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  1. Brookings研究所的王峰指出,中国的中学录取人数从1995年的2530万降到了2008年的1670万。

    Wang Feng of the Brookings Institution notes that China 's primary-school enrolment dropped from 25.3m in 1995 to 16.7m in 2008 .

  2. 王峰走板步法结构的运动学特征

    Analysis of the step structure of Wang Feng 's approach

  3. 王峰是陕西榆林的一名工人。

    Wang Feng is a worker at Yulin in Shanxi .

  4. 对此来自国家教育发展研究中心的王峰(音译)表示赞同。

    Wang Feng , from the National Center of Education Development Research , agrees .

  5. 我叫王峰,我想取消我预定的飞机票。

    My name is Wang Feng and I 'm calling to cancel plane ticket .

  6. 王峰指出,中国夫妇选择三口之家是因为抚养孩子的成本高昂。

    Chinese couples have small families mainly because children are expensive , Mr Wang argues .

  7. 以前,我们社团里只有围棋和象棋,王峰说。

    We used to offer only weiqi and Chinese chess in our club , says Wang .

  8. 利用步法特征进行人身识别的研究王峰走板步法结构的运动学特征

    A Study of Identification of Individual by Characteristics of Steps Analysis of the step structure of Wang Feng 's approach

  9. 王峰预计,在未来的几十年中,中国20至24岁人口的数量将会下降到50%。

    In the next decade the number of people aged 20-24 will drop by 50 % , Mr Wang predicts .

  10. 在周三进行的奥运会男子3米板双人跳板的决赛中,中国组合王峰与秦凯获得金牌。

    Chinese Wang Feng and Qin Kai won the men's3m springboard synchronized gold medal at the Beijing Olympic Games here on Wednesday .

  11. 王峰认为,目前创业将遭遇更大的困难,风险也更高。

    Wang thinks that people , who start their own game making team now , face a lot more difficulty and have a higher risk .

  12. 中国,北京(178)-蓝港首席执行官王峰近日在接受媒体采访时表示,在未来数年中,小型游戏开发商在市场的处境将会越来越艰难。

    Beijing , China ( 178 ) - Wang Feng told the reporter in an interview that in the next couple of years , small game makers might face more and more difficulty in the market .

  13. 就读于青岛大学会计专业大四年级,22岁的王峰(音译)则另辟蹊径。他认为,要想在同龄人中推广传统文化,关键在于要将当下的流行元素融入其中。

    Wang Feng , 22 , a senior majoring in accounting at Qingdao University of Science & Technology takes a different approach . He sees the key to promoting traditional culture among his peers is to integrate trendy and modern elements into it .