
lěng jìng
  • sober;calm;in cold blood;sound;lonely;calm down;cool down;chillax;coolness;phlegm;sobriety;collected
冷静 [lěng jìng]
  • (1) [sober;calm; sound]∶平心静气、毫无偏见地分析道理而不感情用事

  • 头脑冷静

  • (2) [lonely]∶人少而清静;不热闹

冷静[lěng jìng]
  1. 冷静地想了想以后,我觉得我其实并不需要车。

    On sober reflection , I don 't think I really need a car after all .

  2. 我要你清醒、冷静。

    I need you sane and sober .

  3. 她试图保持冷静、沉着、镇定。

    She tried to remain cool , calm and collected .

  4. 他的语调显得冷静而坚决。

    There was a hint of steel in his voice .

  5. 他盼着多拉冷静下来后回来。

    He waited for Dora to come to her senses and return .

  6. 我们试图冷静且通情达理地来讨论这个问题。

    We tried to discuss the matter calmly and reasonably .

  7. 他双眼冷静地打量着面前的年轻女子。

    His eyes coolly appraised the young woman before him .

  8. 她外表冷静,其实内心十分害怕。

    Underneath her cool exterior she was really very frightened .

  9. 没事儿,你要镇定,要冷静。

    It 's OK ─ hang loose and stay cool .

  10. 你需要有冷静的头脑、非常的魄力。

    You need a cool head and nerves of steel .

  11. 他表现出从容自信和冷静。

    There was an air of easy assurance and calm about him .

  12. 冷静下来!别那么激动。

    Calm down ! Don 't get so agitated .

  13. 他冷静自信地说。

    He spoke in a calm , assured voice .

  14. 坏消息使我们冷静了一会儿。

    The bad news sobered us for a while .

  15. 意识到这并不是新问题,就会使人冷静下来。

    It is sobering to realize that this is not a new problem .

  16. 我不断叮嘱自己要保持冷静。

    I kept telling myself to keep calm .

  17. 做这项工作面对伤痛和病患时你得保持冷静心情。

    In this job you have to harden your heart to pain and suffering .

  18. 她冷静而又理智地为她的情况辩解。

    She argued her case calmly and rationally .

  19. 最重要的是要保持冷静。

    The main thing is to stay calm .

  20. 家人帮助我保持冷静。

    My family helps to keep me centred .

  21. 在这个时候他还能如此冷静,真让她感到惊讶。

    It amazed her that he could be so calm at such a time .

  22. 最重要的是要保持冷静。

    The main thing is to remain calm .

  23. 他很快恢复了平时沉着冷静的样子。

    He soon recovered his usual self-possession .

  24. 她显得十分冷静。

    She seemed very cool and unemotional .

  25. 我佩服她在压力下能保持冷静。

    I admire her coolness under pressure .

  26. 杰克对这个消息表现得出奇地冷静。

    Jack took the news astonishingly well .

  27. 民族主义领袖们呼吁保持冷静。

    Nationalist leaders appealed for calm .

  28. 他头脑冷静。

    He has a cool head .

  29. 坐下来冷静一下!

    Sit down and chill out !

  30. 尽量保持冷静。

    Try to remain calm .