
  • 网络non-condensable gas;Noncondensable gas
  1. 溴化锂吸收式制冷机产生不凝性气体的故障分析及排除

    Trouble form Non-Condensable Gas in LiBr Absorption Chiller and Its Removal

  2. 不凝性气体对溴化锂吸收式制冷机组的影响及其预防管理

    Impact of non-condensable gas on Lithium Bromide absorption chillers and its precautionary management

  3. 通过对蒸汽与氮气混合物在垂直圆管内表面冷凝换热的实验研究,分析了不凝性气体对蒸汽冷凝换热的影响,给出了含不凝性气体的蒸汽的Nusselt准则方程。

    The condensation of multicomponent vapors inside vertical tubes is studied by experiment and the effect of non-coagulation gases on the condensation is analyzed .

  4. 含有不凝性气体的蒸汽冷凝是先进反应堆非能动安全壳冷却系统(PCCS)中重要的换热方式,是当前核反应堆热工水力学研究的一个热点。

    Condensation of steam in the presence of noncondensable gases is an important heat transfer mode in the passive containment cooling system ( PCCS ) .

  5. 获得了不凝性气体浓度及其分布不均匀性对液膜厚度l、气膜厚度、气液界面温度i和局部换热量Qx等参数的影响规律;

    The profiles of gas-vapor boundary layer thickness , condensate film thickness , interface temperature and local heat transfer flux are calculated and the mode of the effect of nonhomogeneity of noncondensable gas on heat transfer that was neglected in the previous studies is originally revealed in the calculation .

  6. 不凝性气体对制冷量影响的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Effect of Non Condensable Gases to Refrigerating Capacity

  7. 不凝性气体对制冷系统的危害及其对策

    Harm of non - condensable gases to refrigeration system and its solution

  8. 竖直板外含不凝性气体的蒸汽凝结过程的研究

    The Condensation Process of Vapor Containing Noncondensable Gases over a Vertical Plate

  9. 介绍了不凝性气体(如空气)在制冷系统中的危害。

    Introduces the harm of non-condensable gases ( such as air , etc. )

  10. 雾的形成对蒸气和不凝性气体混合物的强迫对流膜状凝结换热的影响

    The Effects of Fog Formation on Forced Convective Condensation of Vapor Noncondensable Gas Mixture

  11. 含有不凝性气体的蒸气在水平平板上紊流对流膜状凝结换热

    Turbulent Convection Filmwise Condensation in the Presence of Noncondensable Gas Along a Horizontal Flat-Plate

  12. 含高分压不凝性气体的蒸汽在倾斜管内的凝结换热

    Flow and condensation of vapor with high partial pressure non-condensable gas in an inclined tube

  13. 蒸汽&不凝性气体物系水平管外自然对流膜状凝结换热的研究

    Study on natural convection laminar film condensation of Freon vapor-air mixture on a horizontal tube

  14. 不凝性气体对蒸发过程的影响不大,但对冷凝过程影响很大。

    Influences of non - condensable gas on evaporation is small , but on condensation is great .

  15. 水平三维肋管外含不凝性气体的水蒸汽凝结换热的实验研究

    Experimental Investigation of Condensation Heat Transfer of Non-condensable Gas Containing Steam on 3-Dimensionally Finned Tubes , Horizontally Positioned

  16. 含不凝性气体的蒸汽沿垂直平板作膜状凝结放热的实验研究

    An experimental study on laminar film condensation heat transfer of vapor with noncondensable gas on a vertical surface

  17. 不凝性气体存在时蒸汽在竖管内强制对流凝结换热的计算

    Calculation of Forced Convection Condensation of Steam in a Vertical Tube in the Presence of a Noncondensable Gas

  18. 水平三维肋管管外高不凝性气体含量蒸气的冷凝换热

    Condensation Heat Transfer of Steam in the Presence of High Content Non-condensable Gas Outside of a Horizontal Three-dimensional Finned Tube

  19. 用自排不凝性气体大气冷凝器取代真空泵以维持系统的真空度。

    In order to maintain the vacuum in evaporator , the vacuum-pump was displaced by the condenser for auto-draining non-condensable gas .

  20. 通过实验研究了其传热特性与充液率、加热功率、不凝性气体、倾角等影响因素的关系。

    The influence characterization has been done for the variation of fill ration , heat transfer rate , non-condensable gas and inclination angle .

  21. 在论文的实验部分,共模拟了冷却水流量减小、机组内有不凝性气体等9个故障。

    Nine faults including decreasing flux of cooling water and non-condense gas in set etc are simulated in the experiment part of the dissertation .

  22. 真空条件下,不凝性气体含量对凝结换热影响较大,应重视冷凝器的密封问题;

    Under the vacuum condition , seal is very important problem because the uncondensable gas has great influence on the heat transfer under condensation .

  23. 其一为土壤学,建筑材料节能以及干燥工业中常见的多相流问题,包括液体、蒸汽以及不凝性气体流动。

    One area contains the multiphase transport in relation to soil sciences , building material and energy saving , and drying processes , for example a multiphase flow including liquid , vapor and incondensable gas .

  24. 高水分烟气对流冷凝换热模拟实验研究实验表明,不凝性气体(空气)占多数时,其对流冷凝复合换热系数可以达到无冷凝时干空气对流换热系数的1.53倍。

    An Experimental Study on Forced Convection-condensation Heat Transfer of the Flue Gas with High Moisture The forced convection-condensation heat transfer coefficient is 0.5 ~ 2 times more than that of the forced convection without condensation .

  25. 影响壁温波动的主要因素有环隙宽度、加热热流密度、初始水温、进出口附近大容积液体的过冷度及加热面吸附的不凝性气体等。

    The main factors that affect wall temperature oscillation are gap width , heat flux , initial temperature , subcooling of bulk liquid at / near inlet and outlet and non-condensable gas absorbed on heated wall etc.

  26. 结果表明,不凝性气体对测试系统主测和压缩机吸气的影响较大,系统的测试数据不能真实反映所测压缩机的性能。

    This study results show that the non-condensable gases have a great impact on the importance side of the testing system and the suction process of the compressor . So the data of the testing system can not reflect the true performance of the testing compressor .

  27. 传热工质(无机物)不衰减,寿命长。不产生不凝性气体,热管自身不爆裂。

    No efficiency loss to heat transferring media , long service life : No cracks occur , because no non-condensate gas produced .

  28. 介绍了一种废热锅炉漏点监控新方法:在生产系统不停车的情况下,通过测定废热锅炉气相即蒸汽中不凝性气体和溶解性气体的含量变化趋势来判定废热锅炉泄漏状况。

    Waste heat boiler gas phase , i. e. , content change of non condensable gas and dissolved gas is determined to judge the leak status of waste heat boiler .