
  1. 呼吸自然,动作自然无约束。

    Breathing becomes natural , and motions will follow their own rhythm .

  2. 无论是传统工艺玻璃和新工艺玻璃,佳富豪从色彩、质感、神韵等方面都达到了“梦想自然,呼吸自然,展现自然”的境界。

    Regardless of traditional process glass and new craft glass , from color , texture to verve , every aspect has achieved the boundary of " dream nature , breath nature , development nature " .

  3. 很快它就会变得象呼吸一样自然。

    Soon it will become as natural as breathing .

  4. 就象我必须要呼吸一样自然。

    Just as I must breathe each breath .

  5. 项目计划和脑图对我来说就象呼吸一样自然。

    Project planning and mind mapping are as easy and automatic as breathing to me .

  6. 语言是一种技能,我们提倡英语学习像呼吸一样自然!

    Language is a skill , We promote the learning of English as naturally as breathing !

  7. 我溅起冷水洗脸,试图让呼吸变得自然些,却看不出来有半点效果。

    I splashed my face with cold water , and tried to breathe normally , with no noticeable success .

  8. 可站立学习和工作,回复人体脊椎和呼吸的自然状态,预防肥胖和痔疮。

    As special desk Can study and work at stand pose , and make your chine release , prevent illness .

  9. 毕加索全神贯注于他的绘画,往往在夜间挥毫以继续白天的工作,一气呵成,他创作起来如同呼吸一样自然。

    Completely absorbed in his art , often working at night to avoid interruption , Picasso created as naturally as he breathed .

  10. 说谎简直是我们日常生活中必不可少的组成部分。从某种程度上来说,说谎对于我们就像呼吸一样自然。

    Telling lies , to some degree , is a necessary part in the life . Some feels that lying is just like breathing .

  11. 你已成为我的爱,我的生活,一起塑造属于我们的世界,直至一切变得像呼吸一样自然。

    You have become my love , my life , and together we have shaped our world until ie seems now as natural as breathing .

  12. 我将立即行动,然后,我将每时每分重复这句话,知道它成为我如同呼吸般自然地习惯,成为一种眨眼般的本能。

    Henceforth , I will repeat these words again and again , each hour , each day , until the words become as much as a habit as my breathing and the actions which follow become as instinctive as the blinking of my eyelids .

  13. 影响草地土壤呼吸的主要自然因子研究现状

    Research Status of Natural Factors Influencing Soil Respiration of Grassland Ecosystem

  14. 敬拜就如吃喝呼吸一般的自然。

    Worship is as natural as eating or breathing .

  15. 人工呼吸:在自然停止或呼吸困难时,用某种手法诱导呼吸的医疗操作。

    Artificial respiration : Breathing induced by any of several techniques in a person who has stopped or is having difficulty breathing .

  16. 能让脚和脚趾呼吸的凉鞋自然是每个炎炎夏日的必需品。

    Slipping into a pair of sandals to let your feet and toes breathe is definitely necessary in this blazing time of year .

  17. 因此,自然的歌唱好的歌唱应具备自然的歌唱心理状态、自然的呼吸状态、自然的发声状态以及自然的情感表达。

    Thus , natural singing and good singing should have natural psychological states , natural breathe , natural vocal states and natural expressions of emotion .

  18. 什么对你来说做起来最自然,就像在呼吸或者最自然地表露在你生命中的那些事情?

    What comes so naturally to you that when you are doing it , it feels like you 're just breathing and reveling in life on earth ?

  19. 世界如此之大,天无际,地无边,海无界,我却呼吸不到自然之气。

    The world is so big ! The sky is boundless , The earth is boundless , The sea is unbounded , but I couldn 't breathe air .

  20. 结果表明:蒜薹在(-0.5±0.5)℃、20.26~40.52kPa减压条件下贮藏,可显著降低呼吸强度和自然损耗率,抑制叶绿素分解和霉菌孢子的繁殖,防止粗纤维含量增加和可食率下降。

    The results show that stem stored at ( - 0.5 ± 0.5 )℃ and 20.26 ~( 40.52 kPa ) pressure can evidently reduce respiratory intensity and routine wastage , prevent chlorophyll from decomposing , crude cellulose from increasing , edible rate from falling , and mold spores from reproducing .

  21. 甲醛在我们呼吸的空气中自然存在,甚至是我们人体代谢的一部分。

    It occurs naturally in the air we breathe and is even part of the human metabolism .

  22. 在胡安妮塔的记忆中,加减乘除对自己来说早就是如同呼吸一样简单而自然了。

    For almost as long as Juanita could remember , adding , subtracting , multiplying , and dividing seemed as easy as breathing , and as natural .