
  1. 他对他的妻子始终不离不弃。

    He was constantly at his wife 's side

  2. 这部影片现身于东京国际电影节的竞赛单元。影片中,核事故导致全国居民疏散,期间机器人却一直对主人(BryerlyLong饰)不离不弃。

    In the film , shown in the competition section of the Tokyo International Film Festival , the robot stays loyal to its owner - played by Bryerly Long - as the nation evacuates following a nuclear disaster .

  3. 想一想通用汽车(GM)到目前为止对欧宝(Opel)的“不离不弃”吧,尽管它在欧洲可怕的过剩产能不大可能在短期内通过市场增长得到释放。

    Think of General Motors ( GM ) hanging on ( so far ) to Opel , despite horrible over-capacity in Europe that is unlikely to be filled any time soon by growth .

  4. 苗族人笃信成双燕终身相伴不离不弃

    Miao people believe that swallow pairs remain faithful for life ,

  5. 我们牢记自己的失败,遗忘上帝不离不弃的爱。

    We define ourselves by our failures instead of God 's love .

  6. 你说的没错杰弗森对家人应该不离不弃别走

    You were right , Jefferson.You don 't abandon family.No !

  7. 我们要为你对我们的不离不弃而感谢你。

    We wanted to thank you for not giving up on us .

  8. 它们年年相随,不离不弃。

    They accompany with each other year by year , and never abandon .

  9. 你在干嘛斯特凡我们两个要患难与共不离不弃

    What are you doing ? It 's you and me , Stefan.Always .

  10. 我同时想感谢你们所有对我不离不弃的球迷。

    I also want to thank all of you fans for sticking by me .

  11. 你可以随时随地离开迈阿密,但迈阿密对你不离不弃。

    You can always try to leave Miami , but it never leaves you .

  12. 克里奇夫妇在西雅图养大了两个女儿,比尔患有严重的心脏病,但两人依然相互扶持,不离不弃。

    The Critches have raised two daughters in Seattle and weathered his severe heart condition .

  13. 我与这四条腿的小家伙的不离不弃也曾成就了我与某人的一段幸福婚姻。

    My commitment to this four-legged HAD led to a happy marriage with a two-legged .

  14. 我希望你们的朋友都能不离不弃。

    I wish for you that your friends will be with you through it all .

  15. 他履行了结婚誓言,对重病的妻子不离不弃。

    He performed his wedding oath and didn 't abandon his wife in a serious illness .

  16. 主啊,感谢祢在我们失败的时候,仍对我们不离不弃。

    Lord , thank you that you do not give up on us in seasons of failure .

  17. 不离不弃,心手相牵,此后的岁月,我们风雨同行!

    Buchibuqi , led by the heart congratulating each other after the years that we storms counterparts !

  18. 我们永远不离不弃。

    We will never fail .

  19. 教堂的钟声,印证我们的婚礼誓言:“不离不弃,白头到老”。

    The church bells , demonstrates our wedding vow : " stubbornly persists , live to old " .

  20. 希望我可以遇到像阿甘一样对自己不离不弃的爱人。

    I hope I would meet a man who loves me so much as Forrest Gump loves Jenny .

  21. 最后,感谢中国的粉丝们-感谢你们追随网球的潮流并不离不弃。

    And lastly , to tennis fans in China - for getting on the bandwagon and staying on it !

  22. 新婚夫妇宣誓不离不弃--尽管新娘发现新郎官竟然是自己的祖父。

    Newlyweds have vowed to stay together - despite the bride discovering her new husband is actually her grandfather .

  23. 无论富裕贫穷,无论疾病安康,都不离不弃。关于这点,我们已经做得蛮不错的了。

    We 've pretty much mastered for richer or poorer , in sickness and in health , forsaking all others .

  24. 他们结拜过后就彼此换贴,成了不离不弃的好兄弟。

    After they swore to be brothers , they exchanged cards and became good brothers who would never betray one another .

  25. 这就是我待在这里的原因对家人不离不弃那才是她…应得的现在请你离开

    That 's why I 'm staying.You don 't abandon family . That 's. .. what she deserves . Now please leave .

  26. 我在此立誓以后要永远只爱你一个,不管健康中或是生病时,不离不弃,直至死亡把我们分开。

    Here I vowed to only love you forever , no matter in the health or sick , buchibuqi until death do us apart .

  27. 人们常常对已经过了保质期的东西不离不弃,一门心思朝着不再有意义的目标顽强奋斗。

    People often stick with things that are well past their use-by date , stubbornly beavering away at goals that are no longer alive .

  28. 在这样的日积月累中,这些动漫形象成为了人们日常生活中的友好伴侣,成为日本人民不离不弃的精神寄托。

    In this long-term commitment , these cartoon characters into the daily life of friendly companion , abandoned to the Japanese people to become spiritual .

  29. 从中我们可以发现,不论是一门艺术还是一位艺术家,传承与融合两个因素总是不离不弃地贯穿在其发展的整个过程中,并对其发展起着巨大的推动作用。

    We are able to see that both the inheritance and the mixture is the theme of the development of an artistic style or an artist .

  30. 我们对本党的信念虽然不离不弃,眼前到底还有比党务更高远的责任要负起。

    While we yet hold and do not yield our opposing beliefs , there is a higher duty than the one we owe to political party .