
  1. 罗培新还表示,江苏、广东和北京已经出台了类似的法案,呼吁子女们“常回家看看”。

    Luo said that Jiangsu and Guangdong provinces as well as Beijing already have similar regulations , asking children to " come back home often . "

  2. 罗培新主任还指出,老人们可以对那些不尽孝道的子女提起法律诉讼,强制要求他们来看望自己。而过后依然没有遵守法院裁决、没有履行尽孝义务的人,他们的信用评级将会受到影响。

    Luo said that elderly people will be able to file a lawsuit to make their children visit them and people who fail to carry out the court-ordered visits will see their credit rating take a hit .

  3. 新闻门户网站澎湃网引述了上海市政府法制办公室副主任罗培新的发言称,除了用教育的方法来提升民众的道德责任感以外,有关部门还可以用法律手段强制要求人们履行自己的责任。

    Luo Peixin , a deputy director of the Shanghai government legislative affairs office , was quoted by news portal thepaper.cn as saying that aside from influencing people through moral education , the authorities can use legal means to force people to fulfill their duties .