
  • 网络Oxygen supply;oxygen;offering oxygen;ventilation
  1. 供氧方式对SBR法硝化过程控制的影响

    Effect of oxygen supply on nitrification control in SBR process

  2. 供氧模式对SBR反应器内同步硝化反硝化的影响(英文)

    Effect of Oxygen Supply on Simultaneous Nitrification and Denitrification ( SND ) in Sequencing Batch Reactor ( SBR )

  3. 大脑需要持续供氧。

    The brain requires a constant supply of oxygen

  4. 研究了用于柑桔汁脱苦的固定化醋酸杆菌细胞的特性,研究表明:固定化细胞脱苦最佳供氧为:摇床转速160r/min,最适pH为4.5,最适温度为25℃;

    Characteristics of immobilized acetobacter cells for limonin debittering debittering in citrus juices were investigated .

  5. 本文介绍了以微碳铬铁、纯铁等原料在感应炉内,通过底吹Ar和适当供氧来冶炼超低碳不锈钢的试验研究。

    The article states a test in the induction furnace for making super-low carbon stainless steel .

  6. 脱氢中心和供氧中心之间存在协同作用,K、Al、V的存在均能影响其协同作用。

    The dehydrogenation centre exited the synergetic effect with the oxygen-supply centre , K 、 Al 、 and V can influence the synergetic effect .

  7. 体育课能有效提高抗氧化酶SOD活力,使有氧氧化系统对组织细胞有效供氧,机能增强;

    The PE can increase the vitality of SOD , make the oxygen oxidizing system to organize cell provide the oxygen effectively .

  8. SBR池内溶解氧的递变规律,得出SBR池供氧方式宜采用渐减曝气的方式。

    Basis on variety of dissolved oxygen in SBR , the aerobic mode of SBR should adopt decrescent aeration mode .

  9. TPR技术对钒系催化剂供氧活性和数目的研究

    The TPR Technique Study on the Activity and the Number of Oxygen of Vanadium Oxide Catalysts

  10. 通过改变摇瓶中液体容积和用机械搅拌、空气流量来调节供氧量,探讨了VC二步发酵中最适的供氧量,并用亚硫酸钠氧化法测定所用设备的供氧能力。

    The optimal oxygen supply during fermentation for two-step technology of vitamin C was investigated . The oxygen-supplying ability of the apparatus was measured with sulfite test .

  11. M-bus总线在集中供氧数据采集计量中的应用

    Application of M-bus to concentrated oxygen supply data acquisition and measurement

  12. 目的解决高压氧(HBO)舱的肺式供氧器吸氧阻力大的问题。

    Objective To get rid of the high inhaling resistance for pulmonary oxygen supply apparatus in hyperbaric oxygen ( HBO ) chamber .

  13. 提示,蒸汽吸入性损伤后2~4h即可出现组织缺氧,其直接原因是组织灌注和供氧不足。

    The results indicated that the tissue hypoxia was caused directly by insufficient blood perfusion and oxygen supply as well .

  14. 在不同的供氧模式下,研究了SBR法处理低碳源城市污水同步硝化反硝化(SND)过程中DO、ORP和pH的变化规律。

    The DO , ORP and pH profiles of SND treating low carbon municipal wastewater in SBR were investigated under different oxygen supply conditions .

  15. 结果联合应用外源性供氧和SOD,在抑制MDA生成,增强SOD活性方面较单一用药显著(P<005)。

    Results Combinant administration of exogenous oxygen and SOD could inhibit MDA production and increase SOD activities , effect of which was stronger that single administration ( P < 0.05 ) .

  16. 研究了供氧水平、培养基初始pH值、木糖质量浓度等条件对假丝酵母1779A木糖发酵生产乙醇的影响。

    Ethanol was produced by the fermentation of xylose using Candida sp.1779A , and the effects of the aeration level , the initial substrate pH value and the xylose mass concentration on the fermentation were investigated .

  17. 在研究混沌建模的基础上开发了PHB(聚β羟基丁酸)混合培养过程供氧的节律控制方法。

    Based on chaos control method , the method of optimal control on oxygen supply in the PHB mixed cultivation process was studied .

