
lěng tòng
  • Cold pain;crymodynia
冷痛[lěng tòng]
  1. 症状疗效两组间比较,试验组在改善关节功能障碍和关节疼痛、晨僵及冷痛方面优于对照组(P0.01~0.05);

    The experimental group was better than the control in dysfunction arthralgia , morning paralysis and cold pain ( P0.01 ~ 0.05 ) .

  2. 主治食欲不振,消化不良,胃脘冷痛,满闷嗳气。

    It can treat the inappetence , dyspepsia , fullness in the stomach and epigastralgia .

  3. 多模式镇痛对围术期应激反应及镇痛效果的影响经皮神经电刺激对实验性冷痛和热痛的对侧调制

    The contralateral modulatory effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on tonic heat and cold pain

  4. 寒:关节冷痛、恶寒、苔白、脉浮紧。

    Cold : Joint pain with cold , aversion to cold , white fur , floating and tense pulse .

  5. 作用:冬令争随佳品,可治层背冷痛、四肢风很疼痛等。

    Function : winter dispute is tasted , can treat layer with back pain , limb cold wind very ache , etc.

  6. 花椒性热,有止痛、杀虫作用,可防治脘腹冷痛、吐泻、蛔虫病、水肿和小便不利等症。

    Of hot pepper , there is pain , insecticidal effect , can prevent epigastric abdominal Leng Tong , vomiting and diarrhea , ascariasis , edema , and urine negative embolism .

  7. 寒湿性腰痛,主要是腰部受风寒侵袭引起,痛感为局部(腰部偏上)疼痛,表现为冷痛,阴雨天加重。

    Alpine wetland of low back pain , mainly arising from the waist by the cold hit , the pain for the local ( on the back side ) pain , showed Lengtong , rainy days increase .

  8. 完全不是他们原先想象的胜利抵达,他们四肢僵硬,身上又冷又痛。

    It wasn 't at all the triumphant arrival they had pictured . Stiff , cold , and bruised ,

  9. 牙髓冷刺激痛及牙痛期待的功能性磁共振成像研究我的蛀牙使我痛苦。

    Brain Activation in Cold Induced Toothache and Its Anticipation : Evidence from fMRI ; My bad tooth worries me .

  10. 鞘内给予不同剂量吗啡对神经源性痛大鼠机械及冷刺激痛敏症状的剂量依赖性镇痛作用

    Analgesic effects of different dosage of morphine given into sheath on allodynia-like symptoms due to mechanical and cold stimulation in rats with neuropathic pain in a dose-dependent manner

  11. 目的:探讨鞘内注射吗啡对慢性神经源性痛大鼠机械和冷刺激痛敏症状的镇痛作用及其剂量依赖关系。

    AIM To observe the analgesic effect and its dosage dependence relation of the injection of morphine on allodynia-like symptom induced by mechanical and cold stimulation in rats with chronic neuropathic pain .

  12. 方法:选取右利手右上颌第一双尖牙牙髓冷刺激痛患者1名,排除口内的其它牙髓病变及金属充填、修复体。

    Methods : A right handed patient with cold stimulated dentinalgia of the first right maxillary bicuspid was selected to perform the fMRI study . Other tooth pulp disease and oral metal restoration were excluded .

  13. 口渴时就张开嘴来,站在自来水管的龙头下,一扭开来,就让水灌进嘴里,喝得肚子胀得饱饱的,又冷又痛,那滋味真有说不出的难受。

    When I was thirsty , I would stand under a tap and let its running water pour down my throat through my wide-open mouth . I felt bloated . There was a pain and chill in my stomach . I cannot tell you enough how miserable I was .

  14. 畏寒肢冷、肢体麻痛随病程增加亦有发病人数逐渐增多之势,但无统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Cold chills limbs , body mass . With the increase of course also have pain in increasing trend , but no statistical significance ( P0.05 ) .

  15. 适用于寒凝痛经,小腹疼痛而冷、得热痛减,经少色黑者。

    Dysmenorrhea tools to apply , the lower abdomen pain and chills , pain reduction in the heat , fewer black people .