
  1. 王迁:一个有关商标的案子怎样才会被提交到欧共体法院来裁决呢?

    David Llewelyn : So how do cases come before the European Court of Justice ?

  2. 王迁:商标法在欧盟也遇到很多问题。

    David llewelyn : and in europe , we have a lot of problems with trademark law .

  3. 王迁:这个人是很出色的服装设计师但是不太善于做生意。

    David llewelyn : she was a very good dress designer but not a very good businesswoman .

  4. 王迁:就是说它不但注册了图形,它把针线缝出来的这个样子的那一块的缝线的形状也注册为它的商标。

    David Llewelyn : Levi 's also has registered that trademark , the stitching on the back pocket , which looks like a figure .

  5. 王迁:还有一个案子就是德国的一家厂商想把糖果的形状注册为他们的商标。

    David Llewelyn : And the European Court of Justice again said ," No !" The average consumer does not look at the shape of a candy and think it 's a trademark .

  6. 王迁:他说一个英国非常有影响力的法官说,商标法看起来很简单,但却是所有知识产权案子中最复杂的。

    David Lieweiyn : I think it is an example of where as one of the leading English judges said trademark law seems simple but it is the most complicated of intellectual property right .

  7. 王迁:刚才说的欧共体商标局中的上诉委员会他可以自动地把案件上诉到一个初审法院,这个初审法院可以对这个案件的事实和法律问题做出裁决。

    David Llewelyn : So the Board of Appeal , there 's an automatic right of the appeal to the Court of First Instance who considers the question afresh , considers the question again on facts and law .