  18. 影响微生物活性和对堆肥反应速率起作用的非生物因子有温度、水分含量、通风供氧、pH、毒物初始浓度、有机质含量和碳氮比等。

    Microbial activity and reaction rate of composting were affected by many abiotic factors , including temperature , moisture content , aeration content , pH , initial hazardous waste content , organic matter content and C / N ratio etc.

  19. 油酸注射后,PaO2进行性下降,肺泡-动脉血氧分压差增大,而供氧能力降低。

    After OA infusion , PaO2 decreased progressively to a fairly low level with a coincident increase of the alveolar-arterial PO2 gradient and decrease of the oxygen delivery .

  20. 结论鼻塞法供氧,氧流量为4Lmin能够明显提高纤维支气管镜检查中血氧饱和度,降低检查引起的缺氧,减少低氧血症的发生;

    Conclusion Oxygen inhalation via nasal prongs ( oxygen flow 4L / min ) can increase oxygen saturation significantly during fibreoptic bronchoscopy , thus reducing occurrence of hypoxemia .

  21. 报道了利用反应塔外曝气、介质循环供氧处理燃料气体中H2S的新方法。

    The article presents a new process of supplying oxygen by circulating medium in an out column aeration reactor for removing hydrogen sulfide ( H 2S ) in fuel gas .

  22. 供氧系统爆炸减压动态特性地面实验方法研究利用地面实验数据,以最小二乘法解算该数学模型,求出焦距、CCD平面倾斜和旋转因子及畸变因子等待标定参数。

    Based on the ground experimental data , the mathematical model is solved by least square method , the calibration parameters such as focal length , plane tilt and rotating factors of CCD and distortion factors etc can be obtained .

  23. 从而说明GAPS有增加心肌供血供氧和降低心肌耗氧的作用,可作为治疗冠心病药物试用于临床。

    All these showed that GAPS had the e-ffects of increasing blood and oxygen supply and decreasing to exhaust oxygen on myocardium , and GAPS might be used as a drug of preventing or treating coro-nry heart disease .

  24. 因此,应用空气-氧气混合器来选择合适的FsO2和Flow对于临床安全使用头罩供氧十分必要。

    Therefore , for the safety of oxygen supply , it is important to use air-oxygen blender to choose the right FsO_2 and flow when oxygen is given via oxygen hood .

  25. 该装置备有RS-485接口,可以很方便地与计算机相连,实现了自动结算及医院集中供氧管路防泄漏安全监测功能。

    This device is equipped with RS-485 port , which enables connection with computers , thereby realizing the functions of automatic settlement and leakage prevention for the hospital 's integrated oxygen supply circuit .

  26. TiO2纳米粒子PL光谱的产生与其表面氧空位和缺陷有很大关系,并能够提供氧空位和缺陷浓度以及光生电子和空穴的分离与复合等信息。

    PL spectra of TiO2 nanoparticles mainly resulted from surface oxygen vacancies and surface defects , providing the information of the seperation and recombination of photoinduced electrons and holes as well as the concentration of vacancies and defects .

  27. 由此得出FA浓度是供氧充足环境下实现亚硝酸氮NO2&N积累的关键因素,而CO2作为亚硝酸细菌AOB的碳源,则具有进一步提升反应器性能的作用。

    With adequate oxygen supply , the key factors of achieving NO2 & N accumulation is FA concentration , and as the carbon source of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria , CO2 can upgrade the reactor performance further .

  28. 对比不同的供氧方法,选择BLB氧气面罩用于青藏客车供氧。

    Compared different oxygen supply methods , BLB mask was chosen for oxygen supply system of passenger cars on Qingzang railway .

  29. 急性冠状动脉综合征(ACS)最主要的原因是由于不稳定性斑块破裂和糜烂并发血栓形成、血管痉挛及微血管栓塞等多因素作用下所导致的急性或亚急性心肌供氧减少。

    ACS is due to instability of plaque rupture and erosion complicated by thrombosis , vascular spasm and microvascular thrombosis under the action of multiple factors such as caused by acute or subacute myocardial oxygen reduction .

  30. GMBF可以为黏膜细胞提供氧和营养物质,维持黏液-碳酸氢盐屏障和粘膜屏障的功能。

    The GMBF can provide oxygen and nutrient substances for gastric epithelial cells . It maintains the function of mucus-bicarbonate barrier and the function of mucosal barrier .