力市场是不完全竞争市场,发电企业将通过竞标策略来追求最大的收益。

    Electricity spot markets are Imperfect competitive markets . Power generation firms always pursue maximum profits through bidding strategies .