
  1. 中国国家海洋局网站上周四发表的一篇报道说,雪龙号船长王建忠说,他正在持续努力,确保这艘破冰船不会被困在厚冰中。

    Also , Xue Long Captain Wang Jianzhong said he was working continuously to ensure that the icebreaker wouldn 't get trapped in the thick ice , according to a report posted Thursday on the website of China 's State Oceanic Administration .

  2. 负责雪龙号的中国国家海洋局在其网站上发表公告,援引雪龙号船长王建忠的话称,他正不断努力,确保雪龙号不要陷入厚冰层之中。

    Illustrating the caution , China 's State Oceanic Administration , which runs the Xue Long , posted a statement on its website quoting its captain , Wang Jianzhong , as saying he was working continuously to ensure the icebreaker itself wouldn 't get trapped in the thick ice .