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  • cryotherapy
  1. 长跑运动员MoFarah显然用了冷冻疗法,大多数一流的运动俱乐部同样如此。冷冻疗法究竟是什么样的呢?

    Mo Farah apparently uses cryotherapy , as do most top-flight sport clubs . What 's it actually like ?

  2. HIFU基于一种聚焦的能量,相对其它产能的治疗方法(冷冻疗法,放射疗法)安全性和精密度都要高。

    " HIFU is based on a focused form of energy providing higher safety and precision than divergent energies ( cryotherapy , radiotherapy )," Dr.

  3. 运用冷冻疗法的时间从创伤后立即到伤后1 ̄3d,持续时间和频率各异。

    Time of applying cold therapy was immediately to 1-3 days after injury , and duration and frequency was diversified .

  4. 扁桃体冷冻疗法的临床应用

    Laboratory Study and Clinical Application of Cryosurgery to Chronic Tonsillitis

  5. 变应性鼻炎的足反射疗法与冷冻疗法疗效比较

    Observation of treatment for allergic rhinitis with foot reflexological therapy

  6. 然而,并非所有的卫生机构都配有冷冻疗法设备。

    However , not all health facilities have cryotherapy equipment .

  7. 冷冻疗法在晚期鼻及鼻窦恶性肿瘤治疗中的应用

    The Application of Cryotherapy in Advanced Malignant Tumors of Nasal Cavity And Antrum

  8. 结论:祛障穴冷冻疗法治疗老年性白内障,改善其视功能效果确实可靠。

    CONCLUSION : Cryotherapy is safe and effective in treating progressive senile cataract .

  9. 液氮冷冻疗法治疗皮肤病1126例疗效观察

    Cryotherapy in the treatment of skin diseases-observation of therapeutic rate on 1126 cases

  10. 液氮冷冻疗法治疗皮肤血管瘤350例疗效分析

    Clinical Effect Analysis on Liguid Nitrogen Cryotherapy in 350 Cases with Skin Haemangioma

  11. 冷冻疗法治疗2例眼睑肿瘤

    Cases of eyelid tumor treated by freezing treatment

  12. 冷冻疗法已成为治疗不能手术切除肝癌的重要手段。

    Cryosurgery is an important treatment modality for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC ) .

  13. 冷冻疗法的病人在同样时间内接受了6次疗法。

    The cryotherapy patients received a maximum of six treatments over the same time period .

  14. 该项研究是测试的胶带疗法不是冷冻疗法,而是使用液态氮冷冻疣。

    The study tested duct tape against cryotherapy , which uses liquid nitrogen to freeze warts .

  15. 冷冻疗法到底值不值得?

    Is it worth it ? Cryotherapy

  16. 本文总结了作者5年来应用液氮冷冻疗法治疗皮肤疾患40余种8000余例中经随访所获的1126例疗效。

    This paper is a report of the authors work on cryotherapy in the treatment of skin diseases .

  17. 液氮深低温与浅低温冷冻疗法对皮肤温度与组织学影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Deep and Superficial Hypothermic Cryotherapy with Liquid Nitrogen in the Temperature and Histology of the Skin

  18. 测试组有五十一名病人,大约一半的病人接受了冷冻疗法,另一半病人接受管状胶带治疗。

    Of a test group of fifty-one wart patients , roughly half received cryotherapy , the other half duct tape .

  19. 病毒疣若用西医的「电疗法」、「冷冻疗法」,脱落后又会再长,缠绵难愈,治标不治本。

    If the wart is treated by electric therapy or frozen therapy of western medicine , it will grow again .

  20. 临界性早产儿性视网膜病随访15年的预后:来自早产儿性视网膜病冷冻疗法多中心试验的最终结果

    15-Year outcomes following threshold retinopathy of prematurity : Final results from the Multicenter Trial of Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity

  21. 评价自由基清除剂在降低冷冻疗法所致炎症的作用&随机、双盲、安慰剂对照初步研究

    Randomized , double-blind , placebo-controlled pilot study to assess the value of free radical scavengers in reducing inflammation induced by cryotherapy

  22. 为比较液氮冷冻疗法对多种皮肤病的治疗效果,377例皮肤良性肿瘤及慢性限局性皮肤病进行了疗效观察。

    The curative effects of cryotherapy curing 377 cases of patients with skin benign tumor and chronic limited dermatosis was observed .

  23. 目的探讨应用中西医结合及冷冻疗法治疗春季卡他性结膜炎的治疗效果。

    Objective To explore the treating effect for spring catarrh conjunctivitis by using Chinese medicine combining western medicine and freezing treatment .

  24. 采用冷冻疗法治疗50例慢性扁桃体炎患者,并用单克隆抗体检测治疗前、后机体免疫功能。

    Cryosurgery was performed on 50 patients with chronic tonsillitis . The alteration of body immunologic function was studied by monoclonal antibodies .

  25. 持续性冷冻疗法的皮肤温度应控制在10 ̄15℃,根据敷料的厚薄适当调整机器温度。

    The skin temperature of continuous cold therapy should be restricted at 10-15 ℃ and regulate the machine temperature according to the dressings .

  26. 结果:红外光治疗效果好于激光和冷冻疗法,实验组与对照组之间的差别具有显著意义(P<0.05)。

    Results : The curative effect of the experimental group was better than that of laser and freezing , and the difference was significant ( P < 0.05 ) .

  27. 如果在妇女子宫颈上发现异常(癌前病变),就可在同一天利用冷冻疗法进行冷冻并将其祛除。

    If abnormalities ( precancerous lesions ) are found on a woman 's cervix , they can be treated on the same day by freezing and destroying them with cryotherapy .

  28. 冷冻疗法具有悠久的历史,可以降低细胞代谢、血流速度、炎症反应、水肿、疼痛、痉挛、皮肤肌肉关节内的温度、渗透性、神经传导速度。

    Cold therapy had a long history , which could reduce cell metabolism , blood flow , inflammatory response , swelling , pain , spasm , skin and intramuscular and intraarticular temperature , infiltration , velocity of nerve conduction .

  29. 冷冻疗法也可用于其他癌症,例如肺、肝、骨癌(后者用于减轻痛苦),但冷冻疗法用于其他癌症的效果的资料不多。

    Cryoablation is also used for other cancers , such as lung , liver , and bone ( the latter to alleviate pain ), but there are few data on the effectiveness of cryoablation in these other tumors , he said .

  30. 冷冻联合免疫疗法治疗小鼠B16黑素瘤

    Combined cryotherapy and immunotherapy for mouse B16 melanoma