
  1. 与此同时,据罗毅表示,我国的地表水水质总体保持稳定。

    Meanwhile , according to Luo , the country 's surface water quality remained stable .

  2. 环保部环境监测司司长罗毅介绍,北京、天津和河北11个主要城市的天空更为晴朗,1-6月期间,其空气质量优良天数比例约为57.4%,较去年同期高出11个百分点。

    Beijing , Tianjin and 11 main cities in Hebei experienced cleaner skies , with about 57.4 % of the January-June period having " good air quality , " 11 percentage points higher than in the first half of 2015 , said Luo Yi , head of the ministry 's environment monitoring division .