
gōng shuǐ
  • water supply;water delivery
供水[gōng shuǐ]
  1. 供水不稳定。

    The water supply is unsafe .

  2. 清洁供水系统是他们的当务之急。

    Cleaning up the water supply is their top priority

  3. 先将锅炉与供水总管断开。

    First , disconnect the boiler from the water mains .

  4. 这房子的供水水压低。

    Water supplies to the house are at low pressure .

  5. 曾为水井供水的蓄水层正式宣告干涸了。

    The aquifer which had once fed the wells was pronounced dry

  6. 供水以及其他公用事业受到了严重影响。

    Water supplies and other public utilities were badly affected .

  7. 供水主管道被叛乱分子蓄意破坏了。

    The main pipeline supplying water was sabotaged by rebels .

  8. 州水利工程项目已切断了对农场主的所有供水。

    The State Water Project has shut off all supplies to farmers .

  9. 炎热的天气和供水的减少正危及很多行业。

    The combination of hot weather and decreased water supplies is hurting many industries

  10. 毒烟已经进入供水系统。

    Poisonous smoke had got into the water supply

  11. 现在美国大部分城市供水中都存在含量不一的氟化物。

    Most urban water supplies in the United States now contain fluoride in varying amounts .

  12. 假如供水被切断,他所在的公司就准备关闭。

    His company is preparing to shut down in the event that their water supply is cut off

  13. 供水系统有点问题。

    The water system is not functioning well .

  14. 我们的供水又被切断。

    Our water supply has been cut off again .

  15. 新部长指示要确定改进供水状况。

    The new minister 's brief is to insure that the water supply is unproved .

  16. 麦金太尔说,自上世纪30年代以来,导致该州水资源紧张的最大因素是气温上升导致树木向空气中流失更多的水分,提早的融雪减少了树木在旱季的供水。

    Since the 1930s , McIntyre said , the biggest factors driving up water stress in the state have been rising temperatures , which cause trees to lose more water to the air , and earlier snowmelt , which reduces the water supply available to trees during the dry season .

  17. 该城镇由小山中的一座水库供水。

    The town is supplied with water from a reservoir .

  18. 万一主水源断了,我们另外有供水的地方

    There is a supplementary water supply in case the rain supply fails .

  19. 第八条城市人民政府应当将包括消防安全布局、消防站、消防供水、消防通信、消防车通道、消防装备等内容的消防规划纳入城市总体规划,并负责组织有关主管部门实施。

    Article 8 Urban people 's governments shall bring the fire control plan into the overall urban planning , including fire control safety layout , fire control station , fire control communication , fire truck passageway and fire control equipment , etc , and take the charge of organizing relevant departments for its implementation .

  20. 东线、中线一期主体工程建成通水以来,直接受益人口达1.2亿多人,供水到达40多个大中型城市,同时助力东线、中线沿线河湖生态修复。

    More than 120 million people had directly benefited from the project since the first phase of its eastern and middle routes began supplying water . More than 40 big and medium-sized cities received water from the project , which has also helped ecological restoration of rivers and lakes along its eastern and middle routes .

  21. GIS技术在秦皇岛港区供水管网震害预测系统中的应用

    Application of GIS technology in earthquake disaster prediction system of water supply pipe network

  22. 供水管道震害预测模型及其在GIS环境下的实现

    Earthquake damage assessment models of water supply pipelines and their realization based on GIS

  23. 基于GIS的供水管道爆管因素空间分析

    Spatial Analysis of the Influencing Factor of Water Pipe Break Based on GIS Technology

  24. PLC在变频调速多泵并联供水系统中的应用

    Application of PLC in the Supplying Water System Made up of Parallel-connected Pumps with Frequency Conversion Timing

  25. 变频调速PLC群控系统在消防供水系统中的应用

    The Application of Frequency Control PLC Distributed Control System in the Water Supply System of Fire Control

  26. 利用内置的PID控制器调节变频器的输出,实现闭环自动调节、恒压供水。

    Use the in-built PID controller to adjust output of e frequency converter , realizing close-loop automatic adjustment and constant pressure water supply .

  27. PLCVVVF恒压供水系统

    PLC VVVF Constant Pressure Water-Supply Systems

  28. N、W之间存在正耦合效应,供水不足时,过多施用N肥易加剧作物的干旱胁迫作用;

    The positive interaction existed between N and W , and excessive N was prone to crop drought stress for the lack of water shortage .

  29. 工控组态软件MCGS与综合自动化&恒压供水系统

    MCGS and constant pressure water supply system of integration automation experimental facility

  30. 并用该材料生产了PVC-U供水管件。

    And the material was used to manufacture PVC-U pipe fittings for water supply .